[3.25]The BLOCKMAN

Feluto9 님이 작성:
SST/Shield crush instead of cyclone?

For shield skill many things on the passive skill tree/item will be need to change.
We can use blade flurry no need to change skill tree or itens or even gems and it will deal more damage but will be less mobile. the release on 6 stacks help to deal a huge burst of damage.
looking forward to league start with this one
seems like a lot of damage nerfs, but nothing that will prevent it from clearing all content
Poisom 님이 작성:
3.15 ready
In the 3.15 the build got nerfed hard in the damage output(same with almost all on the forum, some less than others)

-the all 5 support gem now give less damage(if my math on pob is right that's a -34% total damage for cyclone.)
-cyclone gem got a little bit of more damage on max level(Now deals 59% of Base Damage, and has 59% Effectiveness of Added Damage at gem level 20 (previously 54%)nice but not enought.
-Now any support gem on the game will make the skill cost way more mana that being the case , even with the -8 mana praxis may not be enought to make cyclone cost 0 mana, but if it make it cost like 2-3 mana your regen should be able to make for it(if not use any jewel that give 1-2 mana on hit or a craft on the secondary ring for channeling skill cost less mana).
-And final the flask nerf(both defensive and ofensive)(auto flask is nice)

-diamond Flask no longer grants “Your Critical Strike Chance is Lucky”. It
now grants 100% increased Critical Strike Chance
-The Lion's Roar unique flask now has 7-10% More Melee Physical Damage
effect (previously 20-25%)
-The Bottled Faith Unique Flask no longer has +1-2% to Critical Strike
Chance against Enemies on Consecrated Ground during Effect. It now has
100-150% increased Critical Strike Chance against Enemies on Consecrated
Ground during Effect, and 20-40% Increased Duration (previously 30-50%

-That means a lot of less damage output with flask up(maybe it will be better with the new flask orb that make flask effect more strong) around -40% to -50% total damage with the gem nerfs and flask nerf.
- Some points on skill tree got buffed i will w8 for pob to att and see how much more damage it gives.

on here is a 3.14 pob for the medium budget:
POB:https://pastebin.com/VJgAhNqg old
And here a pob with the 3.15 nerfs using the same gear as 3.14 medium version
(i made it using the info on patch notes it covers gem nerfs and flask nerfs, but dont cover some passive that got buffed it is not 100% accurate but it should not be far off when pob att i will post a new one and )
POB:https://pastebin.com/RpcQc5d3 3.15 with nerfs(some passives got buffed but i am kinda noob on how to use pob and can't "create their effects" soo its not inclued here)

Resume: The build stay alive, but damage wise will be needed a more powerfull gear to retain it's older power if possible (but i assume this will be with almost every build on this forum)

PS: If i miss something you guys can point it out.

I find it sad that something like ball lightning and totems are still relatively unnverved and melee skills get for some part a huge nerf i mean the funny thing is double strike is a good solution for bossing with this build as using double and the now buffed version of double strike could at least cross the gap for bosses. Slam builds got a hard nerf which was somehow unneeded
Praxis (-8 roll) while leveling. Astral Plate, but with the -20 mana cost instead of the -8 for end game body.

With all the changes/nerfs, this build will still be very viable for all content. Players who are not familiar with game/boss mechanics will be effected the most.

Focus on getting the shield and belt, breaches are your friend.

For my fellow exiles reading this, rush to maps and one of the absolutely best ways to make quick currency is to roll maps such as Canyon with nemesis and beyond modifiers...then sell them.

Lastly, there are players who are 100x better at this game than me, and they are in this thread so rest assured, changes that will benefit the build will be posted. Have fun.

would the buffed increased critical strikes support be better than impale support? at least in pob it seems like a slight increase in DPS for a lesser mana multiplier
reinaldo110 님이 2021. 7. 21. 오후 9:42:54에 마지막으로 편집
New POB you will need Path of Building Community to see it.

Path Of building 3.15(End game):

Path Of building 3.15(Medium Budget):

Path Of building 3.15(Low Budget/league starter version)

Around 40-50% damage nerf on all version and now you might need to use a jewel with "+2 Mana gained for each Enemy hit by your Attacks" to sustain cyclone even with praxis due the mana cost of the skill or a craft on onther ring for less mana when channeling.
One thing to note is that CWDT + Molten Shell will now cost 22 mana. You've addressed the mana sustain for cyclone, but that may be an issue if someone is trying to run all auras early on (your starter POB only has 13 unreserved mana)
You need to ensure the CWDT setup is changed, CWDT+molten shell is fine, will struggle early but tbh its more there for vaal molten anyway but summon ice golem will cost 117 mana at level 13.

Also can't be done at level 1 as it will still cost 67 mana.

Tempted at looking at dread banner though - its no longer needed to hit 100% impale due to the increased impale chance on the gem itself but just wondering if the utility and dps increase is worth that extra 10% reservation as this build is more starved for mana than before.
spardasdante 님이 작성:
You need to ensure the CWDT setup is changed, CWDT+molten shell is fine, will struggle early but tbh its more there for vaal molten anyway but summon ice golem will cost 117 mana at level 13.

Also can't be done at level 1 as it will still cost 67 mana.

Tempted at looking at dread banner though - its no longer needed to hit 100% impale due to the increased impale chance on the gem itself but just wondering if the utility and dps increase is worth that extra 10% reservation as this build is more starved for mana than before.

Well, i think the best solution for this is to remove the cast on dmg taken, put a life tap on and cast manual,use the monten shell on wallking buton and summon the golem when facing end game bosses or when enter a map or you can remove the golem, put one of block gem on the place and put a power charge on crit in the shield slot to generate power charge it will help the damage.
Now blood rage will cost life, so it can be lvled til 21
Poisom 님이 2021. 7. 22. 오후 5:25:17에 마지막으로 편집
Power charge on crit sounds like a good idea, think I will play with that once I get a surrender. Manually casting golem and removing CWDT seems like the only solution.

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