[3.20] ❄️❄️ Velyna's Hollow Palm Ice Crash ❄️ ❄️ Leaguestart Section | Hidden and Feared Viable
You think the fist of war support will be in ice crash link?
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" Not thinking so right now. https://www.twitch.tv/velyna
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If you did which would you change it out for? And you think you could use any war cry’s?
urunlucky#4033 님이 2020. 6. 19. 오전 1:02:07에 마지막으로 편집
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You say the build is tanky, but I dont see how. You have ~5,7k life, decent evasion I guess, dodge, and immortal call. Then u have only some crit chance so I dunno if u are rly freezing often enough. Im am more on the noobish side, could you explain what exactly makes you tanky?
AsuraStrike1#6208 님이 2020. 6. 19. 오전 7:13:02에 마지막으로 편집
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" Sure np! - 85%+ evasion (from a ton of dex) - 45% dodge / 35% spell dodge (acro/phase acro) - 60%+ phys mitigation (Endurance charges / pantheon / flasks / bandit) - 20% less damage taken if haven't been hit recently (Wind Dancer) - 10% reduced lightning damage taken (Wise Oak) - 77/78/77 Resists - Fortify - Blind - Immortal Call - Hinder (Spider aspect) My freeze chance right now is 13% with an attack rate of 6 per second, and I'm using Blast-Freeze cluster jewel to spread freezes I inflict to enemies within 12 yards. I felt very safe with this in all content except deep delve. https://www.twitch.tv/velyna Velyna#6916 님이 2020. 6. 19. 오전 7:15:47에 마지막으로 편집
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" I just looked at the new cry skills and most of them have a line saying "Attacks which repeat cannot be exerted" so using multistrike would seem to rule most of them out. You could run enduring cry, and change the small cluster jewel we're using for endurance charges right now. Dropping multistrike for the new support is a possibility but we lose a ton of attack speed. If you did swap it out Seismic Cry seems like an option. https://www.twitch.tv/velyna
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Seemed good during delirium, should be good still.
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Updated the PoB with different pathing, to grab wind dancer.
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This looks like two things:
1. An amazingly well done build guide. 2. A seriously fun build. Wow, the time that you put into this is much appreciated. I played Cyclone Hollow Palm Raider in Delirium and cleared all content. It was so fun, that I thought I'd play Hollow Palm for a second league. I was wondering if you could give me some input on a couple of things... I'm thinking that the One With Nothing jewel is going to be even more rare (hence more expensive) this league than last, as Delirium only has a 5% base chance to spawn in a map. They did say that they'll buff the jewel drop rate, but it has yet to be determined how this is going to play out as far as obtaining OWN. As such, I'm planning on it taking a long time to switch over to OWN, so I'll be playing the non hollow palm tree for a long time. So finally to the questions... 1. I'm thinking of sticking with Frost Blades, since White Wind got a very nice buff this patch. Do you think that'll be a viable build until i finally get the OWN jewel? Also, I see that "Dagger" isn't on the supported weapon list of Ice Crash. Is a Dagger a type of Sword? I Imagine it isn't, and that Ice Crash wont' work with a dagger, but I thought I'd ask anyway. :) Would you stick with Frost Blades and White Wind until OWN, or would you switch to Ice Crash with some other weapon? 2. I know it's breaking away from your build a bit, but was wondering if you could suggest what to link with Frost Blades (5L and 6L) until I can finally switch over to OWN/Ice Crash. Sorry for all the newb questions, and thanks again for the guide! |
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" Thanks man, glad you liked it! I think one with nothing will fall in price quickly, within the first week, but nobody knows yet. 1 - Frost blades is viable, daggers aren't swords, you can use either skill with the same supports so use whichever you prefer. 2 - The 5L setup is in the SSF levelling section, same ones ice crash uses. for a 6L maybe cold pen? https://www.twitch.tv/velyna
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