[3.13] Doomfletch Split Arrow Mines - Starter Viable - End Game Capable - High Damage, Low Budget

whats a good alternative to wise oak flask? my resistances are not balanced, and i am using the other 4 flasks in your pob
7itachi7 님이 작성:
whats a good alternative to wise oak flask? my resistances are not balanced, and i am using the other 4 flasks in your pob

Not much available for DPS. I would just run something defensive. Maybe a Quartz or Basalt of Warding.
Build is pretty fun. I'm sure its my play style but is there anyway to make my build a bit tankier? Don't have the currency for a rysthla yet. Running into mana issues even without chainbreker and beserk, so dropping 23 mines is not possible yet.
just wanted to say thanks for this build idea, its been one of the smoothest league starts for me once i got the df prism

i need awakend ele dmg with attacks and a rysaltha, but those 2 things dont double my dps, so i'm wondering what im missing.


my damage in pob shows a lot less than yours, so i'm wondering where i went wrong, or what i need to get it up

thanks again!
is there other alternitaves for Single target ?
instead the barrage ?
Therkwar 님이 작성:
is there other alternitaves for Single target ?
instead the barrage ?

single target is still split arrow, but instead of trap and mine dmg, we are using barrage SUPPORT to fire split arrow.
just FYI
trying mine build for the 1st time, so far it's fun to play. However I'm trying to understand why my DPS is far less of the author's POB. My gears are not perfect but I thinks its pretty close to what's recommended.


I'm level 97 (same level as the author's POB) but I have an extra skill point in passive tree, its driving me nuts and I can't find what I missed.

Thanks for looking at my build and giving advise.

geh888 님이 2021. 2. 15. 오후 2:02:13에 마지막으로 편집
Hi there

thanks for the great guide, I'm giving it a go now, but I'd like to ask one thing that I don't understand: What's the purpose of converting 25% phys damage to cold on gloves? Could you please explain this a little more? And if we're converting, why only 25%?
Doomfletch's prism gives us all 3 elemental damage (fire, cold, lightning). What do you say about new support gem Trinity? I think is should be good for us. Hm, it gives us nothing... What should I change in POB configuration? Or is it really useless?

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