[3.13] Power Siphon/Kinetic Blast Poison Assassin - Very fast and tanky poison wander

Can you update your guide and teh build to 3.16? Thank you in advance!
Yes please! It was the most enjoyable build so far, so please, update!
anybody try this in 3.20 ?

KB is working great, but power siphon damage is terrible.

can't figure it out.

I'm wondering if there was a nerf to barrage because the damage reduction when you use barrage is quite high.

edit: abandoned :-( Build is really fun, and straightforward to implement. fairly linear to ramp up through maps but lack of single target damage made red maps a chore. wish i could figure out what i was doing wrong.
plasticeyes 님이 2023. 1. 11. 오후 6:01:23에 마지막으로 편집

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