[3.21] ShakCentral's Cold DoT Elementalist For Everyone

hadc 님이 작성:
kingkano 님이 작성:

That has gone crazy money. I remember looking when Don first mentioned it to me, it was about 10ex for the 2 stones I think, now its like what 90ex??

Yes when I first started looking at it was about 50ex for a set of the jewel. I paid 100ex in total.

Wow. Headhunter territory!! I think when I looked, POB doesn't really show it, so how good would you say it feels? Massive damage increase?
kingkano 님이 작성:
andrew8448 님이 작성:
Just got 100 with this build in league ^_^

Wow, amazing, well done! What content did you do for the 98-99-100 grind? Just maps?

I am close to hitting 97 and would like to push to 100, but I dunno if I have the time. I'd guess double or triple beyond with lots of packsize, abyss, breach etc, is the way to go.

T16s and delve. All solo. Mainly had to buy rusted sulphite scarabs in bulk. Was maddening lol. But got it done.
andrew8448 님이 작성:
kingkano 님이 작성:
andrew8448 님이 작성:
Just got 100 with this build in league ^_^

Wow, amazing, well done! What content did you do for the 98-99-100 grind? Just maps?

I am close to hitting 97 and would like to push to 100, but I dunno if I have the time. I'd guess double or triple beyond with lots of packsize, abyss, breach etc, is the way to go.

T16s and delve. All solo. Mainly had to buy rusted sulphite scarabs in bulk. Was maddening lol. But got it done.

Same strat here. Got to 100 with T16 and lots of delve
kingkano 님이 작성:
hadc 님이 작성:
kingkano 님이 작성:

That has gone crazy money. I remember looking when Don first mentioned it to me, it was about 10ex for the 2 stones I think, now its like what 90ex??

Yes when I first started looking at it was about 50ex for a set of the jewel. I paid 100ex in total.

Wow. Headhunter territory!! I think when I looked, POB doesn't really show it, so how good would you say it feels? Massive damage increase?

Around 10% DPS increase during bossing and 60% AOE increase while mapping. I think this is really only for end game because the gain is more for QOL (AOE) and you can gain DPS from many other ways so only get this when you have done all the other upgrades.

In POB you can select “do you have convergence” and it’ll show the increase in DPS but it’s only for 50% of the time and when there’s unique monster around you.

As for levelling, I'm also doing delve, been doing that since 3.15 but this time I'm doing around 400 depth since the build got tankier and... why not! Delve is surprisingly profitable this league!
hadc#4222 님이 2022. 3. 22. 오후 3:28:55에 마지막으로 편집
Hi guys. Shak's loot filter is oudated.
Any way to have a new one ?

Tanks a lot.
Lazybrain82 님이 작성:
Hi guys. Shak's loot filter is oudated.
Any way to have a new one ?

Tanks a lot.

I just use neversinks filters
The +2 duration +2 aoe gems shavs seems super rare. Have not seen one online :(

Edit: Eh I just grabbed a +2 duration and 50% crit reduction one instead
beeftrumpet#2675 님이 2022. 3. 23. 오후 1:28:33에 마지막으로 편집
beeftrumpet 님이 작성:
The +2 duration +2 aoe gems shavs seems super rare. Have not seen one online :(

Edit: Eh I just grabbed a +2 duration and 50% crit reduction one instead

+4 shavs is like 150ex. you can get a +2 +1 all gems which with empower is as good, maybe better, but those are over 100ex too.

+2 alone is a great boost. you can get a nice second stat as you discovered. I got +1 max resistances. but you can get increased ES, or reduced damage from your favourite source, etc.

I'm gonna start currency run for a +2 +1 I think. I'd like a mageblood but that seems so much currency!!
kingkano#6857 님이 2022. 3. 23. 오후 3:22:02에 마지막으로 편집
kingkano 님이 작성:
beeftrumpet 님이 작성:
The +2 duration +2 aoe gems shavs seems super rare. Have not seen one online :(

Edit: Eh I just grabbed a +2 duration and 50% crit reduction one instead

+4 shavs is like 150ex. you can get a +2 +1 all gems which with empower is as good, maybe better, but those are over 100ex too.

+2 alone is a great boost. you can get a nice second stat as you discovered. I got +1 max resistances. but you can get increased ES, or reduced damage from your favourite source, etc.

I'm gonna start currency run for a +2 +1 I think. I'd like a mageblood but that seems so much currency!!

+2AOE/Duration with +1 socketed gives very slightly higher DPS (Maybe 1/2%) if you have empower 4. +4 Shav usually cheaper than +2 +1, you just have to monitor the trade offers for a bit and buy only when you get a good deal. For most people, a +4 or +2+1 shav will be the end game upgrade 🙂
Could somebody look at my build for me if you have a second. I am going off donbrawlers build as a guide and for the life of me I cant see how they have 75% attack/spell block. I am at 64/72 and cant figure out why.
No doubt I am overloooking something obvious but cant spot what it is

I did look for +1/+2 but there was only 3 availalbe and not with the socket colours I wanted
beeftrumpet#2675 님이 2022. 3. 23. 오후 5:30:26에 마지막으로 편집

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