[3.14] Kami's Life | LL | CI CoC Ice Nova Assassin | all Content | deep Delve | max Block

outlierlol 님이 작성:
I have two options:

37% CDR with headhunter and < 7.5 aps
57% CDR with crystal belt and < 10 aps

what would you recommend for mapping? I've never played a CoC build

That's a weird question :D

If you have a Headhunter - you play with Headhunter + Selfcurse + Any skill you want

Everything else doesn't matter
Rake7 님이 작성:
outlierlol 님이 작성:
I have two options:

37% CDR with headhunter and < 7.5 aps
57% CDR with crystal belt and < 10 aps

what would you recommend for mapping? I've never played a CoC build

That's a weird question :D

If you have a Headhunter - you play with Headhunter + Selfcurse + Any skill you want

Everything else doesn't matter

why is it weird? i want to play this exact build, i don't want to self curse
Migera 님이 작성:

- Watcher's Eye with ES on hit (save your life)

Question about this I also saw you can get up to 2.5% ES regen per second on WE. On 9k ES that's 225 ES per second same as hitting ~7.5x a second at 30ES a hit on a single target, but it also works in downtime on bosses. Wondering if it might be better for bossing? I had a build before that used Zealot's Oath and constant ES regen is pretty nice for some fights.

I know mapping you get more hits against groups but that doesn't seem to be my problem right now.

Second question - thoughts on defensive flask? Is the Stibnite smoke cloud blind better than the Basalt reduction? Not sure how the Blind cloud stacks with Mistwalker if at all.
If you have higher aps with your cyclone then the BP you got with your Cdr listed above you gonne start missing to cast Ice Nova through the Coc Gem cause the Cooldown of it isn't ready. This could end up in a ~50% loss of dps!

Oh what a night and day change it was getting a belt with Increased cooldown recovery. What you said about it could be up to 50% dmg loss is so true. Just trying to highlight the importance if other people should see this and think "oh, it cant be that bad" - it is. Definitely try to aim for the breakpoints before you upgrade all your other stuff if you think you need dps
SuperBurgers 님이 작성:
Migera 님이 작성:

- Watcher's Eye with ES on hit (save your life)

Question about this I also saw you can get up to 2.5% ES regen per second on WE. On 9k ES that's 225 ES per second same as hitting ~7.5x a second at 30ES a hit on a single target, but it also works in downtime on bosses. Wondering if it might be better for bossing? I had a build before that used Zealot's Oath and constant ES regen is pretty nice for some fights.

Don't forget - your spells hit too.

With 10 APS thats up to

10 Hits with Cyclone
5 Hits with Frostbolt
30 Hits with Ice Nova (5 * 2 from Cospris, 10 * 2 from Chest)

1350 ES/second.
Rake7 님이 2020. 1. 18. 오전 8:38:47에 마지막으로 편집
outlierlol 님이 작성:
Rake7 님이 작성:
outlierlol 님이 작성:
I have two options:

37% CDR with headhunter and < 7.5 aps
57% CDR with crystal belt and < 10 aps

what would you recommend for mapping? I've never played a CoC build

That's a weird question :D

If you have a Headhunter - you play with Headhunter + Selfcurse + Any skill you want

Everything else doesn't matter

why is it weird? i want to play this exact build, i don't want to self curse

If you play with headhunter thinking about cdr and aps breakpoints is a waste of time because many of the headhunter buffs will increase your aps so much that you won't stay below any breakpoint anyway.

As stated too maximize the effect of the headhunter buffs you shoul'd built your char around it. Otherwise you won't sustain many buffs and the dps and more importantly the ehp increase of a crystal belt with cdr will probably outshine the headhutner on average.
Suboshi 님이 2020. 1. 18. 오전 8:52:45에 마지막으로 편집

Planning to switch to this build once I'm done crafting all gears, would these suffice for now or should I try to improve them more (spam more fossils)?
Nekuuuuuu 님이 2020. 1. 18. 오전 10:37:16에 마지막으로 편집
Rake7 님이 작성:

Don't forget - your spells hit too.

Hah... yeah, I did forget. Oops.

Wondering whether to get that or get started on an Awakened gem since the exp will take so damn long.
Still levelling and just switched to cyclone (40ish) but my crit chance is so low it's slowing my progress down; any tip to raise it pls ?
Also any suggested uniques to help ?
Yloss 님이 작성:
Still levelling and just switched to cyclone (40ish) but my crit chance is so low it's slowing my progress down; any tip to raise it pls ?
Also any suggested uniques to help ?

Try diamond flask, widowmaker, and precision gem if you aren't already.

I had no real trouble clearing after 40 (with tabula 6L) but bosses took a very long time. I just died and retried on bosses a lot but also having a single target skill probably makes more sense. I put off lab for a while because I didn't have one but if you can do bosses then Deadly Infusion is good for crit.

Edit: Also I just downed Sirus A8, pretty easy (but died once to floaty guy nuking me from orbit), I like the survivability and the DPS is fine and both will only improve with more gear and 21 gems.
SuperBurgers 님이 2020. 1. 19. 오전 8:19:32에 마지막으로 편집

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