[3.11] Ice trap Saboteur - Freeze the Atlas

Why Multiple trap not Cluster Traps, Swift Assembly?
insangel0001 님이 작성:
Why Multiple trap not Cluster Traps, Swift Assembly?

At gem level 20, multiple traps have 31% less dmg multiplier, while cluster traps have 36%. On the other hand, cluster traps increase trap cap by 2 compared to multiple traps(but still the damage potential is better on multiple traps). There is a merit to use cluster traps if you prefer the shape in which they are placed compared to multiple traps.
Swift assembly isn't really that great though. It is simply not good enough to drop some other support gems in exchange for it.
roguegoha 님이 작성:
Just use Devouring Diadem and all your problems with mana will be solved. Nice recovery, EB, 20% reduced mana for socketed gems and +1 level to soketed auras.

I tested Devouring Diadem in this build and can confirm that it is a good option to consider. It does hurt the EHP a bit, and perhaps forces to find resists elsewhere. Either way indeed it saves plenty of skillpoints, allows for running extra aura, frees a flask slot. So certainly improvement both in damage and mana sustain department at the expense of being a little bit more prone to oneshots(though personally I still managed to keep myself at 7.3k life even after the helmet swap).
I'm assuming there is no room for cluster jewels on the build? There is some decent cluster notables, but nothing we would want to give up defensives on the tree for
FatalNugget 님이 작성:
I'm assuming there is no room for cluster jewels on the build? There is some decent cluster notables, but nothing we would want to give up defensives on the tree for

That is correct. The outer jewel socket which is possible to grab in this build (near acrobatics) has small passives which are actually useless(projectile damage). So in fact at the very start you would have to spend 3 points for nothing. What some trap-related cluster jewels offer might be interesting, but nowhere near worth it in terms of value per point.
The build is definitely solid, breezing through content without much of any issue. The devouring diadem setup is probably my preferred way to go, as very rarely do I run into issues with running out of ES to cast. The only downside is it is a little awkward to use Vaal Righteous Fire with it
rojosab99 님이 작성:

Major Brine King, minor upgraded Shakari.
in path of building there are two gem holes one in the weapon and the other in the shield some recommendation
rojosab99 님이 작성:
in path of building there are two gem holes one in the weapon and the other in the shield some recommendation

Usually in the third gem slot in weapon I would have arcane surge to proc it with flame dash, otherwise also you can use faster casting. And in shield you can use portal if you want.
Grozaa 님이 2020. 5. 19. 오전 5:54:45에 마지막으로 편집

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