[3.15] Spectral Shield Throw Bleed Gladiator - tanky & fast mapping - good scaling - all content

I love SST and have tried playing it multiple times but never the bleed glad variant. It always feels like a trap. Breeze through the game up till red maps where suddenly you realize there's so few ways to scale the damage that the build just falls off hard without stupid levels of investment that could have take 2 other builds to end game
DotsandDashes 님이 작성:
I love SST and have tried playing it multiple times but never the bleed glad variant. It always feels like a trap. Breeze through the game up till red maps where suddenly you realize there's so few ways to scale the damage that the build just falls off hard without stupid levels of investment that could have take 2 other builds to end game

ive enjoyed it on console but it has fallen off on red tier 12+ MAPS particularly with bad mods. Some of the melee skills get such high more multipliers to bleed inbuilt and with the elder mod its hard to compete.
Ran this as my league starter with a group and am curious as to how you hit the Intelligence requirement for the main hand weapon.

Also wondering if you have plans to toss up and updated tree with the changes to it this league.
I ran this also,i used the Prismatic Eclipse, don't think you can reach 80 int early at all.
Hope he does update the build, am making stuff up seems to be working pretty well, second lab with the explosions on kill really helped with clear. Am concerned about scaling, but well its first build of the league.
I think POB can convert this up just fine, its a matter now of if its still the same or if there's new hotness to take instead

Edit: Noticed they moved Iron Grip below the new Warcry wheel by Duelist. needs a Str point to get to.
SinR2012 님이 2020. 6. 21. 오후 11:19:51에 마지막으로 편집
I actually leveling a sst

Like u can see my gear is not perfect at all , and i swap my shield+armor because i got a lucky shav

Seems like act 4 i'm really slow to kill mob (even white mob) , consider to play with alternative skill until ur first lab !

Between the first and the second lab it's seems okayish (slow but okay) , after the second lab u kill mob like a breeze,but not bosses, provided that u got a 4L 3G/1R and a 500 armor or ev shield

For my leveling i take the unique recommanded , i see a small difference between the 500 and the 1k armor shield ( like 200 dmg tooltip and i already have 6k dps)
just swap 1k shield with magna eclipse if u feel low dmg , but the 1k shield is ok until t6+

Recommanded : take the nodes poison and bleeding(cluster of 3) at the bottom of the duelist asap , it give a gg dps boost if u decide to level with sst at lv 12

Hey. Sorry for the late update. Was busy this week and league started in SSF which also consumed more time then planned ;)

The pob is nearly the same as in 3.10.


I updated it a bit. With a small travel to the right as the new Command of Steel is for sure worth the travel and also enables a two point socket.

I added 2 new example Clusters to the tree. But there is also no big change to our cluster jewels for Attack Damage and Phys Multi.

I also added Call to Arms + Enduring Cry to the build as an idea for easy Charges + good Recovery. Just put it on the left button and enjoy the buffs.

Intelligence can be a bit hard for the claw start, but if you cannot get it just go for the 3G Prismatic Alternative until your gear gets better.

If i find some time i will try to rework also the first page a bit to fit the new patch. But as already mentioned it's no big deal for SST as nothing important has changed.
Spectral Shield Throw Bleed Gladiator: www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2672813
Shattering Steel Gladiator: www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2839530
Thanks for the update. Really enjoying this build.
Has anyone else noticed that the ailment damage is not on the nodes leading to defiance and retaliation anymore? I really thought these nodes had ailment damage in 3.10? Looking at an older pob seems to confirm this.

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