[3.20] ❄️❄️ Velyna's Hollow Palm Ice Crash ❄️ ❄️ Leaguestart Section | Hidden and Feared Viable

thanks for your thoughts, much appreciated. I am looking forward to using this build in 3.15.
badger6666 님이 작성:
thanks for your thoughts, much appreciated. I am looking forward to using this build in 3.15.

Enjoy and GL!
considering using this build in 3.15, but when transferring the current POB to 3.15 POB, the added damage from hollow palm becomes zero, am I doing sth wrong, or its a bug from the new POB?
And the mana cost is horrible even with two -9 cost rings, how would that affect gameplay in your opinion?
UkoCyanide 님이 2021. 7. 22. 오전 1:46:28에 마지막으로 편집
UkoCyanide 님이 작성:
considering using this build in 3.15, but when transferring the current POB to 3.15 POB, the added damage from hollow palm becomes zero, am I doing sth wrong, or its a bug from the new POB?
And the mana cost is horrible even with two -9 cost rings, how would that affect gameplay in your opinion?

Its a known PoB bug, the damage is around 6mil for a reasonable top end, can go a bit higher. Mana cost should be fine we'll adjust if needed.
Velyna 님이 2021. 7. 22. 오전 2:01:23에 마지막으로 편집
Updated the god PoB with a fix for the current hollow palm bug.

Hello I plan to league start this build as something new and a skill I have never played before. I just have a couple questions. Do you swap into ice crash as soon as you get the uniques in pob or would you do it earlier. also how far do you think the starter can go until it needs to be upgraded into hollow palm version?

thank you for the build
At day 3 u can easily swap into Hollow Palm once u had like 3-4 ex budget
Yomatowho 님이 작성:
At day 3 u can easily swap into Hollow Palm once u had like 3-4 ex budget

Pretty much this!
new video guide up and linked in guide.

Only the God pob is updated, will do the others when im not locked out of pastebin for spam lol.
Velyna 님이 2021. 7. 23. 오후 2:42:54에 마지막으로 편집
Thanks for the guide, ill be league starting with this!

How tanky is it? I saw quite a lot of near death experiences in your delirium clip.

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