kakk 님이 작성:
I just noticed that you have allocated Whispers of Doom to your ring and Arsonist to your amulet in PoB. I do belive one of those will have to go.

Ring annointment goes, I just did it because PoB does not count awakened curse on hit gem properly, does not include extra curse
Ah, fair enough.
Wouldn't The Taming ring be a nice damage boost as well?
thinking about my next upgrades atm.
Just killed first T16 Guardians
Energetic92 님이 작성:
Wouldn't The Taming ring be a nice damage boost as well?
thinking about my next upgrades atm.
Just killed first T16 Guardians

The taming ring is actually a great addition for damage, did not think of that since I always try to have as much life as possible, but if you already got over 6k life taming would be perfect addition
semma_car19 thank you for the info, now is going easly after the change with caustic arrow and the other support gems; if i can do another question will be: when will I understand that I am ready to use the build with explosive arrow? there are essential requirements to be obtained first or statistics related to particular objects or is just me that dont understand something in the build? Thanks in advance.
DarkSiders96 님이 작성:
semma_car19 thank you for the info, now is going easly after the change with caustic arrow and the other support gems; if i can do another question will be: when will I understand that I am ready to use the build with explosive arrow? there are essential requirements to be obtained first or statistics related to particular objects or is just me that dont understand something in the build? Thanks in advance.

As soon as you get urself a tabula rasa and a quill rain, ur good to go, apart from that you need items that have life/resists/ele damage/fire damage over time multiplier and it is all good, this will take you with ease up until t12 maps after that you will need a better gear since they hit hard
Horswag 님이 작성:
What do we use as sustain if we're not running vitality and cant afford Watcher's eye yet, life leech? If so whats our source of it since PoB doesnt have any nodes for it, as far as i can see. I tried atziri's flask but it felt underwhelming.

P.s Btw only one awakened curse on hit support on the market rn and it costs 44 exalts, yesterday it costed 1 mirror.

One day later and there are three ranging from 20 to 35 ex. They'll probably be around 5ex or lower in a week
Yeah hopefully the price on curse on hit will drop.

I skilled the leech node and and it helped me with sustain more or less.

Bought this +3 lvl bow It feels like dps is lower than quill rain though, am i just wrong or should i have saved up more and bought a better one? Anything better than this spikes up in price from 3ex to 10

EDIt: i went ahead and made some upgrades. very noticeable increased in clear speed and single target damage is fine so far too

Does a jewel like this boost the actual burning damage? missing life but could be alot of extra damage

DotsandDashes#5054 님이 2019. 12. 21. 오후 2:45:16에 마지막으로 편집
this build sucks for this league, in really late-end-game , you will see what i mean... with all those conquerors , have fun.

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