[3.14] VolaBomber | CwC - Volatile Dead Necromancer | All Content

Kartikdon 님이 작성:
Just finished a VD scolds build. Was going to write a guide on it but you got this one going and they are similar enough warrant not doing it. And you did a nice write up already. So I will just leave you with my findings.

Great! Thank you dude. I will add your post after Q&A section as another build variation.
SiCH13#4211 님이 2019. 10. 1. 오전 11:07:39에 마지막으로 편집
I have 8 exalts, so is it possible to farm the uber elder?

Other than the basics for the build to work, what should be my focus on gear?
btw do i miss something or why do we only spawn 6 balls? desecrate spellcascade creates 10 corpses, cascade - Vd should use 9 of them. yet in reality it only manages to get 6, sometimes 7. and i cant understand why..

edit: something that came to my mind: it could be that desecrate - cascade creates corpses in an area like this

0 0 X (where X is no corpse) but VD casts in an area like this
0 0 0 and consumes 3 corpses in each area.

do the 7 corpses from unearth help with that? im currently only leveling and have to do it with cwc - desecrate - vd
unleashed666#6103 님이 2019. 10. 2. 오전 3:14:59에 마지막으로 편집
I'm having a strange problem.

Basically spirit offering isn't proccing enough to replace the amount of ES it is taking over a long period of time. Over 20 seconds it is fine, but the longer I spin, the faster I start killing myself. I went Ghost Reaver and annointed Light Eater and that seems to be making a massive difference in maps, which makes me feel a lot safer. But it isn't seemlessly topping me off and keeping me healthy like seems to be the point of the build. Any ideas?

Mana definitely isn't the issue. I'm full 99% of the time within 5 seconds of starting the channeling. (Have about 10k ehp with spirit offering up 5k life, 5kes if that matters)
This Build is insane. so much fun!

My HP is low, any recommendations?

What can I improve? I have 8EX to improve the build.
Scarecrow1990 님이 작성:
I'm having a strange problem.

You can get 27% CDR and drop Corpse Pact, with 1.25APS weapon equipped you have to make your ias to be under 34% (15% if 9% CDR).
I see. Dropped Corpse Pact and it and instantly solved my problem. Might have to suck it up and play around the issue. Never going to swap gear around for CD reduction and shock + chill is too good to lose.
Scarecrow1990 님이 작성:
I see. Dropped Corpse Pact and it and instantly solved my problem. Might have to suck it up and play around the issue. Never going to swap gear around for CD reduction and shock + chill is too good to lose.

I have to tell you that OP's setup doesn't proc enough time to sustain CWC's corpse consumption, CWDT has cooldown so it will take 4 swings to proc once with no Fevered Mind, you can see it as 35% less damage or 50% more damamge conversly.
hsingliu88 님이 작성:
Scarecrow1990 님이 작성:
I see. Dropped Corpse Pact and it and instantly solved my problem. Might have to suck it up and play around the issue. Never going to swap gear around for CD reduction and shock + chill is too good to lose.

I have to tell you that OP's setup doesn't proc enough time to sustain CWC's corpse consumption, CWDT has cooldown so it will take 4 swings to proc once with no Fevered Mind, you can see it as 35% less damage or 50% more damamge conversly.

That's very interesting. I think I only tenuously understood what you said, but interesting nonetheless lol.

I accidentally found a solution to the damage problem. Charging Offensive generates frenzy and endurance charges, with them on I seem to be taking a whole lot less damage. I wouldn't have thought the phys reduction was enough, but I can now spin forever in my hideout now. Yay for accidents I guess?
hsingliu88 님이 작성:

I have to tell you that OP's setup doesn't proc enough time to sustain CWC's corpse consumption, CWDT has cooldown so it will take 4 swings to proc once with no Fevered Mind, you can see it as 35% less damage or 50% more damamge conversly.

I don't understand what you mean.

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