[3.10] The highest DPS miner - 1.5 shapers per second

Any tips on further improvements?


+Ele per Devotion jewel
+Inc Dmg Zealotry and - mana cost clarity watcher's
+3 % inc life, crit and knock back jewels
I've just finished Shaper and Guardians with this build, I'll upload some videos soon :)
Arcane225 님이 작성:

Wow, good stuff and congrats! I'm impressed you survived two balls in a row from shaper, haha. Don't forget to tag bosses with Armageddon brand to proc ee.
3.9 Ball lightning miner https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2722511
3.4 Scorching Ray totems https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2129884
3.4 Champion facebreaker warchief totem https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2240387
Jenova798 님이 작성:
Any tips on further improvements?


+Ele per Devotion jewel
+Inc Dmg Zealotry and - mana cost clarity watcher's
+3 % inc life, crit and knock back jewels

Looks like you have all the basic gears, I recommend manual cast of wave of conviction so you have more control of when to apply it (after tagging boss with EE). You can improve your jewels by getting more crit multiplier or increased damage. Also might want to get more life/chaos res to make the build tankier. Lastly, you can divine the bottled faith to get closer to +2% crit, it makes a huge difference for our build.
3.9 Ball lightning miner https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2722511
3.4 Scorching Ray totems https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2129884
3.4 Champion facebreaker warchief totem https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2240387
hey i just wanna make a Hogm Farmer build , how much should i invest on this build to do it?
Hosein009 님이 작성:
hey i just wanna make a Hogm Farmer build , how much should i invest on this build to do it?

HoGM is absolutely doable on less than 10ex, it's more about how you play than your gear. Watch my video to check where I throw my mines and when to detonate them before you trigger each wave. None of the grandmasters gave me any trouble, I didn't even have time to read any names. At the least you will need a 6 link tremor rod and 20/20 gems,as well as kaoms and other high life rates. You don't need bottled faith but you have to have the same flasks I'm using in the video to deal with various ailments. That's about it!
3.9 Ball lightning miner https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2722511
3.4 Scorching Ray totems https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2129884
3.4 Champion facebreaker warchief totem https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2240387

HoGM is absolutely doable on less than 10ex, it's more about how you play than your gear. Watch my video to check where I throw my mines and when to detonate them before you trigger each wave. None of the grandmasters gave me any trouble, I didn't even have time to read any names. At the least you will need a 6 link tremor rod and 20/20 gems,as well as kaoms and other high life rates. You don't need bottled faith but you have to have the same flasks I'm using in the video to deal with various ailments. That's about it!

ok ty for answering , i'm gonna make it
Currently in the 70s level this one and enjoying it, but I'm running into a particular issue and feel like I'm going crazy:

My mines don't seem to detonate consistently. Just by standing around testing I can occasionally throw two clusters of mines and one of them just won't detonate for seemingly no reason. I've experienced numerous instances of mine detonation just being weird. I've double checked that the mines that aren't detonating aren't just the "refreshed" ones from Tremor Rod. Am I alone in this?

As evil_bison said, most likely the issue is how you are detonating the mines. It's hard to get used to but when you fight a boss you don't want to keep spamming detonate because then the maximum your chain will be is 5 or even less. You can practice throwing mines and detonating in your hideout to get a feel for how to achieve the maximum damage.

Watch this clip by Windz on how to get a longer detonate chain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lLEbdkPQbdw&t=91s

For some reason my ball lightning isn't chaining like that. I can do it with pyroclast but not with the bl version. What could be the problem?

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