
If you're following the leveling section, please note that on league start, where it says "DC", you actually want to be going to the Character Select screen and the logging back in to bring you back into town. If you don't, you'll be stuck in the long queue on Day 1.

Also, DC isn't necessary around act 3. You've probably picked up enough Portal Scrolls by then and can just use those to go back to town instead.
BowWizard 님이 작성:
Remicaster1 님이 작성:
BowWizard 님이 작성:

Hi - so we should take evasion and life node instead of projectile speed at the beginning then instead of what is initially outlined in the passives ? (the end tree aligns with the POB)

no, you have to take the projectile damage early on, then refund the points later on. Because this build does not have good damage early, taking evasion life start will have problems on killing act bosses.

So as you progress your passive tree, until you reach the progression that swapped to life, just refund those points at projectile damage then put it into the life

To respec you have to change the build starting node from what it is at BC (before cluster) to what it is AC (after cluster)

but that is right at the start of the characters passive tree. As far as I know this means I have to respec everything or can you now respec any node on the tree without having to remove items connected to it ?

I'm ok with having to do a complete respec once, just want to make sure I understand the mechanics of doing so correctly so I can avoid spending more orbs of regret than I have to.

you don't need to respect the whole passive tree, just respect part of your tree for 5 passive points, allocate life & evasion nodes, refund the projectile nodes, then allocate back the nodes that you temp refunded for the relocation
I cast remi - a very beginner friendly guide : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2866127
Support me if you want to! ttv/remicaster1
Serge91 님이 작성:
Heya mate. First thing, i want to compliment with you for such a great guide, very very helpful for new players, for leveling especially.
I'm not new player, but i've skipped the last two leagues for personal reasons, and since this game keeps evolving league after league, i'm out of some mechanics (for example, cluster jewels).

I've done many archer builds, but never tried Toxic Rain even if i wanted to. Never found an appealing guide.
This time i found one right here, and i'm curious to try this build as league starter since it seems quite cheap at least for reaching fast maps and farming low maps.

I need to ask you a couple things:
1)all this high atk speed and aoe from the skill is gonna be impactful regarding FPS? I heard there should be a new system that makes the effects lighter for my pc, and that's great, but i fear that won't be enough considering my laptop doesn't have a dedicated gpu (though it has 12gb ram and a decent cpu)... Can you tell me anything regarding the performance of the skill when you have high atk speed and aoe?

2) are cluster jewels for endgame boss? i'm not quite concerned about the loss of dps you've mentioned in the first post with the changes incoming, just wanted to know if it will be competitive even with only 3M dps for Shaper/Elder/Guardians farming(even tho you won't instaphase him ofc, i don't care about that)

3) are there any impactful changes for the build, aside from the dps loss? Changes on passive tree?

Thanks mate, keep it up with your good work.

1. No, it is not insanely impactful to your PC performance if you generally don't have frames issues. It is not as bad as VD spellslinger

2. cluster jewels are for your endgame setup yes, but it is highly recommended to get clusters as it massively improve your dps.

3. aside from the dps loss from cluster jewels, nothing else changed pretty much, we are still as tanky and fast.
I cast remi - a very beginner friendly guide : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2866127
Support me if you want to! ttv/remicaster1
Eti88 님이 작성:
Nice guide, I'm considering a TR Pathfinder to play in Harvest. Skill also synergizes well with the theme of the league by spawning plants. :)

What do you think about Master Toxicist instead of Nature's Adrenaline?

I'm a big fan of rolling Dread Banner (+Generosity) alongside Flesh and Stone, maybe I can make some space for it.

Yeah you can take Master Toxicist for more damage, but I like ailment immunity for the tankiness.
I cast remi - a very beginner friendly guide : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2866127
Support me if you want to! ttv/remicaster1
Vakarlan 님이 작성:

There is?

Well it is not updated for 3.11 but the final tree will still be nearly the same, I just need some time to figure out the cluster jewels.

All other part of the gear will be the same
I cast remi - a very beginner friendly guide : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2866127
Support me if you want to! ttv/remicaster1
Kmiec 님이 작성:
Just did an Act 3 practice run in 1h13min, all lab trials and passives done. Lab not done, but you can add 5-7 min to the run with lab.
Maybe its faster to do lab first to help on bosses and running, but my plan is to do lab when I get the mine waypoint at act 4.
It was pretty fast (but bosses still feel pretty bad), and I got VERY unlucky, no movespeed boots at all the whole run, got a 3L only by the end of act 2, and found no 4L at all. (also no good essences)

With some luck can reduce time to 1h10 with lab done.

Definitely starting with this on Harvest.

Good luck to everyone.

Edit: Didn't use Malevolence nor Despair because I didn't have enough int, another bad luck case. With those I believe bosses will feel better, and we can shave off more time.

Just to understand, this run you've made was with Quill Rain equipped from the start?
I believe Quill Rain will be very strong in the first stages of the game. I'm asking that just to know what to expect while leveling without Quill Rain in the new league.
Serge91 님이 작성:
Just to understand, this run you've made was with Quill Rain equipped from the start?
I believe Quill Rain will be very strong in the first stages of the game. I'm asking that just to know what to expect while leveling without Quill Rain in the new league.

They are practicing a league start with the build which means no uniques. It's a fresh start with only the items you find while leveling.
This mod from T3 Wild Brambleback Seed is a decent add for the build:
Enchant a Weapon. Quality does not increase its Physical Damage, grants 1% increased Area of Effect per 4% Quality

With the syndicate we can have 26% quality on Quill Rain, 6% increased AoE.

Also T2 Vivid Striketail Grain will be great for crafting flasks:
- Enchant a Flask with a modifier that increases its Duration. The magnitude of this effect decreases with each use.

- Enchant a Flask with a modifier that increases its Effect. The magnitude of this effect decreases with each use.
- Enchant a Flask with a modifier that increases its Maximum Charges. The magnitude of this effect decreases with each use.
- Enchant a Flask with a modifier that reduces its Charges used. The magnitude of this effect decreases with each use.

Not to mention the chaos T1 seed, they will be great, especially for leveling.

There are so many other great crafting mods, but these were the ones that were fitting more for this buld in my opinion.
JolteonSQ 님이 작성:
Serge91 님이 작성:
Just to understand, this run you've made was with Quill Rain equipped from the start?
I believe Quill Rain will be very strong in the first stages of the game. I'm asking that just to know what to expect while leveling without Quill Rain in the new league.

They are practicing a league start with the build which means no uniques. It's a fresh start with only the items you find while leveling.

Oh i see, makes sense. Thanks mate.
Serge91 님이 작성:
Kmiec 님이 작성:
Just did an Act 3 practice run in 1h13min, all lab trials and passives done. Lab not done, but you can add 5-7 min to the run with lab.
Maybe its faster to do lab first to help on bosses and running, but my plan is to do lab when I get the mine waypoint at act 4.
It was pretty fast (but bosses still feel pretty bad), and I got VERY unlucky, no movespeed boots at all the whole run, got a 3L only by the end of act 2, and found no 4L at all. (also no good essences)

With some luck can reduce time to 1h10 with lab done.

Definitely starting with this on Harvest.

Good luck to everyone.

Edit: Didn't use Malevolence nor Despair because I didn't have enough int, another bad luck case. With those I believe bosses will feel better, and we can shave off more time.

Just to understand, this run you've made was with Quill Rain equipped from the start?
I believe Quill Rain will be very strong in the first stages of the game. I'm asking that just to know what to expect while leveling without Quill Rain in the new league.

No quill rain at all, I did the run on SSF. 0 Gear just like league start.

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