[3.10] Ewpewww's Archmage BV | 9K EHP (up to 14K), >7M Shaper DPS | Fast mapper, Deathless AL8 Sirus

rax4r 님이 작성:
So far build feels pretty good, i still need upgrade some of my gear but i'm already can clear t16 map at lvl78.

That is great to hear!!!
I feel like i don't really need asenath's touch, bc they not so usefull in delirium, and obliterations clear mobs much better. I've seen people using Voidbringer, what do you think about them?
rax4r 님이 작성:
I feel like i don't really need asenath's touch, bc they not so usefull in delirium, and obliterations clear mobs much better. I've seen people using Voidbringer, what do you think about them?

Yes, I don't think Asenath's touch is required for this build. You could use Voidbringer too but my view on the two:

Asenath's is the more defensive option:
- Gives up to 80 max life and mana, which are huge for this build. Remember every additional point of life gives you 2.4 EHP because of damage taken from mana before life
- Free temp chains
- Blind for monster packs, which adds additional layer of defence
- Explosion could be important in later stages of delirium (6 onwards) when you need to weapon swap out of Oblierations to clear mobs

Voidbringer is better offensively
- A lot of crit for spells, which could be lacking in the build
- Additional mana cost of spells, which adds damage

Personally, I prefer Asenath's because the additional mana cost can be replaced with Fevered Mind (there are not many better jewels for this build anyway). And you probably don't run Fevered Mind together with Voidbringer, that would make mana costs too high from my experience.

Hope this helps!
Ewpew 님이 작성:
rax4r 님이 작성:
I feel like i don't really need asenath's touch, bc they not so usefull in delirium, and obliterations clear mobs much better. I've seen people using Voidbringer, what do you think about them?

Yes, I don't think Asenath's touch is required for this build. You could use Voidbringer too but my view on the two:

Asenath's is the more defensive option:
- Gives up to 80 max life and mana, which are huge for this build. Remember every additional point of life gives you 2.4 EHP because of damage taken from mana before life
- Free temp chains
- Blind for monster packs, which adds additional layer of defence
- Explosion could be important in later stages of delirium (6 onwards) when you need to weapon swap out of Oblierations to clear mobs

Voidbringer is better offensively
- A lot of crit for spells, which could be lacking in the build
- Additional mana cost of spells, which adds damage

Personally, I prefer Asenath's because the additional mana cost can be replaced with Fevered Mind (there are not many better jewels for this build anyway). And you probably don't run Fevered Mind together with Voidbringer, that would make mana costs too high from my experience.

Hope this helps!

Yeah i didn't think about temp chains and 2.4 EHP thingy, knowing that i do prefer asenanth's touch too, thank you for help.
Updated with:
- Cluster jewels (how could I have forgotten..)
- Enchantments
- Levelling tips

Let me know if there is anything else you guys would like to see!

kugaan 님이 작성:

Thanks for the reply, but what i meant was T14 tropical island map(Chiseled and alched + 4 scarabs) When you hit the Delirium mirror, and kill monsters the rewards tier go up at the bottom of your screen, that tier 7-9 when mobs are extremely tanky and lethal. This method of farming is for simulacrum splinters so clear speed is extremely important to zoom through the map. I was curious if this build can do it when the mobs are extremely tanky.

100% delirious maps arnt too hard, they just take some time to clear though, you should give a go to see how far your build can push.

May i also check if there are gems that i can swap out for more clear speed dmg instead of boss dmg. THANKS! :)

Posted video of t14 Tropical Island clear up to 7 Delirium counters. Usually, can comfortable kill boss before fog catches up :)

T14 Tropical Island (up to 7 Delirium counters)
Hey! I played this build almost identically as shown except as a Heirophant and wow it really blew my away, besides a little bit less overall flask up time, I was really clearing through maps and bosses like paper and while being completely immune to all elemental ailments without anything on gear or tree (due to heiro's ascendancy node). It was also incredibly easy to get mana regen without mana flask for mana regen mods on gear because of the crazy regen you get from arcane surge which you'd also have up 100% of the time as long as you're in combat. Your build definitely outshines mine in extended boss fights, but i feel like mine was a bit better for my play style. Overall a really great build hope you make even more crazy stuff in the future!
Thanks for the guide,

i am confused how you get 58% damage taken from mana and also how you sustain RF?

SizzleLips 님이 작성:
Thanks for the guide,

i am confused how you get 58% damage taken from mana and also how you sustain RF?


30% from Mind Over Matter granted by Cloak of Defiance
10% additional from Cloak of Defiance itself
8% from Hierophant Scion Node
10% from Clarity Watcher's Eye

RF is sustained by raw Mana Recovery in conjunction with The Agnostic Keystone from Militant Faith that sacrifices 20% of mana per second to regain the same amount of life.
Xanthochroid 님이 2020. 4. 28. 오전 2:23:51에 마지막으로 편집
Also OP, how did you acquire/craft your belt? Lucent Fossils? It's absolutely nuts, and I can't find anything even close to as good as it.
Xanthochroid 님이 2020. 4. 28. 오전 3:19:23에 마지막으로 편집

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