I kinda love the idea of taking forbidden power for increasing our aoe. The relatively small aoe of vortex is definitely slowly down clear speed and idk if profane bloom is helping.
I'm currently still cursing with orb of storms, so storm brand might help that issue a bit
글 작성자:nbriles2000#10722021. 4. 20. 오후 12:06:04
nbriles2000 님이 작성:
I kinda love the idea of taking forbidden power for increasing our aoe. The relatively small aoe of vortex is definitely slowly down clear speed and idk if profane bloom is helping.
I'm currently still cursing with orb of storms, so storm brand might help that issue a bit
I will try it out for science and let you know.
I was looking at the skill tree and if you take the 2 points in power charge near the Mystic Bulwark passive then you'll also get an additional 4% spell power per power charge. That will be 20% spell damage, 30% increased damage, 30% increased aoe, and 200% crit chance.
글 작성자:Fizzx_Gaming#53792021. 4. 20. 오후 12:47:40
Hi Shak,
I just wanted to say thanks a lot for this build guide. As someone that has played a lot of POE in the past, wrote this build off due to the playstyle I "imagined" vortex it to be, and becoming more casual on this game, I am appreciative of this guide.
I'm going to just beat the challenges in this league and take my filthy casual time lol.
This is similar to a storm shield meteor sorc from d2. Thanks dude.
글 작성자:zage#50222021. 4. 20. 오후 12:48:06
What is the benefit of having both Storm Brand and Orb of Storms in the wand trigger? Since the wand only procs one at at a time every 8 seconds wouldn't it be better to use just one or the other and then add in the hextouch so that we are always cursing when the wand goes off?
Otherwise Frostbite only casts like every 24 seconds.
Maybe I am not understanding the mechanics correctly but with Orb, frostbite, and brand it would look something like this:
Initial cast - Orb of Storms > 8s later Storm Brand > 8s later Frostbite > repeat every 8 seconds.
Also after it does Frostbite then we have a long period of no lightning damage so our EE will be buffing their cold resist since we do not have the constant lightning damage to counter our cold hits.
If we were to use Orb or Storm plus Hextouch and Frostbite wouldn't we get a curse every 8 seconds as well as a much more consistent EE/EO?
글 작성자:Fizzx_Gaming#53792021. 4. 20. 오후 1:00:11
Fizzx_Gaming 님이 작성:
nbriles2000 님이 작성:
I kinda love the idea of taking forbidden power for increasing our aoe. The relatively small aoe of vortex is definitely slowly down clear speed and idk if profane bloom is helping.
I'm currently still cursing with orb of storms, so storm brand might help that issue a bit
I will try it out for science and let you know.
I was looking at the skill tree and if you take the 2 points in power charge near the Mystic Bulwark passive then you'll also get an additional 4% spell power per power charge. That will be 20% spell damage, 30% increased damage, 30% increased aoe, and 200% crit chance.
I was thinking the same thing! Keep us posted about how it goes.
Im surprised how little aoe shak has in his endgame trees. I think I'm gonna try and get as much as reasonably possible
글 작성자:nbriles2000#10722021. 4. 20. 오후 1:04:41
Fizzx_Gaming 님이 작성:
What is the benefit of having both Storm Brand and Orb of Storms in the wand trigger? Since the wand only procs one at at a time every 8 seconds wouldn't it be better to use just one or the other and then add in the hextouch so that we are always cursing when the wand goes off?
Otherwise Frostbite only casts like every 24 seconds.
Maybe I am not understanding the mechanics correctly but with Orb, frostbite, and brand it would look something like this:
Initial cast - Orb of Storms > 8s later Storm Brand > 8s later Frostbite > repeat every 8 seconds.
Also after it does Frostbite then we have a long period of no lightning damage so our EE will be buffing their cold resist since we do not have the constant lightning damage to counter our cold hits.
If we were to use Orb or Storm plus Hextouch and Frostbite wouldn't we get a curse every 8 seconds as well as a much more consistent EE/EO?
I just tested this out and it doesn't appear that the hextouch works when the Orb is cast with the trigger.
글 작성자:Fizzx_Gaming#53792021. 4. 20. 오후 1:07:25
DeadBabyDave 님이 작성:
How important is it to have a cinderswallow before switching to CI? I've never done CI before so I'm not sure how much it adds to your QOL
You don't need it. It's a very nice flask to have eventually, but you can easily go CI without it.
글 작성자:Clerith#03682021. 4. 20. 오후 1:47:39
Clerith 님이 작성:
DeadBabyDave 님이 작성:
How important is it to have a cinderswallow before switching to CI? I've never done CI before so I'm not sure how much it adds to your QOL
You don't need it. It's a very nice flask to have eventually, but you can easily go CI without it.
Also another option is the Medium Cluster setup he shows in the End Game CI tree. The Brush with Death passive is like a "mini-Cinderswallow" effect wtihout the flask conditional. It smoothed out my ultimatums a LOT while waiting on Catarina.
글 작성자:Inseinity#13592021. 4. 20. 오후 2:46:02
Fizzx_Gaming 님이 작성:
What is the benefit of having both Storm Brand and Orb of Storms in the wand trigger? Since the wand only procs one at at a time every 8 seconds wouldn't it be better to use just one or the other and then add in the hextouch so that we are always cursing when the wand goes off?
Otherwise Frostbite only casts like every 24 seconds.
Initial cast - Orb of Storms > 8s later Storm Brand > 8s later Frostbite > repeat every 8 seconds.
My understanding is that this is not how the trigger spells work in the wand.
The 8 seconds is across all 3 spells, not for each spell, if you are self casting spells near constantly. If you are casting spells constantly, all 3 spells in the wand should trigger every 8 seconds on average.
It is not a 24 second window.
AndyLovesHisBge#5265 님이 2021. 4. 20. 오후 3:42:43에 마지막으로 편집
AndyLovesHisBge 님이 작성:
Fizzx_Gaming 님이 작성:
What is the benefit of having both Storm Brand and Orb of Storms in the wand trigger? Since the wand only procs one at at a time every 8 seconds wouldn't it be better to use just one or the other and then add in the hextouch so that we are always cursing when the wand goes off?
Otherwise Frostbite only casts like every 24 seconds.
Initial cast - Orb of Storms > 8s later Storm Brand > 8s later Frostbite > repeat every 8 seconds.
My understanding is that this is not how the trigger spells work in the wand.
The 8 seconds is across all 3 spells, not for each spell, if you are self casting spells near constantly. If you are casting spells constantly, all 3 spells in the wand should trigger every 8 seconds on average.
It is not a 24 second window.
I just tested it and you seem to be correct. Thank you
Fizzx_Gaming#5379 님이 2021. 4. 20. 오후 3:49:25에 마지막으로 편집
글 작성자:Fizzx_Gaming#53792021. 4. 20. 오후 3:49:12