[3.12] Radiating Carrion Golems. 90% resistances + 10-20 Mil DPS
My gems are quite a bit different b/c I play in CI and we vary our builds a bit, Lisann for example runs different gems and a different skill tree utilizing a 5th medium cluster.
Theres room to customize the build to fit your needs, more dps, more minion durability, more clear speed etc etc. Heres mine though, I link them occasionally to give folks ideas on good alternate quality gems that could help them or combos; JCOH35#4078 님이 2020. 11. 18. 오후 2:57:59에 마지막으로 편집
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" For the Animate Guardian Armor - Does it have to be Victoria's Flight or can it be any other shoes with that implicit Mod. |
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I like chaos res boots for my AGs, 10% mov speed is kinda trivial when we already have 300% effect haste and vaal haste. There might even be some nice sinthesys implicit boots worth trying.
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Ya I honeslty dont go nuts on my AG, several leagues back when I played the baron zombie necro meta I had a good 17+ex into my AG and was always terrified hed die, granted I made it that entire league without losing him but this builds so over powered I just dont care.
I gave mine a kingsmaker, victarios flight, southbound gloves, and just high life/life%/chaos res chest and helmet. |
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Can someone tell me what skill this is please (Please Right Click and select view image POE Forum don't show it) mojo8850#3914 님이 2020. 11. 18. 오후 10:48:08에 마지막으로 편집
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" Focus. Its found as a craft on items that performs "x" effect upon focus. |
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What is actually the next breakpoint after 300% aura effect?
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" Can you please link a pastebin in order to understand more your build? I have so many questions to ask and a link will help them answer easily. For example: 1)If we dont use impale on the armor, should we have rotten claws on both large clusters or only one, considering that we have dread banner of course. 2)Why not use awakened melee splash(super cheap) and use divergent melee splash instead? 3)which path nodes we should refund in order to path all the way to charisma or the jewel that you mentioned? 4)Which gem we replace for Flesh and Stone?Should we change boots to Doryani in order to free one gem? |
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Ok, so, i decided to use my Arc Witch level 96 in this build because i couldn't wait anymore to level my other witch. This is the gear i'm using:
I know it's not optimal but it is very close to what the build says you need to use (i'm going to try Vorici for white sockets to Shavs). Now, what i am not understanding is: I have 1183 MANA, i have these auras on: Discipline (20/20) + Purity of Fire (20/20) + Purity of Ice (21/0) + Purity of Lightning (20/20) + Pride (17/16) + Haste (18/16) + Vitality (16/15) AND Precision (10/10). All this leaves me with 19 of UNRESERVED MANA. I can't enable Dread Banner. This 19 MANA is enough to use Shield Charge (currently at level 8 and uses 10 MANA), Vulnerability at LEVEL 2. What i don't understand is, there is no way for me to level up these two if they go past MANA 19 to be used. VITALITY aura increases with each level, so, from what i'm seeing i can't go past LEVEL 16 with it. Hell, i've already specced into two nodes that give me 28% INCREASED in MAXIMUM MANA (will leave the PoB code for my build, please check). So, what am i doing wrong here to not be able to level up VITALITY, to not be able to have DREAD BANNER on? The build i was following is the second one in the first page, is called the ENDGAME one, and in that build the author has less MANA than my character and he is level 97. Am i supposed to have RMR in the Primordial and the Watcher's Eye jewels to run all auras? Mind you, i'm not complaining, i just wanna understand better. Please, check my PoB fork here: https://pastebin.com/Mf830p28. You will be able to check my cluster jewels in there and i DO have aura effect at 3.0. Thanks in advance! ![]() phosTR#5224 님이 2020. 11. 19. 오전 8:21:08에 마지막으로 편집
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Well, the very obvious thing you are lacking is rmr. Both on the tree and a helm enchant. Increased mana is pretty much useless as auras reserve a %, that much should be self explanatory.
Just path to charisma instead of annointing it, and annoint champion of the cause, remove points that path towards minion onslaught.. Get a flesh n stone/pride/whatever rmr enchant, shouldnt be expensive. Also delevel precision if you still need to free mana, reserve more stuff (namely vitality) on life... there's a ton on thing that now are your decision. Lisann#6312 님이 2020. 11. 19. 오전 9:05:56에 마지막으로 편집
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