[3.23] 🧙‍♂️⚡BattleTrapper 2024 by 📺/ThatDanishFellow ✔️A9 ✔️HC ✔️Block ✔️All-Content ✔️L-Starter ✔️UPD🔥TES

Almost 91 running t12-14 but damage feels low now.. and metamorphs take a while to kill... Is there anything to improve besides grinding so much currency for 6l shavs? I got around 7.3k ES
AlextazY 님이 작성:
Almost 91 running t12-14 but damage feels low now.. and metamorphs take a while to kill... Is there anything to improve besides grinding so much currency for 6l shavs? I got around 7.3k ES

Hello there!
Do not underestimate the power of 6-link! Running 5-link on T12-T12 is kinda badass.
Don't forget about Trap or Lightning damage mods on your jewels.
Use flasks like

Stack some pure lightning damage on your weapon like

Improve your gloves to get pseudeo 5-6 link for LST (huge damage boost on bosses, Mets included).

masrood 님이 2019. 12. 24. 오전 3:34:40에 마지막으로 편집
AlextazY 님이 작성:
Almost 91 running t12-14 but damage feels low now.. and metamorphs take a while to kill... Is there anything to improve besides grinding so much currency for 6l shavs? I got around 7.3k ES

Exchange controlled destruction with elem focus gem.
I'm 90 and doing red bosses np so far, on 13th wachstone atm as i've not had the usual same amount of time to play the league yet:)

Also what masrood said about your jewels is true, they lack damage - take a look at mine and the examples in the guide, you want multipliers.
oestergreen 님이 2019. 12. 24. 오전 6:44:44에 마지막으로 편집
Im currently inbetween phase of the build. I feel single target dmg is biggest lackluster atm for me. Any tips to work this as in gems, passives or Im thinking new gloves for spire.
Hartsa 님이 작성:
Im currently inbetween phase of the build. I feel single target dmg is biggest lackluster atm for me. Any tips to work this as in gems, passives or Im thinking new gloves for spire.

Mate, your gems are still low, for 2c you can get a lvl 21 Ltrap gem.
You are using herald of thunder? it's not part of this build and drop CD for elemen focus as it says in the guide if you feel you lack ST damage. :)
oestergreen 님이 2019. 12. 24. 오전 9:08:47에 마지막으로 편집
*deleted this post, need to test some stuff first, nm this post*
oestergreen 님이 2019. 12. 24. 오전 8:54:53에 마지막으로 편집
i was looking at the PoB tree at level 80 and you have very few ES nodes

shouldn't you be CI/low life by level 80?

shouldn't there be more ES nodes ?

Maybe some more guidelines for mid-gear?
Bcoz now we have pre-shav and endgame luxury.
What about budget gear< if u have shav
Hello guys

Just stumbled upon this luxury upgrade >


Maximum Life Converted to Energy Shield mod should be considered as "defensive" modifier - upped by tempering catalyst up to 24% from 20% (did not test myself).
Hey, DissentxTV :)
Just wanted to say that I changed some items in build.
Gloves now have trap lvl 22 and slower projectile 16 --- setup for lightning spire trap + light penetration+contolled destruction + trap and mine dmg
Helmet with pierce enchant and 180 ES and -light resistance to nearby enemies and some res
Boots with 25MS only + ress to make all ress 80 so i can use properly wise oak potion.

What do you think about those changes and what i need to focus on, to upgrade :)

Thank you sir !

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