[3.9] Self-cast Detonate Dead |all content, Shaper, Uber Down | 12-17mill DPS minmaxed | Very Tanky
" Just took a look, like you said your gear should be doing the trick for now. Your cast rate doesn't seem much different than mine, does it look slower to you compared to the video? It might be a case of gem levels and quality. Your desecrate looks to be the worst offender, as without quality or levels you're missing out on at least 32% increased cast speed. A 19/20 faster casting is like 8c and a 20/23 desecrate is around 53c, going for those will give you the biggest quality of life imo. Detonate Dead counts as consuming a corpse for Corpse Pact, so it's not just by getting hit for Bone Offering but by naturally using DD we ramp up our cast speed and damage Atziri is a mechanical fight, you need to replace intensify for conc effect to reduce your aoe so that you don't hit the Mirror Clone which has refect (unfortunately we're not reflect immune...) Also try desecrating so that the corpses only hit one clone, preferably not the mirror clone ;) Some other tips: Vaal Clarity is better as level 1, the extra flat mana regen isnt really worth the reservation (You're effectively trading 300 mana for 100 mana regen) and the main reason we want it is for the Watcher's Eye. AoE nodes aren't worth it since AoE is quite good already with Pledge, I'd respec the aoe staff nodes in top left for Aqueous Accelerant on right side which will give you a lot more mana regen and therefore damage and tankiness. Your far right jewel also isn't doing you any favors, but I see you need it for the resistances and you're likely already aware. cbasz#4613 님이 2020. 1. 15. 오전 2:25:11에 마지막으로 편집
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@Leedly thanks for the cost info. I'm 1/2 ay spec'ed over and I think I am going to test this out with a 5L just to see what I think of it first.
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Hi There. this build is awesome,
my silly question is how do you keep your righteous fire without draining your health, i read if you had the Agnostic i can't even see that, and looking at your path of building link, you don't have it selected too sorry, i'm not very good with builds..... |
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" Thanks! Those helped! I just killed my first Conq with 4 stones active - which I'll have to do like 25 more times - and it was hella slow, almost 2 mins i'd say. What should I start investing in first? I was thinking about xoph's, but pob said it really doesn't give that much more damage - and I quite like bisco's. I was thinking RF but I really don't think I have the sustain, my mana flask ran out halfway through that fight and it only came back up a couple of times. I'm back up to a few exa to put into the build, but I'm really not sure what would help here, unless unnatural and a few more stats and then RF so I could just facetank down the bosses, but not sure what else - I really don't see where all your damage comes from compared to mine xd. Thanks a lot for the help!! I'm dying pretty often at lvl 90, I really wanted to use this build to push 100, it seems really tanky I must be doing something wrong, I'm just getting shit on by legendaries in t15's - nowhere near top content. " It's a very confusing build ;) "The Agnostic" Appears when a militant faith is slotted into a jewel socket. You can then allot one point to "The Agnostic" which takes over any keystone passive in the radius, which looks like this: https://i.imgur.com/lYRIYkI.jpg Leedly#0514 님이 2020. 1. 15. 오후 5:53:56에 마지막으로 편집
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" Hi, no need to apologize, this is what the build forums are for :) Your question is actually super complicated to answer and not at all silly haha: TLDR: agnostic keeps our health up with RF as long as we have enough max mana and mana regen RF does 22.5% per second after fire resistance. Assuming Cloak of Defiance (so 40% MoM), that gets reduced to 13.5% of your life per second, and drain 9% of your life per mana. The remaining 13.5% gets covered by Agnostic, which amounts to having RF work on our mana instead of our life people (as per Mark’s second paragraph here https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/dks8iy/questions_thread_october_21_2019/f4ohc52/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf ) As a result, running Agnostic with RF is equivalent to a 6.5% extra life regen and 39% more spell damage at the cost of 22.5% mana degen. Luckily, that mana degen is covered if you have your mana potion active or consumed a corpse recently. Up to you to decide if trading defenses for offense is worth it here. As a bonus note in case you’re curious, the other parts of Mark’s comments don’t particularly apply to us since we’re not stacking life regen to counter RF. It does however stop us from “double dipping” from indigon + mana flask regen, which would have been pretty cool (but not necessary) Hope I could answer your question! EDIT: I think I completely wooshed and overanalysed your question... As Leedly said, the timeless jewel Militant Faith, conquered by Venarius transforms a keystone in the radius to the Agnostic (in our case the Mind Over Matter or Elemental Equilibrium keystones) which you can then allocate to get the bonus cbasz#4613 님이 2020. 1. 15. 오후 6:10:04에 마지막으로 편집
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" In order of what I’d prioritize: Xoph’s is a bigger upgrade than you’d think, you have to tick the “enemies covered in ash” box in PoB. Also remember that 3.9 buffed boss’s hp immensely, so everything will seem to do less damage than in the videos. If you’re dying then RF is definitely off the table. Consider using Vigilant Strike with The Vigil in that free socket, lets you get a long fortify if you remember to use it which amounts to 20% more eHP Getting 20/20 gems will boost your dps a lot, as well as capping your res so you can use better jewels (or an unnatural instinct, but that would be for a later upgrade). Grabbing mysticism with intuitive leap lets you sustain frenzy charges more or less, which is an extra damage boost. If you plan on keeping your biscos, you should choose a different annointment, either offense (heart of flames) or defensive (soul of steel, inexorable, etc.) depending on your budget. You’re probably aware but your rares can be upgraded. Check if there are any cheap indigons with low mana cost increase and higher increased spell damage, the difference in ramp up speed as well as staying ramped can be quite noticeable, but this would be after investing in the previous. (This was from a quick look at your profile, i’ll edit if i think of more once i can look at PoB again) cbasz#4613 님이 2020. 1. 15. 오후 6:31:04에 마지막으로 편집
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I'm gonna go for xoph's with the annoint, It should be in my budget right now. That being said, I'd rather stay alive than doing more damage, since bossing is the only time I need it - but I damaging them much quicker would help too!
Got it with annnoint - damage is definitely far higher - still getting oneshot by random mobs from time to time, but t16 conq's didn't kill me, and i managed a guardian map from zana. A5 sirus it was taking me about a 5 minute pace until I invited someone to finish it off. I don't know, I was just hoping with this investment already I wouldn't be getting oneshot. The heal is insane, but I'm dying to oneshots still. Some are avoidable, but there's a lot going on and DD lags me pretty bad on a beefy PC. I'm not sure what would help to make me actually able to tank all content, which is what I'm really hoping to do. Even if it means investing in some crazy 10ex influenced rare or something else, I'd just like a goal to go for - just improving my rares doesn't feel like it'll do the trick. I did look into the vigilant strike, but it says it needs a melee weapon to work, is that true or is there a way around it? Also, just looking around, is there a chance Golem Commander is viable with a flame or lightning golem? Looks like it could be a substantial damage increase but I'm not certain. edit again - I've got a nearly gg indigon now and I'll be trying to get it enchanted with % chance to detonate - if that's just 45% of the 100% base that seems insane and may be a lot of the problems I'm feeling with the build (still getting BLOWN up in t16 maps though :P ) Leedly#0514 님이 2020. 1. 16. 오후 4:28:11에 마지막으로 편집
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Okay... Just swapped out intensify for conc effect. I was having issues standing still long enough to get really anything out of intensify, whether clearing or bossing (need to doge faster than it takes to get to 3-4)
I lost no AOE clear, but my damage is up over 33%, maps are feeling way better already. Again i'm not that knowledgeable at PoE yet, but this definitely feels like it should be the default, it's insane! Leedly#0514 님이 2020. 1. 16. 오후 5:02:16에 마지막으로 편집
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Ok, so I have this build running and have most gear but a 5L staff for the moment. Pretty interesting build.
I read the past comments about Militant Faith/Agnostic and in my case, it converted mom into the Agnostic. So I assume that means I no longer have that 30% mom. If I refund it, is it possible that I can allocate the Agnostic where EE is and then retake mom as mom? I assume if I am really losing that 30% mom that lowers the overall eHP which in metamorph is not great... Hope that makes sense I am confused. Timeless jewels are baffling to me :) |
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" You don't need the MOM node as it's on cloak of defiance - but that ele damage socket isn't the best place for miliant, you want it where we have it for all the devotion, which is what makes miliant so strong. It turns minor stat nodes into devotion, and various timeless's will buff you based on the timeless buff. For example. i have "3% increased effect of non-damaging ailments" which is very strong for curses etc - and then the 70 devotion I get lets that stack to 21% - which is insane. Plus - agnostic is a core of the build's sustain and really makes it work. |
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