[3.13] HC/SC/SSF All Content Miner - Any Mine Skill - LL/CI - 12k ES w/ Videos!

chairfight 님이 작성:
ErueTV 님이 작성:
Trying to follow this guide but oh man does this seem like a mess. There was not much thought in the overall layout of this guide and one of the hardest things for me to follow is the gems and links. In the PoB there are 4 total gems specified for going to weapon two/shield, not sure what the reasoning is for this as it's not explained. As someone who has played for a while followed different builds this one has not been easy and at this point I'm considering giving up on my BL miner. The damage is weak and I'm certain I've messed up the passive tree tremendously at this point and lack the currency to correct a lot of my mistakes.

Hey man,
I'd like to preface this with: I'm not an expert on Ball Lightning Miner's, this too is my first league trying one out. With that said after scouring poe.ninja and doing skill tree heat map comparisons and reading through this guide about 30 times I think I can make some suggestions:

1. This is the Skill Tree you want: https://pastebin.com/MyTGJhTB

Note: If you look at my character you'll notice I'm not using this skill tree. I'm using the older version of the skill tree and I'm currently saving up a little currency to swap to the skill tree I posted above. After working it out in POB this skill tree has a nice chunk more damage than the classic version

2. Gems (Low Life)

6 Link - Ball Lightning Setup
* Ball Lightning
* Trap and Mine Damage Support
* Swift Assembly Support
* Slower Projectiles Support
* High Impact Mine Support
* Lightning Penetration Support / Awakened Lit Pen

Main Hand 3 Link - Arrogance Auras
* Precision (Keep this low level, you only have so much life you can reserve)
* Clarity (Keep this low level, you only have so much life you can reserve)
* Arrogance Support (Level this is as high as you can get it. You'll be limited by strength requirements here so don't sweat it too much. Mine is like level 6 or so right now)

Offhand - Prism Guardian Auras
* Wrath
* Zealotry
* Discipline

4 Link - More Auras
* Summon Skitterbots
* Enfeeble
* Blasphemy Support
* Enlighten Support (You can manage with a level 2 enlighten but you won't be able to lay all 19 mines if you're running Aspect of the Spider. Level 3+ is recommended)

4 Link - Movement Skill
* Flame Dash
* Second Wind Support
* Faster Casting Support
* Arcane Surge Support (Keep this a low level (3) otherwise you'll be too tight on mana to be able to flamedash)

4 Link - CWDT Setup
* Immortal Call (Or whatever defense skill you like)
* Cast When Damage Taken Support
* Flex slot (I don't have anything currently in these slots. I'm just using it to level up enlightens)
* Flex slot

3. Gear - His gear section is on point.

4. Is this build viable in 3.14?
I'm level 91 right now and I can say the clear speed on T16 maps is good and the boss damage is great even with the gear I have. T16 ultimatums have been doable depending on the map mods. I still probably RIP about 30% of the time but it's usually because I'm running a RIPPY map to begin with.

In my experience this is not a cheap build if you're looking to one-shot pop bosses. I've got about 30ex invested and there's still probably another 30ex or so more to go before I match his gear in POB. This build is squishy up until you get a good chunk of ES and the Machina Mitts / Bottled Faith. I'm up to 400+ deaths as I type this but it has been steadily slowing down as I've sunk more currency into the build.

I found that I could comfortably run up to T11-T12 with the CI gear setup he recommends but the maps were slow at this this tier and I was getting hit pretty hard. T9-T10 is probably what you want to be running without going low life and you should be able to just crush those maps. Prior to boosting my damage and going low life I could not do any Ultimatums reliably.

If you have any other questions DM me or message me in game if you see me online.

Sadly, the mechanic in this league is really punishing for Mine/Slam build the most. you cant stand still even if you don't have ground effect or the mobs will just shred you to pieces.
Edit: they updated the league mechanic to have spawn less mobs, we're doing much better now, shouldnt die easily to those anymore.
ssampiseth 님이 2021. 4. 29. 오후 12:00:08에 마지막으로 편집
this still alive in 3.15? :)

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