[3.15] EXPLOSIVE / FLAMETHROWER TRAP Saboteur Build. Cheapest League Starter for ALL CONTENT!

SH1F7 님이 작성:
Any maps we can't do?

the normal: no regen and such. you can do reflect
All builds: http://www.angryroleplayer.com/path-of-exile-builds/
Got thread of hope, can confirm that you can no longer hit the Saboteur node with it in live :(
Midjet 님이 작성:
Got thread of hope, can confirm that you can no longer hit the Saboteur node with it in live :(

yeah, i had to unspec some life
All builds: http://www.angryroleplayer.com/path-of-exile-builds/
Would it be possible to swap traps to mines with this build?
Kashyn 님이 작성:
Would it be possible to swap traps to mines with this build?

All builds: http://www.angryroleplayer.com/path-of-exile-builds/
Angry_Roleplayer 님이 작성:
Midjet 님이 작성:
Got thread of hope, can confirm that you can no longer hit the Saboteur node with it in live :(

yeah, i had to unspec some life

So I guess it's worth giving up on 3 small life passives to take the Saboteur node? Or better to give up on a jewel slot?

Anyway, worth to mention we don't benefit from the extra 2 traps. We still gonna throw only 3 at a time....
Cry0nicS 님이 2020. 6. 22. 오전 11:39:04에 마지막으로 편집
Cry0nicS 님이 작성:
Angry_Roleplayer 님이 작성:
Midjet 님이 작성:
Got thread of hope, can confirm that you can no longer hit the Saboteur node with it in live :(

yeah, i had to unspec some life

So I guess it's worth giving up on 3 small life passives to take the Saboteur node? Or better to give up on a jewel slot?

Anyway, worth to mention we don't benefit from the extra 2 traps. We still gonna throw only 3 at a time....

Oh sorry, yeah i gave up on jewel slot down from pain attunement. So in the end lost very little life
All builds: http://www.angryroleplayer.com/path-of-exile-builds/
Sorry for the major noob questions, I don't see where to dodge comes from other than the boots and acrobatics??
Rowshan 님이 작성:
Sorry for the major noob questions, I don't see where to dodge comes from other than the boots and acrobatics??

click calcs and look where it comes from
All builds: http://www.angryroleplayer.com/path-of-exile-builds/
I am running this build in 3.11 and am enjoying it immensely. I am still leveling, but blowing tons of stuff up with huge explosions. I am surprised that you have both Elemental Support and Controlled Destruction on Explosive Trap. I would think that with all the support into crits the build has, you would want to be able to trigger them with Explosive Trap, and would want also to have burning to trigger Flamethrower trap's improved damage. I guess I am curious to hear why you prefer those over say Combustion or Immolate support.

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