[3.16] LL VD Spellslinger | 8.2 k ES | 75%Block / 75% Spell Block | not recommended anymore

so, anynone know if awakened spell cascade on desecrate worth it? since it has a maximum of 10-12 corpse allowed.
dragonpowi#7298 님이 2020. 7. 6. 오후 6:07:52에 마지막으로 편집
why use 2 cindersallow urn?

Harvest is awesome, crafted that wand for ~10 ex. Running out of upgrades though. The only thing left is Spellslinger cooldown enchant but it's paying 5 ex per 1% DPS increase, feels bad.

any upgrade ? my avg damage is 50k sk my damage =/
Guys, is it worth to upgrade my Spell cascade gem in 6L Body Armour to awakened Spell cascade ? or is it only worth when i change both Spell Cascade to awakened ?

whats the different ?
Guys, is it worth to upgrade my Spell cascade gem in 6L Body Armour to awakened Spell cascade ? or is it only worth when i change both Spell Cascade to awakened ?

I changed both to Awakened Spell cascade and the build feels way way better. Do it!!
Sasha_Aus 님이 작성:
Guys, is it worth to upgrade my Spell cascade gem in 6L Body Armour to awakened Spell cascade ? or is it only worth when i change both Spell Cascade to awakened ?

I changed both to Awakened Spell cascade and the build feels way way better. Do it!!

Only have Currency for 1 now. ^^
Hi y'all,

currently rocking this build after having another version of it tested during the league however i am still getting smashed to the wall ripping me a new one on the daily.

Current upgrades:

- Flasks
- Corrupted blood jewel
- Wand

Would you suggest me to upgrade anything else and/or why am i having a low surviveability?

n3Ar22 님이 작성:
And what's the best way to level a spellslinger build?

This LL version is not for leveling. Use another version till you reach 90+ lvl to respec LL (for example Zizaran's life VD)

Crafted this wand thanks to harvest :) Shame about the spell damage but it'll do!

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