[3.12-3.15] Pure Bleed TANK / HC - Spectral Helix (Lacerate / EQ / Ect..)

Reblinde 님이 작성:
Destreaga 님이 작성:

Hey did you end up league starting with the build? Curious on your experience leveling this on 3.12. Leveling for me has been a breeze and all SSF up til level 75.

I got spooked by the Divine Flesh nerf and just played it safe with a Necro Skelly starter build to farm up some currency.

I didn't see your update that its probably not a big deal.

I'm leveling this build now with some twink gear so I don't think I can really comment on how it would work on a fresh start.

I'll check back in as I get to maps!

Hey thanks for the reply! theres some updates in the OP I hope you enjoy for Mid game. Honestly this league has been the smoothest ride yet as far as leveling, Lacerate honestly kinda sucks after slam skill update. I however have been so unlucky this league it hurts lol. Just now found my first ex!

Hope you are luckier!

The pob in the update is t13-16 viable but you still can get one shot without surrender and glorious vanity so BE CAREFUL if you are playing HC!
Destreaga 님이 2020. 9. 29. 오전 5:59:12에 마지막으로 편집
TikyNL 님이 작성:
Loving the build, its not the fastest but great clear.
Just started progressing low tier red maps.

Heists up to lvl 80 feel like you can just look around without checking your char, you cant really die that fast.

Hope to see more updates soon.

Heya ! Any progress update? =) I just updated the OP thought I'd see how the build is going in the process!
Destreaga 님이 2020. 9. 29. 오후 9:11:19에 마지막으로 편집
Heya ! Any progress update? =) I just updated the OP thought I'd see how the build is going in the process!

I'm currently progressing in t14-16, still feels a bit spiky with certain mods.
But that prolly will be better after i get Divine Flesh.

Invested more in to cluster setup to boost the damage a bit.

Killed Catarina ilvl 83 deathless.
TikyNL 님이 2020. 9. 29. 오전 10:09:44에 마지막으로 편집
Bump! new update!

New vid and POB up for 3.12 for anyone interested!

9mil dps slam at lvl 1 seismic
3mil average dps
69/69 block
75 chaos resist
71% armor with flasks

Roughly 2-5 exalts into the build depending on economy at this point


pob - https://pastebin.com/QsJwa9tk
Destreaga 님이 2020. 10. 8. 오전 6:42:14에 마지막으로 편집
Awesome, thanks for update. I am currently level 86 and cruising through low red maps with absolutely zero issues. I am pleasantly surprised at the big damage for such a tanky character, anything other than red mobs are killed with one hit.

I consider myself still leveling so I made some small changes to the tree to add some more attack speed to zoom a bit faster around maps... the damage and tankiness are so good that I can spare the inefficiency for now. Once I start to run into issues I'll respec to your new tree. If you are interested the char is ThiccEQBoye.

Looking at your new tree I think my next upgrades will be intuitive leap, then move into cluster jewels. Also need to clean up my flasks.
Reblinde 님이 작성:
Awesome, thanks for update. I am currently level 86 and cruising through low red maps with absolutely zero issues. I am pleasantly surprised at the big damage for such a tanky character, anything other than red mobs are killed with one hit.

I consider myself still leveling so I made some small changes to the tree to add some more attack speed to zoom a bit faster around maps... the damage and tankiness are so good that I can spare the inefficiency for now. Once I start to run into issues I'll respec to your new tree. If you are interested the char is ThiccEQBoye.

Looking at your new tree I think my next upgrades will be intuitive leap, then move into cluster jewels. Also need to clean up my flasks.

Hey if you need more TANK and you have the chaos resist + currency go with the POB I just posted (WITH GLORIOUS VANITY) if you need dps definitely get intuitive leap since dirty techniques node can be up to 1+ mil dps alone.

Happy to hear your enjoying the build !
Destreaga 님이 2020. 10. 9. 오전 3:39:13에 마지막으로 편집
Do counterattacks from the The Surrender shield like reckoning can Mass Up bleed dps in any way?

they can replace the main skill bleeding with their bleeding after hit the boss?
or they can do their weak dps bleeding in front of the main skill bleeds?

do they need to be connected to Bloodlust Support?

Alternative gem look interesting
Supported Skills have 10% chance to Crush for 2 seconds on Hit

and support gems
Awakened Melee Physical Damage Support vs Awakened Unbound Ailments Support ?
jadowity_Wąż27 님이 2020. 10. 10. 오전 10:16:45에 마지막으로 편집
Do counterattacks from the The Surrender shield like reckoning can Mass Up bleed dps in any way?

they can replace the main skill bleeding with their bleeding after hit the boss?
or they can do their weak dps bleeding in front of the main skill bleeds?

do they need to be connected to Bloodlust Support?

Alternative gem look interesting
Supported Skills have 10% chance to Crush for 2 seconds on Hit

and support gems
Awakened Melee Physical Damage Support vs Awakened Unbound Ailments Support ?

Yes it is better to have bloodlust on surrender, if you can fit bloodlust/pulverize/life gain on hit on your shield those are the best links for it.

Not completely necessary though since this is a hit and run build in general, most of your dps will be done running away from the boss and so surrender rarely hits bosses and destroys packs if you get stuck in one.

As for crush I am not entirely sure, but 10% is not going to help us really since our attacks are slow.

For awakened melee phys vs awakened unbound ailments that is entirely up to you. I personally like Awakened unbound ailments because being able to keep the bleed on a boss longer I feel is better than straight up DMG especially in HC because again, this is a hit and run build and part of its defensive capabilities is to be able to keep that bleed going while you dodge one shots (although you will live through most one shots if you have 80% chaos resist / glorious vanity / surrender shield.)

Hope this helps! New video up focusing on the tank capabilities of this build, check it out when you can!

3.12 Current POB https://pastebin.com/NU8d322i
Destreaga 님이 2020. 10. 11. 오후 9:05:28에 마지막으로 편집
Destreaga 님이 2020. 10. 11. 오후 9:52:43에 마지막으로 편집
How can you tank anything with only 5k hp? Seems very low.
~ Seph

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