
I have a setup with caustic arrow in a replica quill rain, I am thinking of running Maloney on that one to simplify mapping and having a dot multi quiver for my regular quill rain for bossing and use totems there. Anyone tried a similar setup?
theLeoDiCaprio 님이 작성:
You definitely shouldn't be getting one shot...

I still see my life go down hard sometimes for single hits, though nasty chaos dots melts fast too, but that's on me, I need some more c res
After completing 7.3 Gear Progression what are the next steps after +3 bow? Watcher's eye, second cluster, divergent urgent orders?
YOUR_HAMSTER#3817 님이 2021. 6. 5. 오후 4:46:59에 마지막으로 편집
Ok, so I have reached lvl 95 and with all the new upgrades, it runs pretty smooth now.

ANy suggestions on what to Upgrade next?


(╯ಠ益ಠ)╯︵ ┻━┻ ︵ ǝ︵ o︵ d

I'm out.
Orzi 님이 작성:
Ok, so I have reached lvl 95 and with all the new upgrades, it runs pretty smooth now.

ANy suggestions on what to Upgrade next?


Bow could be better (synth base)
Helmet could be better
Poachers ring could be better (lvl 12 instead of 8)
Amulet can also be better
Jewels could get more attack speed and be better
Watchers eye could get some better rolls
Cluster jewel could also be better (missing Wicked Pall)
Awakened gems
I cast remi - a very beginner friendly guide : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2866127
Support me if you want to! ttv/remicaster1
After completing 7.3 Gear Progression what are the next steps after +3 bow? Watcher's eye, second cluster, divergent urgent orders?

Sure, after 7.3 progression part, it's just down to how you want to make the build smooth towards your own satisfaction.
I cast remi - a very beginner friendly guide : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2866127
Support me if you want to! ttv/remicaster1
Remicaster1 님이 작성:
Orzi 님이 작성:
Ok, so I have reached lvl 95 and with all the new upgrades, it runs pretty smooth now.

ANy suggestions on what to Upgrade next?


Bow could be better (synth base)
Helmet could be better
Poachers ring could be better (lvl 12 instead of 8)
Amulet can also be better
Jewels could get more attack speed and be better
Watchers eye could get some better rolls
Cluster jewel could also be better (missing Wicked Pall)
Awakened gems

In that order?
Thanks for the prompt reply and pointers.

(╯ಠ益ಠ)╯︵ ┻━┻ ︵ ǝ︵ o︵ d

I'm out.
Orzi#1098 님이 2021. 6. 7. 오전 2:30:09에 마지막으로 편집
Any thoughts on kintsugi for survivability and then having the additional curse on amulet?
Remicaster1 님이 작성:
Early leveling - https://www.filterblade.xyz/?profile=Remicaster1&saveState=710535&platform=pc

Early mapping - https://www.filterblade.xyz/?profile=Remicaster1&saveState=710537&platform=pc

High mapping - https://www.filterblade.xyz/?profile=Remicaster1&saveState=716709&platform=pc

When should you swap the filter?
When you felt like you are picking up too much loot, or you felt like you are picking up too much trash.

Usually swap to High mapping when you stop doing chaos recipe

Hi. Looks like after last FilterBlade update your "Early leveling" filter lost. Also there is some problems with other filters, many custom rules broken
Hi ,

Thanx for the tutorial

It's my first Poe Season, and you really help me to enjoy the game ! thx to the community also, one of the best i've seen in a video game

I'm 93 now Toxic Rain, but next upgrade are too expensive , or it's really hard to XP up ( watcher eye, good bow, belt ... everything 10 EX +++)

What do you think about my gear / tree and can you give me some advice to progress

I know i made a lot of mistake.. but it's my first time in this game ^^


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