[3.8] Bob's Burning Legion (exploding animated weapons since 1969)

Shleep 님이 작성:
I'm wondering what makes a scion ascendant your preference, rather than a straight-up pathfinder. From what I'm seeing, ascendants get like 4-5 more skill points and other semi-useful stats from their pool of choices, but pure pathfinders can get ailment immunity from flasks as well as a counter for bleed in the endgame.

I feel like ailment immunity and anti-bleed are very valuable for endgame, but maybe there's something I'm not seeing. I'm also curious about the build's defensive layers. I had a lot of fun with your chains of command build last year and it was surprisingly tanky in dangerous guardian maps. Can this build perform similarly?

Adding to the viability of a pure pathfinder option, it could also potentially generate flask charges with master surgeon and a high crit ball lightning with flammability CoH. Maybe this is unnecessary and blasphemy flammability is better? I'm itching for your input.

Teah so... after looking at it pathfinder looks AMAZING and should definetely be better for the endgame of this build, leveling as summoner is definetely worse but i guess you just level another way.

The survivability of this build is good against small hits but in this metamorph league is definetely not enough, pathfinder with some defensive flasks for mapping should feel WAY WAY better, but for bossing i dont really feel like trading damage from writhg jar for defense.
On my character i choose to go MOM and ACRO for defenses around 8K EHP and i still die in high end maps, to be honest if you want try this i would go pathfinder with the same setup i have on my scion.
take a look at this for some bossing gameplay https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gwp6WNSuIh4.
Igoref 님이 2020. 2. 1. 오후 7:01:00에 마지막으로 편집

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