[3.11] Odif's League Starter Electric Skeletons-Spectres Necro Build, DISCONTINUED

I'm getting ready to jump in again, but reached level 28 yesterday. I'm running Skeletons. Started to feel a little weak, but haven't gotten Vaal Skellies yet. Also, have not been using SRS, so I may go back to using it.
My drops have been horrible so far, so not much to help me so far.
Odif 님이 작성:
ShamefulWretch 님이 작성:
Any chance you can put what skills are linked to what.

I am looking at everything but I dont really see that in the write up. It just says some of the gems.

Also in the gloves you say get 4 blue sockets but elemental attack is red isn't it? Sorry I am lost and its late so I may be just missing something.

Its all on page one of the guide under the spoiler "skills"

Each skill, with what it is linked to.

Armageddon Brand
Supported by Curse on Hit, Conductivity

What is the 4th blue skill for the gloves?

Also I dont have 4 blue sockets yet. I have 3b + 1 red and CoH, COnduct, Brand currently.
ShamefulWretch 님이 작성:

Armageddon Brand
Supported by Curse on Hit, Conductivity

What is the 4th blue skill for the gloves?

Also I dont have 4 blue sockets yet. I have 3b + 1 red and CoH, COnduct, Brand currently.

Flame dash without the second wind, or chaos golem
Ok, got to act 5

Got spectres in a 4l in a staff (it dropped 4b linked)
Got zombies in aa 4l chest i harvest crafted.
Got armagedden brand linked to curse on hit and ele weakness

I am finally feeling very very strong.

The build gets much stronger each act, from acts 2+

It can feel a bit underwhelming acts 2 and 3
Keep going.

thegreenzap2 님이 작성:
I'm getting ready to jump in again, but reached level 28 yesterday. I'm running Skeletons. Started to feel a little weak, but haven't gotten Vaal Skellies yet. Also, have not been using SRS, so I may go back to using it.
My drops have been horrible so far, so not much to help me so far.

Skels without vaal skels will be weak, you need to supplement with something else, srs, zombies, something

Once you get Slave Drivers in act 5, in a 4l, and have at least 2 spectres, that will be enough with regular skels.
Odif#4251 님이 2020. 6. 20. 오후 12:49:28에 마지막으로 편집
Got my second spectre right before Kitava 5.

Was one of the easiest kitavas i have ever done.
Took like 1 sec to phase him for each kitava phase, maybe 3 seconds for heart phases, all while standing safely away.

Skels without vaal skels will be weak, you need to supplement with something else, srs, zombies, something

Once you get Slave Drivers in act 5, in a 4l, and have at least 2 spectres, that will be enough with regular skels.

Got the Vaal Skels in a Vaal area. Also just grabbed Armagedden Brand. Also went ahead and grabbed the Grip Gloves. Feeling much stronger now.
Can we get a per gear gem layout?

Gloves 4LBBBB (Triad Grip if possible)

Vaal Skeleton
Minion Damage
Melee Splash (Starting gem)

Chest 6L


Helmet 4L




Here is a PoB snapshot of me currently at level 54
Shows tree, gear, and skills.


I am doing the Zombie variant.
I have gone into the marauder area of the tree a bit earlier than I expected, as i was short on Strength to use red support gems.

My wands suck, will upgrade later.

My triad gloves are 3b/g which is fine for now.

You may need the community fork of PoB, as thats what I used to make the pastebin

Odif#4251 님이 2020. 6. 20. 오후 4:20:50에 마지막으로 편집
Xiety1 님이 작성:
Can we get a per gear gem layout?

Gloves 4LBBBB (Triad Grip if possible)

Vaal Skeleton
Minion Damage
Melee Splash (Starting gem)

Under the SKILLS section, I had details exact gems for CHEST and HELM
I have just added that you should put armageddon brand-curse on hit-Conductivity into the GLOVES, the 4th blue socket is up to you.
Both the Skeleton and Zombie versions have single blue gems you can use, but its different for each. (Zombie version needs 2 unset rings to fit in all jewels.)

The rest can go wherever you can fit them in, not really important.

I just added some BOLD to make it easier to spot where in the SKILLS section it mentions exact support jewels.
And I put a note in the LEVELING TIPS section to look in the SKILLS section for support gem details.
Odif#4251 님이 2020. 6. 20. 오후 4:33:23에 마지막으로 편집

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