tmls56 님이 작성:
Got my scolds+gloves+stampede+tabula. I think I'll work on next to get 6-link staff and then get inpulsa later on. Do you think cwc staff is still the end setup for this build or do you think the new awakened cwc gem will be the best in a different staff?
Also I think I'll replace VD with DD temporarily or replace conc effect with DD since VD has the weird bug of summoning very few orbs atm.
I didn't test awakened CwC yet. I'll let everyone know about my results.
I think that spell daggers could be alternative to the Shaper's CwC Staff this league. Mostly because of awakened CwC. I tested few rare daggers on my old character and looks like they are working pretty good. I'll keep investigating in this direction.
글 작성자:SiCH13#42112019. 12. 16. 오전 1:51:27
cuorebrave 님이 작성:
I've got problems, here. I have Scold's and Doedre's Malevolence, that part is fine. But, for the life of me, I can't replenish the health I'm losing. I previously had the chieftain's healing of the fire damage he does - but what's the Necro equivalent? How do I get back the health I lose every spell I cast? What's the trick to make this work?
Spirit offering should mitigate incoming damage.
글 작성자:SiCH13#42112019. 12. 16. 오전 1:54:39
cuorebrave 님이 작성:
I've got problems, here. I have Scold's and Doedre's Malevolence, that part is fine. But, for the life of me, I can't replenish the health I'm losing. I previously had the chieftain's healing of the fire damage he does - but what's the Necro equivalent? How do I get back the health I lose every spell I cast? What's the trick to make this work?
I do suggest an Incursion amulet with Fire Leeched as life. They're quite cheap this league and sustain you quite well.
Plus, Spirit Offering helps, and the more life you've got, the better it becomes
글 작성자:Daiug#26432019. 12. 16. 오전 7:19:56
SiCH13 님이 작성:
cuorebrave 님이 작성:
I've got problems, here. I have Scold's and Doedre's Malevolence, that part is fine. But, for the life of me, I can't replenish the health I'm losing. I previously had the chieftain's healing of the fire damage he does - but what's the Necro equivalent? How do I get back the health I lose every spell I cast? What's the trick to make this work?
Spirit offering should mitigate incoming damage.
Hey there, thanks for the response. Discovered this last night when I ascended in the lab for the third time.
If I could suggest, as a brand new Necro player, I think you should include in the guide that you ABSOLUTELY must take the Mistress of Sacrifice Necro node, for Spirit Offering - and by extension, the build as a whole - to work at all. I spent the majority of my Sunday, screaming at the heavens because even though I had Spirit Offering, it didn't seem to help. Turns out, it only helps me once I have that 3rd ascendency node!!
Once I took it, everything made sense, but I had no clue going in! I think it'd definitely help newer folks, or seasoned players coming into a new set of skills!
글 작성자:cuorebrave#68562019. 12. 16. 오전 11:30:22
cuorebrave 님이 작성:
SiCH13 님이 작성:
cuorebrave 님이 작성:
I've got problems, here. I have Scold's and Doedre's Malevolence, that part is fine. But, for the life of me, I can't replenish the health I'm losing. I previously had the chieftain's healing of the fire damage he does - but what's the Necro equivalent? How do I get back the health I lose every spell I cast? What's the trick to make this work?
Spirit offering should mitigate incoming damage.
Hey there, thanks for the response. Discovered this last night when I ascended in the lab for the third time.
If I could suggest, as a brand new Necro player, I think you should include in the guide that you ABSOLUTELY must take the Mistress of Sacrifice Necro node, for Spirit Offering - and by extension, the build as a whole - to work at all. I spent the majority of my Sunday, screaming at the heavens because even though I had Spirit Offering, it didn't seem to help. Turns out, it only helps me once I have that 3rd ascendency node!!
Once I took it, everything made sense, but I had no clue going in! I think it'd definitely help newer folks, or seasoned players coming into a new set of skills!
I'll probably write somewhere in the guide that Mistress of Sacrifice is mandatory for Scold's build variant. Thank you for advice.
글 작성자:SiCH13#42112019. 12. 16. 오후 1:11:31
I found another bug that happens sometimes.
GGG said that VD now has limit of 60 orbs. Now watch this:
I mean wtf is going on? Can I play the game please?
If someone has the same issues then write about it here:

SiCH13#4211 님이 2019. 12. 17. 오전 1:55:07에 마지막으로 편집
글 작성자:SiCH13#42112019. 12. 16. 오후 6:32:50
I was wondering if there is a reason you have a cwdt setup for desecrate but also for unearth on the same time while there is a corpse limit of 10?
글 작성자:busi#25092019. 12. 16. 오후 8:09:58
SiCH13 님이 작성:
Is this build still playable? Or we must wait fix bug?
Disintegrator is very rare in this league. Should i use soulwest version or Scold version for budget? If Scold should i use staff (Maybe Martyr will work) or 2 one hand weapon?
글 작성자:insangel0001#12132019. 12. 16. 오후 10:47:01
busi 님이 작성:
I was wondering if there is a reason you have a cwdt setup for desecrate but also for unearth on the same time while there is a corpse limit of 10?
There are separeted limit of 10 corpses for both skills.
글 작성자:SiCH13#42112019. 12. 17. 오전 1:55:58
insangel0001 님이 작성:
SiCH13 님이 작성:
Is this build still playable? Or we must wait fix bug?
Disintegrator is very rare in this league. Should i use soulwest version or Scold version for budget? If Scold should i use staff (Maybe Martyr will work) or 2 one hand weapon?
Build is playable. But there are a lot of little things that making me quit for a while. You can use DD without any issues until fix.
I'm playing Scold's variant with Martyr. You don't need Disintegrator to play this build. Any melee weapon can potentially work. I wrote few posts earlier about possible alternatives.
SiCH13#4211 님이 2019. 12. 17. 오전 2:06:46에 마지막으로 편집
글 작성자:SiCH13#42112019. 12. 17. 오전 2:06:17