[3.23] 🧙‍♂️⚡BattleTrapper 2024 by 📺/ThatDanishFellow ✔️A9 ✔️HC ✔️Block ✔️All-Content ✔️L-Starter ✔️UPD🔥TES

Namper 님이 작성:
What item level are we looking at for the crusader rings and belt? 84 as is the shield?

Thanks in advance!

84 rings, shield is 86 as optimal :)

oestergreen 님이 2021. 11. 12. 오후 7:12:02에 마지막으로 편집

Builds been solid this league and I'm starting to feel slightly weak with my damage in a select few encounters. I've got a cluster ready to socket but don't have enough points yet unless I sacrfice some defense. Starting to run out of things to upgrade other then gloves w/trap throw speed. Opted for block gloves instead until I craft a solid shaper base. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
trollzilla 님이 작성:

Builds been solid this league and I'm starting to feel slightly weak with my damage in a select few encounters. I've got a cluster ready to socket but don't have enough points yet unless I sacrfice some defense. Starting to run out of things to upgrade other then gloves w/trap throw speed. Opted for block gloves instead until I craft a solid shaper base. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Your weapon is very very subpar compared to the rest of your gear m8.
It's missing at minimum T1 lightning to spells and crit multiplier, 2 really important mods. Atm your weap only has 2 mods, basically.

You have a 14ex flask, but a 20c weapon ;P so it's kinda unbalanced for sure and definitely holding you back, bigtime. With your current gear and a proper weapon you should be melting any endgame boss (AW9, maven, shaper etc)

After you fix a weapon, you should consider switching to the end-game tree for sure. It has 10 sockets instead of 5, so plenty of room to grow even further in damage.
oestergreen 님이 2021. 11. 12. 오후 11:02:18에 마지막으로 편집
got this sweetie last night. Will try to remove speed and slam exalt
Toughest26 님이 2021. 11. 13. 오전 3:15:53에 마지막으로 편집
Yea, I kinda just forgot about the weapon lmao.
Got this, no trigger craft but w/e. I just changed over to the new tree, missed out on roughly 800ES but 7600 should be good for now.

edit: Not sure if I'm bought on the switch, mana is fucked now and my damage doesn't seem to be significantly boosted. Idk, might be missing something.

I think I might've maintainted damage but lost defense from switching to the endgame tree. I somehow lost crit chance and shit so I'm awfully confused.
trollzilla 님이 2021. 11. 13. 오후 2:16:21에 마지막으로 편집
Hello, thank you for this guy i realy love traps, and u are my go to guy about them, but i have question, what masteries u think works good with the build?

thank you in advance :)

I just levelled this char and it was a breeze and was delving it to level it.
Just hit 88. Clear seems fine but Single Target is a bit on the low side takes almost a minute to kill a T15 ( I wasnt planning to do T14s and above just yet but needed an antifreee pantheon so gave it a shot)

What do you think I need to upgrade from this point on. (still in CI mode) Also at which point should I switch to low life?

trollzilla 님이 작성:
Yea, I kinda just forgot about the weapon lmao.
Got this, no trigger craft but w/e. I just changed over to the new tree, missed out on roughly 800ES but 7600 should be good for now.

edit: Not sure if I'm bought on the switch, mana is fucked now and my damage doesn't seem to be significantly boosted. Idk, might be missing something.

I think I might've maintainted damage but lost defense from switching to the endgame tree. I somehow lost crit chance and shit so I'm awfully confused.

Feels the same for me, especially about the mana :/
n4zroth 님이 작성:
trollzilla 님이 작성:
Yea, I kinda just forgot about the weapon lmao.
Got this, no trigger craft but w/e. I just changed over to the new tree, missed out on roughly 800ES but 7600 should be good for now.

edit: Not sure if I'm bought on the switch, mana is fucked now and my damage doesn't seem to be significantly boosted. Idk, might be missing something.

I think I might've maintainted damage but lost defense from switching to the endgame tree. I somehow lost crit chance and shit so I'm awfully confused.

Feels the same for me, especially about the mana :/

Take a look at my gems. (My scourge character)

If you have the same, then you shouldn't struggle for mana and if you have the same tree, you should be obviously able to reserve the same gems. (my enlighten is only lvl 2, i'll have even more mana when it gets to 3, but i still got plenty atm, 90 mana and lvl 13 clarity --- IF I remove my enlighten entirely I still got 40 mana)

As for damage, use POB to measure your damages and you can see the end-game tree is a big boost. I mean, it's self-explanatory, having double cluster for twice as much PEN with 10 jewel sockets vs having 5 before, is in itself a huge DPS boost assuming you're socketing jewels that aren't complete crap heh.

spacenoxx 님이 작성:

I just levelled this char and it was a breeze and was delving it to level it.
Just hit 88. Clear seems fine but Single Target is a bit on the low side takes almost a minute to kill a T15 ( I wasnt planning to do T14s and above just yet but needed an antifreee pantheon so gave it a shot)

What do you think I need to upgrade from this point on. (still in CI mode) Also at which point should I switch to low life?

You're not really supposed to clear T14-16 as CI in this build.
CI is meant for early mapping while you make currency for a Shavs.

The fact that you're able to even do T15's in CI is just a gj by you and you must have some quite decent gear.
Without LL, you're missing 2 of our biggest buffs, being a 30% more multiplier and Zealotry.

oestergreen 님이 2021. 11. 13. 오후 6:34:28에 마지막으로 편집
Hello, complete noob here.

I've been following your guide the best I could and the build is really fun. I tried to figure out as much as possible by myself without asking for help, but being it my fist time ever playing endgame (I've played few years ago and only did the campaign and this is my first "real" char since then) I could really use some direct pointers on what to focus next progression-wise.

I have a very nice budget of 10ex, cause my friends dropped a mirror and shared a little bit of the luck with me :-) What would be the priorities for me now? I still have to fix my atributes (I have 3 points wasted, I know about that), but I don't want to mess with my jewelry before I fix the bigger things. Or at least thats how I feel about it.

I would be really grateful for any pointers. My POB: https://pastebin.com/yTpk22zs

Thanks you for the fun build! I am really enjoying it :-)

EDIT: I also dropped an enlighten 2 days ago and am lvling it right now. How to use it most effectively?
MonkeSensei 님이 2021. 11. 14. 오전 8:29:23에 마지막으로 편집

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