[3.13]🏹 Poison Barrage-VF / Scourge Arrow / TR PF | Bottled Fortify | The Tankiest Ranger + High DPS

Both slams on chest and helmet failed. :(

I thought I'd share a budget option for the warlord mana mod: getting "+2 mana gained on hit" on 2-3 jewels makes up for it decently as long as your arrows do land on the target.

On a different note, has anyone considered using Immortal Ambition from vanity? The downside is irrelevant to us and the overleech is nice while on the run against bosses.
domepro 님이 작성:
Hey guys

having a bit of trouble with DPS. My gear is not great, I've kind of paused this league and just came back and wanted to give this build a whirl. Build seems perfectly fine, but I'm having a lot of trouble with DPS. I'm just shy of A5 (spawning conqs) but my boss damage feels incredibly low, conquerors literally take minutes at this point - even map bosses take around a minute, often more if the map has boss enhancing mods.

I'm (obviously) missing the final lab, but that doesn't seem like a big issue as the final lab is not really a big DPS upgrade.

Obviously haven't played much so my gems are only 19, but plugging it in POB and upping them to 20 and qualing them to 20 only nets me about 25ish percent of damage or so, and given my current experience with bosses it doesn't seem like a significant increase.

I don't really have a lot of currency atm, just farming and trying the build out but I'm kind of hardstuck with what I'm supposed to do next buildwise - if I should go for a circling oblivion/wating affliction cluster, try out a darscorn or am I doing something very very wrong with where I currently am?

Make sure that you "soften" the boss with wither stacks from blast rain, just shot couple of those blast rains and let it stack before you start charging up you scourge arrows and dont forget to shot those blast rains in between.

There are couple of things that you should consider (i made it semi priority list, but if you can access some later points sooner just go for it):

- getting a ring with despair curse on hit - i know that you use that ring slot to cover your resistances, so it could be hard to replace, but as a temporary solution you can get some basic curse on hit ring and just replace your pure life flask with resistances flask, that would cover up your resistacnes till you fix other parts of the gear (that additional life flask shouldnt be needed anyway)

- blast rain setup: on 5 link you should drop chaos damage and put greater multiple projectiles instead, not having that lowers your amount of wither stacks you can keep up means lower dps

- getting a crafted rare bow with 60% chance of poison to deal 100% more dmg and additioal chaos damage - this is by far biggest upgrade you can get, and it is really not that hard to craft semi decent bow like that. The problem with voltaxic rift is that it requires much more effort in gearing to scale its damage over yellow maps, and in my opinion its not worth it

- getting new gloves "Fenumus' Weave Carnal Mitts", those would allow you to have aspect of the spider and grant signifficant damage boost - be aware that aspect of the spider reserves mana, so you wont be able to have it together with hearald of agony and herald of thunder, thats why you should go for those gloves after you swap to rare bow (herald of thunder will be useless then and you can replace it with aspect of the spider).

- getting additional spore head enchant - this is actually significant upgrade of single target dps and clear

- getting quiver with +1 arrow - the reality of scourge arrow poison builds is that you only do full damage if you hit the target with arrows from all spores, if like 2 arrows from 2 spores miss the target thats huge dps loss, for example if you killing something that is close to the wall, some spores might get land in the wall, +1 arrow allows you to place those spores in "V" shape that is much easier to position

- getting cluster jewels - i put it as the last because it will prolly be huge effort in both currency cost and points spent, but it will be significcant increase in both damage (big and medium nodes) and survivability (small nodes)

As a side note to this list, you can also try to respec a bit and go strength stacking variant that is available this league. This is prolly easier to gear now and grants more damage, but you will need to change multiple pieces of the gear to achieve it. You would need to swap your boots to "Replica alberon's warpath" to enable this variation of build. Then you would need to change you gear to have some strength (especially amulet and belt, and put like 2 intertia jewels in your skill tree). Like 300 str would let you start going, and 800 str should be like soft cap that you should aim for.
greenrasp 님이 2020. 11. 11. 오전 7:01:18에 마지막으로 편집

I feel like I am coming to a point where my dps and survivability isn't that great anymore. I see my health pool dip dangerously low sometimes in high maps and most tougher fights are slow. I am currently level 94 and A5 and my gear is already really nice in my opinion. Any tips how to improve further though?

IGN: RachelSuperCasual (Torment)
RachelShockerina (Rampage - retired)
RachelElysia (Ambush - retired)
LadyVinara (Nemesis - retired)
devynee 님이 작성:

I feel like I am coming to a point where my dps and survivability isn't that great anymore. I see my health pool dip dangerously low sometimes in high maps and most tougher fights are slow. I am currently level 94 and A5 and my gear is already really nice in my opinion. Any tips how to improve further though?


Get awakened gems (deadly, unbound) on your 6 link SA--huge miss right there! Check your accuracy/hit chance. Tailwind boots and focus helm will increase your DPS by good amount. Aspect of the Spider will improve your offense. I would drop one of the two Nostalgia ring for a well-rolled rare ring with flat chaos, poison damage, life, etc.
Poison Scourge Arrow/Toxic Rain + Blast Rain PF| Bottled Fortify:
WolfieNa 님이 2020. 11. 12. 오후 1:57:08에 마지막으로 편집
Thank you, WolfieNa! I will check out my options.

> Check your accuracy/hit chance.

What value should I aim for? The wiki says there is no cap. I got 90%, which is probably a bit low!

> Tailwind boots and focus helm will increase your DPS by good amount

Thanks, I didn't realize that!

> Aspect of the Spider will improve your offense.

I went with the Envy setup, so I don't really have mana left for Aspect of Spider, unfortunately.

When I got a chest with blind, it seemed like dropping flesh & stone was a good idea. Then I traded a despair ring for a despair enchant on gloves and the increased damage from fenumus' aspect of spider for increased chaos damage on another circle of nostalgia. I think it is more dps that way but I am most of the time not sure whether or not I am doing everything right in PoB..

IGN: RachelSuperCasual (Torment)
RachelShockerina (Rampage - retired)
RachelElysia (Ambush - retired)
LadyVinara (Nemesis - retired)
devynee 님이 2020. 11. 12. 오후 3:31:37에 마지막으로 편집
devynee 님이 작성:
Thank you, WolfieNa! I will check out my options.

> Check your accuracy/hit chance.

What value should I aim for? The wiki says there is no cap. I got 90%, which is probably a bit low!

Should be 97% plus. Hit chance capped at 100%.


> Aspect of the Spider will improve your offense.

I went with the Envy setup, so I don't really have mana left for Aspect of Spider, unfortunately.

You can drop Arctic Armor and adopt Aspect of the spider for higher DPS and see if it gives you better experience. Otherwise, you can keep the current setup.


When I got a chest with blind, it seemed like dropping flesh & stone was a good idea. Then I traded a despair ring for a despair enchant on gloves and the increased damage from fenumus' aspect of spider for increased chaos damage on another circle of nostalgia. I think it is more dps that way but I am most of the time not sure whether or not I am doing everything right in PoB..

That chest is OK to keep. One Nostalgia ring to get your chaos resist/damage is enough. The rare ring gives you more legroom. You already have despair on hit on your gloves, so you can craft other stuff on your ring.

In addition, you should utilize the empty jewel socket as much as you can. Grab a Watcher Eye with Malevolence (+22% DoT multi) if you haven't.
Poison Scourge Arrow/Toxic Rain + Blast Rain PF| Bottled Fortify:

I've reached a point where my DPS feels more than enough but although i die a lot less than before, i feel like i'm missing something in my tankiness to complete the hardest content in the game.
My first simulacrum went perfectly and i can run juiced 60% delirious T16 maps, but i got wrecked by Kosis on my only attempt at a 80% delirious one and getting hit by a Sirius beam is still a no no for me.

Any suggestions to improve my survivability would be greatly appreciated, thanks again for the really enjoyable build!

My PoB https://pastebin.com/5Au7Y8iH and gear:

Damzor8 님이 작성:

Any suggestions to improve my survivability would be greatly appreciated, thanks again for the really enjoyable build!

Have you tryed to craft fortify effect helmet?
Focus fortify effect bench craft on body armour also nice option or try to get +1 endurance charge boots. Look in wiki about alternative versions of gems, some alternative quality stats can drastically boost up your damage or defenses.
Kurome 님이 2020. 11. 13. 오전 11:24:36에 마지막으로 편집
I wanna try this build so bad it looks fun. Is 25ex enough for an easy Sirus A8?
Greetings! I have been enjoying this build over the last week or two and it feels really good so far!
I have some problems on where to upgrade or change out some stuff next.
I am currently trying to roll a fortify helmet with T1 life but alterations have not been on my side.
Iäm not a fan of the belt but I need the resists. Also have resists on all jewels more or less.
It would be super good to get the fortify while focused on the chest along with a better life roll but I am not going through the process of buying fossils again.
Any tips or hints would be greatly appreciated! I feel like I am missing something obvious


PoB: https://pastebin.com/a5mctQd2

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