[3.10] Max Block Storm Brand Ascendant: Budget Friendly, Ultra Tanky, Fast Mapper, Deathless Sirus 8

Drarke 님이 작성:
Looks quite promising. I like Storm Brand a lot, and have tried both the Hiero and Trickster versions. Neither had block. What's the DPS looking like with reasonable expenditure?

2.5 million per Brand with budget gear.

3.3 million per Brand with more investment.

Can go to 5 million per brand if you drop life, mana regeneration and chaos resistance and take Essence Worm with Wrath and more offensive passives. More small/medium cluster jewels will provide more damage, so will a 7th Fevered Mind.

I am still trying to find the right balance between defense and offense.
hitmantb 님이 2020. 4. 19. 오전 11:57:26에 마지막으로 편집
Sorry to ask once again my question. probably a stupid one, but i am playing this nice game since not a long time. And by the way to be stupid and trying to learn is not a bad thing :)

Concerning "Fevered Minds" you have proposed in the levelling par of the guide 1 or 2. I was thinking to put more than 2 as by the way you did in the PoB tree. is it ok to do this? is better to follow an other plan for jewels?


I'm 75 lvl so far, the build is very funny. I go so far in this:
"My current gear"

All gear 8-10ex without jewels.

Thanks for this fun)
WhiteWolf6666 님이 2020. 4. 19. 오후 3:22:21에 마지막으로 편집
Eradorus 님이 작성:
Sorry to ask once again my question. probably a stupid one, but i am playing this nice game since not a long time. And by the way to be stupid and trying to learn is not a bad thing :)

Concerning "Fevered Minds" you have proposed in the levelling par of the guide 1 or 2. I was thinking to put more than 2 as by the way you did in the PoB tree. is it ok to do this? is better to follow an other plan for jewels?



I think if you have enough mana and mana regeneration, you can insert up to 7)
Thank you white!

And thank you also to have shared your gear. very interresting.

You know at the time being i am the guy who is only copying what seems good and relevant. difficult to capture everything, but i am learning!

by the way an other stupide question.

why to use Bone offering as we do not have any minions?

and i will stop to say that my questions are stupide now. all of the future ones will be ! by definition :)

Eradorus 님이 작성:
Thank you white!

And thank you also to have shared your gear. very interresting.

You know at the time being i am the guy who is only copying what seems good and relevant. difficult to capture everything, but i am learning!


I myself copy the builds, then I look who changes what and already adjusts for myself. I’ve been playing for a long time, but I still don’t understand some of the mechanics. I study too)
Builds from Hitmantb are bombs)))
Eradorus 님이 작성:
by the way an other stupide question.

why to use Bone offering as we do not have any minions?

and i will stop to say that my questions are stupide now. all of the future ones will be ! by definition :)


I believe Bone offering increase attack block and spell block while active?

Also, level 73 atm, all content (including a level 10 map i did by accident) is just a joke xD LOVING the build so far!!

Btw if you're worrying about mana in early game, a few nodes which improved it for me were Mana Drinker and the "recover #% mana when you kill an enemy / kill a cursed enemy" , these really helped :).
thanks DrowninG,

Very helpfull

Eradorus 님이 작성:
by the way an other stupide question.

why to use Bone offering as we do not have any minions?

and i will stop to say that my questions are stupide now. all of the future ones will be ! by definition :)


Bone offering goes with the witch Necromancer "Offering skills also effect you" this is very strong as we gain a flat +35 block to spells and attacks when active at 25% reduced effect. so that comes out to +26 block

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