[3.10]Burning Arrow ignite "Elementalist" | End game content | POB | Videos | 2-3M fullpower ignite

Furrkot32 님이 작성:
TY for this guide!!!
At the moment playing ur build with these gear:
and Watcher's Eye "- mana cost clarity"

If POB don't lie me, i can reach around 1 million ignite.
But it is far from ur result ((
And when i'm looking on ur POB (varriant 4), i can't understand - where did u get inspiration charges?

The inspiration charges was when i was experimenting with inspiration support(got nerfed by 5% this league), we dont use it anymore so it doesnt affect our dps

Your bow can be used in hillock transport for 28% quality, good dps boost there
Try to use a vorici in research on your bow, burning damage support is much better than unbound ailments, especially when your unbound ailments isnt awakened
Your circle of anguish is super damn good, possibly the best implicit we can ever get.

Your dps should be really close to mine, i might be slightly higher because i am using awakened support gems and a bottled faith(totally optional flask, its 9ex now)
My Builds/Stream

What's the better 6th link support, Swift affliction or Unbound Ailments? Assuming that we are using GMP for clearing and swapping that to Deadly Ailments against tough bosses?

Here is my new setup. Thanks for the advice. It is going alot better now. I just have to remember to never stand still. I usually play a very tanky build so it is still getting me killed occasionally when i try to tank a hit. But it is going a lot better. My next upgrade would be getting double piercing on my boots and a double dmg over time quiver.
docdocdocdoc#6217 님이 2021. 10. 8. 오후 10:08:08에 마지막으로 편집
Smerte 님이 작성:
What's the better 6th link support, Swift affliction or Unbound Ailments? Assuming that we are using GMP for clearing and swapping that to Deadly Ailments against tough bosses?

Ill keep deadly ailments up all the time if possible(get a xoph's nurture with white socket via vorici in research) gem swap gmp/unbound ailments, else use swift affliction instead

We dont really like swift affliction because it reduces the duration of the burning arrow debuff, meaning we have to attack more often
My Builds/Stream

Question! i saw essence of hysteria has this mod: Gloves: Socketed Gems deal 175 to 225 additional Fire Damage. Im trying to figure maybe we can use that to our advantage somehow? Would it work on auras and heralds, any idea? If yes - it's definetly way to go
arome1 님이 작성:
Question! i saw essence of hysteria has this mod: Gloves: Socketed Gems deal 175 to 225 additional Fire Damage. Im trying to figure maybe we can use that to our advantage somehow? Would it work on auras and heralds, any idea? If yes - it's definetly way to go

It might work with herald of ice and thunder, don't think it works with Ash, neither does it work with any other auras we use, probably no reason to build around that
My Builds/Stream

i cant see skill tree ;/ i dont know how pastebin works ;/ can anyone help me what?

IGN: nal_neith or nal_athena
nal_Raa 님이 작성:
i cant see skill tree ;/ i dont know how pastebin works ;/ can anyone help me what?


You can find path of building here https://github.com/Openarl/PathOfBuilding/releases

Just import the build using the pastebin link i have provided and u will be able to see the tree and the items/skills used in the build
My Builds/Stream


Other than +minion gem on helm and gem quality, what is the most important upgrade I should be looking for?

And what is your thought on dropping herald of ash for flesh and stone and using atziris step boots?

Thank youu !!!

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