[3.20] ❄️❄️ Velyna's Hollow Palm Ice Crash ❄️ ❄️ Leaguestart Section | Hidden and Feared Viable

Nice build, how it works as a starter build compared to ball lightining miner?

Thank you for your quick response, will play that surely !
GL everyone :)
andrelb1 님이 작성:
Nice build, how it works as a starter build compared to ball lightining miner?


I don't have experience with miners as a league start, but this one requires no uniques and feels pretty good with minimal gear. Should be tankier than mines also.
Velyna 님이 2020. 6. 17. 오후 12:35:41에 마지막으로 편집
Velyna 님이 작성:
andrelb1 님이 작성:
Nice build, how it works as a starter build compared to ball lightining miner?


I don't have experience with miners as a league start, but this one requires no uniques and feels pretty good with minimal gear. Should be tankier than mines also.

thx... i didnt find any other video with a build that look more fun than that... i guess i will try it now at harvest league, if you have another sugestion for starter build (and one that i can keep at end game contend ) plz let me know...

andrelb1 님이 작성:
thx... i didnt find any other video with a build that look more fun than that... i guess i will try it now at harvest league, if you have another sugestion for starter build (and one that i can keep at end game contend ) plz let me know...


I might have a ground slam duelist ready for league start but it wouldn't have a video or guide, just a PoB. This ice crash is super fun though, top 5 fav build that iv played personally which is why I made the guide.

really looking forward to try this build! Something new and refreshing. But it seems with the current versions of pob (both community and normal version) I cannot import the mid and endgame pastebin anymore.

Mind updating it? Throwing errows like outdated path and stuff :/

Anyway many thanks for that build and the great work!

Just found this guide and I have to tell you it looks super fun. Definitely will try this as a league starter. After Ice Crash change one question comes to mind. Do we still allocate Winter Spirit or it's more useful to get the new Versatile Stance / Fangs of Frost or grabbing Supreme Ego until aspect? I skipped the last 2 league so sorry if my question is stupid.
Lyokii 님이 작성:

really looking forward to try this build! Something new and refreshing. But it seems with the current versions of pob (both community and normal version) I cannot import the mid and endgame pastebin anymore.

Mind updating it? Throwing errows like outdated path and stuff :/

Anyway many thanks for that build and the great work!


I changed the PoB back to 3.10 tree, let me know if that works. It's basically the same anyway.

warden91 님이 작성:
Just found this guide and I have to tell you it looks super fun. Definitely will try this as a league starter. After Ice Crash change one question comes to mind. Do we still allocate Winter Spirit or it's more useful to get the new Versatile Stance / Fangs of Frost or grabbing Supreme Ego until aspect? I skipped the last 2 league so sorry if my question is stupid.

It's possible we end up moving those 2 points but not sure where yet. The endgame tree might remove them and swap to Oak for bandit.
Velyna 님이 2020. 6. 17. 오후 4:58:15에 마지막으로 편집
Velyna 님이 작성:
Lyokii 님이 작성:

really looking forward to try this build! Something new and refreshing. But it seems with the current versions of pob (both community and normal version) I cannot import the mid and endgame pastebin anymore.

Mind updating it? Throwing errows like outdated path and stuff :/

Anyway many thanks for that build and the great work!


I changed the PoB back to 3.10 tree, let me know if that works. It's basically the same anyway.

Thanks for the try but sadly it still doest work.

Is it working for anyone else? I am using the updated versions of both pob -> same error.

Error is:
"The build you are trying to load uses an unrecognised version of the passive skill tree."

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