[3.20] ❄️❄️ Velyna's Hollow Palm Ice Crash ❄️ ❄️ Leaguestart Section | Hidden and Feared Viable

Gostteam 님이 작성:
Hey, I started this league 1 or two weeks ago and I've arrived at tier 16 maps. I am able to kill majority of the bosses/mobs pretty easily, but sometimes the rare mobs or harvest mobs kill me in a few seconds. What adjustments can I do to my build?
I am aware I am missing a lot of the jewels because most of them are quite expensive and I recently acquired the chestplate for all my currency.

I haven't played since heist so I am not too up to date with the newer leagues since.

Remove the points you have in graceful assault, you have no source of onslaught without the forbidden unique gems, and even then its not entirely worth the 3 points.

Grab Charisma + the reservation mastery, and get determination. this is your biggest weakness, as it should take you from roughly 20% to 70% physical damage reduction.

Your next purchase should be a large cluster jewel, so you can have both hollow palm cluster, and an enduring composure cluster jewel, i think its fine to get a worse cluster jewel as enduring composure is a MASSIVE defensive buff. Enduring composure gives you 3 endurance charges, which gives bonus resistance, AND another 12% physical damage reduction.

Once you have enduring composure up and running, make sure to swap out immortal call for molten shell so you dont consume your endurance charges.

You also have an axe damage node for some reason. You shouldnt need clarity unless you are doing no leech maps.

You can free up a few points by taking off some of the small nodes, like after cloth and chain, and golem's blood.

The nodes above setinel, that give 18% ele resist are really solid investments, and opens another jewel slot. I highly suggest, after getting enduring composure, putting a watchers eye in there.

Also, its personal preference, but since this build has plenty of INT, i personally suggest flame dash over dash, it has a half second longer cast time, but ive found it more useful since it has 3 charges compared to dash's 1.
SirChesticles 님이 2022. 6. 22. 오후 6:41:17에 마지막으로 편집

i like this build ... i really want to like it.
yeah. im stuck with a decent build but dying to anything challenging in a blink of an eye. i dont know. the damage is nice but i think im not able to make this really work. maybe im missing something important.

if someone has any advice or hint i would be glad.


Zumrazz 님이 작성:

i like this build ... i really want to like it.
yeah. im stuck with a decent build but dying to anything challenging in a blink of an eye. i dont know. the damage is nice but i think im not able to make this really work. maybe im missing something important.

if someone has any advice or hint i would be glad.



It looks like you have bought very expensive uniques but are still running rares with no life and have not crafted belt/amulet. Your life could be ~900 higher than it is.

Also looks like your resists arent capped without flasks/endurance charges.

You may find it beneficial to run an amethyst flask.
Will change the rings/amulet/belt. maybe thats what makes the difference.
so the build is working great for me, but the ammount of getting stunned is rediculous anyway to counter it besides the pantheon?

*edit* i fixed it with implicits on the unique jewels.
NovaHeartss 님이 2022. 7. 10. 오전 5:31:22에 마지막으로 편집
I am 85 lvl right now and loving the build so far

Thanks ^^
Proudmore0 님이 2022. 7. 26. 오후 2:34:20에 마지막으로 편집
Hi everyone

I have been on trade and have been trying to find that incursion mod....is there a way to search for that mod. It isnt in the provided generic search pull down menu. Thanks!

Thanks for the build. I've tried a few builds but this is the smoothest so far
minhphan 님이 2022. 7. 29. 오전 1:21:16에 마지막으로 편집
minhphan 님이 작성:
Thanks for the build. I've tried a few builds but this is the smoothest so far


Build seens fine for next league, might have to drop banner and add enlighten is all!
Will update after the reveal today.

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