[3.12] Brittleknee's Darkness Farmer - 200+ Depth, Fossils, Resonators, Currency - Video Included!

i think im too dumb:D still cant figure out how to find good spot for this build

I'm planning on running this build pretty soon and have a few questions for you about it. I saw in the video guide of yours that you were using coward's legacy and the overflowing chalice in replace of Lavianga's Spirit and a rare belt in some situations.

I understand the trade-off for flasks being faster mana regen (and health) using Lavianga's vs. more charge generation for your other mana flask with the Chalice. I don't really understand why you use cowards legacy though. What is the benefit you gain from being considered on low-life? Or is it the movement speed / attributes you were using this for?

Edit: just realized it is coward's chains you were using and guessing this was used for the 'Damage from Enemies Hitting you is Unlucky while you are Cursed with Vulnerability' ?

Wondering if you think the rare belt with Lavianga's is better than the other setups.

Meswell1 님이 2020. 4. 24. 오후 2:49:28에 마지막으로 편집
Hey, pretty chill build, currently farming about 180-250C/h , however looking for improvements. Any advice on what could be improved?
Militant Faith regen 0.6mana per 10 devotion and 1% increased effect of non-curse auras per 10dev.
Currently farming on 575depth. Running Frozen hollow as route is pretty easy and it's faster to run than through any other biome.
jane_marduk 님이 2020. 4. 26. 오후 1:33:20에 마지막으로 편집
Meswell1 님이 작성:
Edit: just realized it is coward's chains you were using and guessing this was used for the 'Damage from Enemies Hitting you is Unlucky while you are Cursed with Vulnerability' ?

Wondering if you think the rare belt with Lavianga's is better than the other setups.

She indeed was trying out the belt as a way to reduce damage taken from hits. I believe the most reliable solutions are proposed in the guide, but this is the area where you can experiment a bit.

jane_marduk 님이 작성:
Hey, pretty chill build, currently farming about 180-250C/h , however looking for improvements. Any advice on what could be improved?
Militant Faith regen 0.6mana per 10 devotion and 1% increased effect of non-curse auras per 10dev.
Currently farming on 575depth. Running Frozen hollow as route is pretty easy and it's faster to run than through any other biome.

Looks like all your stats are at least as good as in BK's example. If you want to use some CWDT setup, maybe you can adjust that. Immortal Call has a chance to be more efficient than Steelskin at low levels. You can add there Cold Snap as a source of Chilled Ground, not sure if it really helps by any measure though.
Xayazi 님이 2020. 5. 2. 오전 4:35:54에 마지막으로 편집
Thanks for the guide
Rainking82 님이 2020. 5. 6. 오전 3:40:26에 마지막으로 편집
Is the 2 level different just for switching from killing all to alira?
I don't get it how you are going to the right tree without any nodes connected.Also I don't have deadly inclinations node to my character.
Stealthknives 님이 2020. 5. 13. 오후 7:47:12에 마지막으로 편집
mronita44 님이 작성:
Is the 2 level different just for switching from killing all to alira?

Not sure what the original idea was, but you get 2 points for killing Kitava, so Eramir vs Alira + Kitava give the same result. The build from the main PoB link assumes Eramir's reward, so you can adjust around that.

Stealthknives 님이 작성:
I don't get it how you are going to the right tree without any nodes connected.Also I don't have deadly inclinations node to my character.

Ascendant's passive skills allow her to allocate passives from different starting points.

I don't know why you would want Deadly Inclinations here, but it's not visible normally, you can get it only through anointing an amulet.
Stupid question does this get any xp from darkness runs?
Korpivaellus 님이 작성:
Stupid question does this get any xp from darkness runs?


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