[3.23] 🧙‍♂️⚡BattleTrapper 2024 by 📺/ThatDanishFellow ✔️A9 ✔️HC ✔️Block ✔️All-Content ✔️L-Starter ✔️UPD🔥TES

Exited to try this build.
Gonna be my first expirience in trap builds.
Give it a shot tomorrow.
How good in Delve ? I like dig )
Btw thanks for leveling trees.
Everything is smooth as butter! lvl 40 now and just steaming ahead steadily, lab easily done and bosses easily taken down. :)

Current gear.
Im brand new and want to so this build, but the skills, which ones do I go for first? Can you edit it to where it shows what to get like from level 1-10 11-20 etc :) If not, I guess I can figure it out.

Thanks for the build either way, looks good :)
Aztrokiller 님이 2019. 12. 13. 오후 10:37:10에 마지막으로 편집
How controlled destruction works? That skills doesnt remove the critical?
Aztrokiller 님이 작성:
Im brand new and want to so this build, but the skills, which ones do I go for first? Can you edit it to where it shows what to get like from level 1-10 11-20 etc :) If not, I guess I can figure it out.

Thanks for the build either way, looks good :)

Hey mate, check my character list (just click my name and have a look at DissentXTV) I'm always rushing the right side of the skill-tree first for the damage. :)
i'm level 74, all thinks are easy by far, but, i dont know how to progress now, i'm juist buying the offering cards for get shavrone, but, a lot of mana its reserved and its hard to sustain three auras.

I dont know how to post my char, but i got tabula (farming) in like 5 hours.
curious on how this build does in the defense department? damage looks good but hard to tell total numbers
fentowninya 님이 2019. 12. 14. 오전 4:41:40에 마지막으로 편집
Starting to map now, Tabula is my only valuable item atm.

I would really wanna know if lightning trap is better than arc-trap (taking in account that NOT all projectile hit the target...and sometime from 5 mobs 1 remain alive...). POB doesnt help me since both spells have different mechanics.... Anyone could help me?
ozzye666 님이 작성:
I would really wanna know if lightning trap is better than arc-trap (taking in account that NOT all projectile hit the target...and sometime from 5 mobs 1 remain alive...). POB doesnt help me since both spells have different mechanics.... Anyone could help me?

One thing OP doesn't mention in the main thread that I feel helps a lot for clear speed is that if you do NOT have a 3 extra pierce helmet enchant it feels like pierce is a superior link for clear speed rather than using lightning pen/controlled destruction or whatever other link you use. I've been using it since the start and im still mapping on a 4l atm with no issues and I just swap it for slower proj on tougher boss kills if needed.
Wyra 님이 2019. 12. 14. 오전 11:29:52에 마지막으로 편집

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