[3.9] Sidefx Shattering Steel - Shotguns are fun!

shattering steel is not melee skill
what passive skill in amulet?
dudek1 님이 작성:
what passive skill in amulet?

at the moment i have not decided what would be the best anoint so atm, just do what you think would be most helpful for you.
Why does your drawing suck? looks good otherwise
Lion's roar for projectile skill? Wut?
And why dont use lioneye's vision armour that the best armour for any projectile phys skill due to free pierce ---> 15% more damage?
SansMaslina6246 님이 2020. 1. 2. 오전 6:30:01에 마지막으로 편집
SansMaslina6246 님이 작성:
Lion's roar for projectile skill? Wut?
And why dont use lioneye's vision armour that the best armour for any projectile phys skill due to free pierce ---> 15% more damage?

you are actually correct. It should be a cinderswallow/atziri promise. Ill check into lioneye's
Did you find out if that chest is better?
drgnwngs 님이 작성:
Did you find out if that chest is better?

BiS chest would be -15 mana + attacks have % crit. Now you could also do explode + -15 mana or explode + crit if you want. for smoother clear.
How is this against the End-Game bosses?
What's the difference between this and the early version did by FastAF? Same items, same ascendancy, same tree.

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