[3.16*] For Scion - Goddess Sword Spinning in Flurry (Cyclone + Blade Flurry + Frost Blades)

is it possible to play this build with 1 oni instead of 2? (choosing between cyclone/frost blades)
dcfire 님이 작성:
can we get a item progression guide :) thanks

Will give it some thought. Basically besides Oni, you will want to focus on gears that will give you life + resistance. Then you will want gears that give you damage. :)


insiemej 님이 작성:
is it possible to play this build with 1 oni instead of 2? (choosing between cyclone/frost blades)

Yes. You can play the build with just 1 Oni. :)
Kryonyx 님이 작성:
When going slayer, what gem do you replace berserk with?

If you go Slayer, you will want to use Rage support gem. Thus still keeping Berserk gem for the build.

This worked, thank you much.

Follow-up questions after playing a lot more:

1 a. To use infernal cry (and because I am slayer), I swapped out multistrike for Rage on Frost Blades - is this a bad idea?

1 b. Should I swap any gem on Blade Flurry for Rage?

2. It's currently 15-18 exalts for the herald ring*. How important is this to the build?

3. If I don't like cyclone very much, do you recommend another 6-link set up? Or is the bleed that important?

Kryonyx 님이 2020. 10. 15. 오전 11:20:44에 마지막으로 편집
Kryonyx 님이 작성:
Kryonyx 님이 작성:
When going slayer, what gem do you replace berserk with?

If you go Slayer, you will want to use Rage support gem. Thus still keeping Berserk gem for the build.

This worked, thank you much.

Follow-up questions after playing a lot more:

1 a. To use infernal cry (and because I am slayer), I swapped out multistrike for Rage on Frost Blades - is this a bad idea?

1 b. Should I swap any gem on Blade Flurry for Rage?

2. It's currently 15-18 exalts for the herald ring*. How important is this to the build?

3. If I don't like cyclone very much, do you recommend another 6-link set up? Or is the bleed that important?


A1: I would stick with Multistrike for Frost blades as that gives you overall better mapping speed.

A2: Good to have. Not mandatory.

A3: I have dropped Bleed from the gems setup. Check out page 1 of the guide. You can consider playing with Tectonic Slam if you do not want to play Cyclone.
Hello, I am new to PoE and trying this build I am having a blast from act 1-5. When I reach act 6, I have a lot of trouble with Oni's degen. Can you guide to mitigate the degen with suboptimal gear?
Pelacur 님이 작성:
Hello, I am new to PoE and trying this build I am having a blast from act 1-5. When I reach act 6, I have a lot of trouble with Oni's degen. Can you guide to mitigate the degen with suboptimal gear?

You can hit X to perform weapon swap. This will stop the degen. This is especially useful when you are out of combat.

You can also use Soul Tether belt to negate the degen.

Or you can use Glorious Vanity + Immortal Ambition (which work the same as Soul Tether belt)..

kira1414 님이 작성:

A1: I would stick with Multistrike for Frost blades as that gives you overall better mapping speed.

A2: Good to have. Not mandatory.

A3: I have dropped Bleed from the gems setup. Check out page 1 of the guide. You can consider playing with Tectonic Slam if you do not want to play Cyclone.

Thanks much!
Kryonyx 님이 2020. 10. 22. 오후 7:08:12에 마지막으로 편집
Anyone can give me a tip? It's viable switch Cyclone gem to a Bladestorm gem?
VaneSlasher 님이 작성:
Anyone can give me a tip? It's viable switch Cyclone gem to a Bladestorm gem?

Yes you can replace Cyclone with Bladestorm.

Remember to swap Infused Channeling with Close Combat if you decided to go for Bladestorm. :)
I have a question. Which gem setup is better to use, because they are different in guide and PoB.

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