[3.16*] For Scion - Goddess Sword Spinning in Flurry (Cyclone + Blade Flurry + Frost Blades)

Am I crazy or is this build not possible with Alira? Required level 102 plus bandits seems optimistic.

Haven't played in forever, so maybe I'm just a fool.

EDIT: Ahhhhh, PoB doesn't count Scion extra points without it being level requirement.
GSRyker 님이 2020. 6. 22. 오후 2:27:05에 마지막으로 편집
GSRyker 님이 작성:
Am I crazy or is this build not possible with Alira? Required level 102 plus bandits seems optimistic.

Haven't played in forever, so maybe I'm just a fool.

EDIT: Ahhhhh, PoB doesn't count Scion extra points without it being level requirement.

Yah. The skill points are not accurate in POB. It appears that Rage computation is not accurate too. Hopefully this is fixed soon.
hello im using this build and its freaking awesome so far but for some reason i cant respec starting skill points to constitution here is my PoB https://pastebin.com/kWTF8FMG
DawnBreaker666 님이 작성:
hello im using this build and its freaking awesome so far but for some reason i cant respec starting skill points to constitution here is my PoB https://pastebin.com/kWTF8FMG

You will need to complete Uber lab and pick up Path of the Duelist before you can unspec the points from starting point of Scion.
kira1414 님이 작성:
DawnBreaker666 님이 작성:
hello im using this build and its freaking awesome so far but for some reason i cant respec starting skill points to constitution here is my PoB https://pastebin.com/kWTF8FMG

You will need to complete Uber lab and pick up Path of the Duelist before you can unspec the points from starting point of Scion.

ok thanks one more thing call to arms skill in skill tree why use that one which skill do i use that is count as warcry
DawnBreaker666 님이 작성:

ok thanks one more thing call to arms skill in skill tree why use that one which skill do i use that is count as warcry

You will want to use Infernal Cry.
i dont get, cyclone + bloodlust + Haemophilia
Serpentscale Gauntlets. cyclone = attack, bloodlust removes chance of making enemies bleed with cyclone or you using totem to cause bleeding?
scr_ 님이 작성:
i dont get, cyclone + bloodlust + Haemophilia
Serpentscale Gauntlets. cyclone = attack, bloodlust removes chance of making enemies bleed with cyclone or you using totem to cause bleeding?

Totem apply the bleed. Pretty much for boss fights.
Hey ive been running this build and its great.
What im wondering is are you running with Herald of ash, Anger and Blood/sand stance active the whole time? And do i need to active berserk myself or is it on the Cast when dmg taken only? sorry for long question im kinda new to PoE
Also is there anyway we can do Physical reflect maps with this build?

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