[3.12] Radiating Carrion Golems. 90% resistances + 10-20 Mil DPS

This build is absolutly insane. One of the best and smoothest progression from level 1 to Endgame I have ever had. The leveling and what to buy section of the guide is an absolut must read.
Also there are so many possibilities on what to sink currency with this build. Defentliy gonna be my starter for a while. Thank you for putting this much effort into the guide !

YuriDT#5832 님이 2020. 12. 23. 오후 3:24:40에 마지막으로 편집
Turbo32 님이 작성:

The syndicate operatives are a pure physical attack spectre, this means to convert to it, all you have to do is change your 6link gems and some jewels with maybe the addition to remove certain golem related skill points and you're ready to go.
You might want to keep at least 1 carrion cause their flat phys will add dps to the SO.
The only downside of SO is they also have a melee skill which does very little dmg, this means you must position them so that they aren't too close to melee but still close enough to shotgun.

You may take a look at our CI guide to this build which has a spectre version inside, it has the suggested 6link gems there. It's the one named.
[CI] Unkillable Carrion Golems/Spectres

I've seen people push their secret police daggers to 6m sDPS (this dmg is before calculation of shotgun and everything else) in the physical dmg variant. But I didn't copy the POB, so it's lost in forum pages.

Also if you want to make it in lowlife build it will totally work too. The best gem setup I've seen so far was a guy called Zelonius. That's his profile name.
Simply take out zombies and replace it with discipline and then juggle with reservations a little.

Thanks a lot for the answer! I'll give everything you said a look.
I found out something... so Shaper's beam is a degeneration kind of damage or what?
You thing I khare, but I realy dond.
Spacecom 님이 작성:
I found out something... so Shaper's beam is a degeneration kind of damage or what?

Your imagine is not showing, but yes shaper beams are Damage over time.


AtlasBossCelestialBeam +3 seconds to Base duration
Deals 5384.5 Base Fire Damage per second
Deals 4405.6 Base Cold Damage per second
Deals 6057.5 Base Lightning Damage per second
Turbo32#5327 님이 2020. 12. 23. 오후 12:38:25에 마지막으로 편집
https://youtu.be/bifkQwh0FKg since .gif doesnt work
You thing I khare, but I realy dond.
Spacecom#5362 님이 2020. 12. 23. 오후 1:11:40에 마지막으로 편집
Spacecom 님이 작성:
https://youtu.be/bifkQwh0FKg since .gif doesnt work

you can link a GIF like this

Can click quote and see how it was typed out.

And yes congratulations you can tank a shaper beam :)
Turbo32#5327 님이 2020. 12. 24. 오전 1:08:47에 마지막으로 편집
hellO! got a noob qeustion :P

How can I check my golems impale chance? wanted to know if i can swap the impale sup for the damage on full life to boost even more dps!

This is my pastebin:


Also is there and easy way to calculate AG auras? i had them written in the amulet manually but they alwasy get deleted when importing :/ kinda annoying... is there a better way to do it?

DarkPhobos91 님이 작성:
hellO! got a noob qeustion :P

How can I check my golems impale chance? wanted to know if i can swap the impale sup for the damage on full life to boost even more dps!

This is my pastebin:


Also is there and easy way to calculate AG auras? i had them written in the amulet manually but they alwasy get deleted when importing :/ kinda annoying... is there a better way to do it?


After filling in the clusters on your tree, you can go to Calc and choose carrion then there will be this box you can tick to show minion stats.

Then the impale chance would show up.

I personally have a word file I just save for my AG amulet, you can do that too.

Remember certain things doesn't show up on POB. Especially some the alternative quality gems.
So you might also need to edit them onto POB.
So test it out by switching the quality of the gems in the skill section and see if your DPS jumps around.

But a few already know issues that are Divergent clarity doesn't show.
Divergent pride doesn't show.
Turbo32#5327 님이 2020. 12. 28. 오후 11:35:36에 마지막으로 편집
Turbo32 님이 작성:
Garulf161 님이 작성:
Did anyone manage to make Syndicate Operatives work with this build?

I saw some people talking about it in this thread, but nothing too concrete.

I tried it myself, since I ran dominating blow, so the tree didn't need any chances. And while clear speed was pretty good, single target damage was a bit of a let down. I didn't change anything else on the build though.

How are you guys experiente with these spectres?

The syndicate operatives are a pure physical attack spectre, this means to convert to it, all you have to do is change your 6link gems and some jewels with maybe the addition to remove certain golem related skill points and you're ready to go.
You might want to keep at least 1 carrion cause their flat phys will add dps to the SO.
The only downside of SO is they also have a melee skill which does very little dmg, this means you must position them so that they aren't too close to melee but still close enough to shotgun.

You may take a look at our CI guide to this build which has a spectre version inside, it has the suggested 6link gems there. It's the one named.
[CI] Unkillable Carrion Golems/Spectres

I've seen people push their secret police daggers to 6m sDPS (this dmg is before calculation of shotgun and everything else) in the physical dmg variant. But I didn't copy the POB, so it's lost in forum pages.

Also if you want to make it in lowlife build it will totally work too. The best gem setup I've seen so far was a guy called Zelonius. That's his profile name.
Simply take out zombies and replace it with discipline and then juggle with reservations a little.

This got my attention. I'd like to try this out but the golem version's End game POB has no pastebin link. Is it better to use spec build?
kirbz00 님이 작성:

This got my attention. I'd like to try this out but the golem version's End game POB has no pastebin link. Is it better to use spec build?

I honestly think the main difference is be able to fit and use all the new gems in, and the divergent determination with anomalous grace + anomalous purities allowed us to become ultra tanky.
But this is very costy, you can first look up the prices of those gems, I'm not sure how much they are now.
Also converting to CI would be a complete over haul on most of the gears.
It was a rough estimate of about 60ex by a guy who was converting to CI.

I would not suggest converting first with saqawal chest cause that although is the strongest version, is also the most expensive and without enough investment you can die a lot more often.

I made a very simple conversion POB. its the most easy to achieve tankiness but least dps choice. But also probably the cheaper option.

POB: https://pastebin.com/AfB6ce5h
(Note that POB doesn't take div determination into account and that in the game your %phys reduction will be 90% with this setup)

Please do note that this POB is a maxed out version of what I would recommend you start out with.
The POB is just to show you what options you can upgrade if you had RMR on all your jewels.
I'm also going to copy and paste something I wrote a long time ago
Also if you do want to try it you can actually do it without a single -1 RMR implicit jewel.
What you need is to have 5 medium cluster jewels with reduce mana reservation notables and an helm enchantment on an alpha's howl.
Preferably get a helm enchant to reduce mana cost of something that the clusters can't and an aura which needs 50% mana reservation.

If you don't have a Helm enchant then maybe you'll need the 6th medium cluster notable for more RMR

I counted I have a total of -51% Mana reservation, and a -15% to socketed shield.
So going to list out where you can get this -51% from.
Skill tree ================== 28%
Champion of the cause annoint= 4%
Might of the meek jewel======= 2%
Conqueror's Efficiency ======= 2%
Alpha's howl ================= 8%
Redeemer Simplex amulet======= 7%

And that's a total of 51% Reduced mana reservation.
Non of the gears required will need an Awakener's orb, so they are all craft able within a reasonable amount of currency.

Video demonstration on what that build can do when maxed out like on POB

If your interested about the other options or have more questions on making the rares you can ask on the CI thread, I don't look at this thread as often.
Turbo32#5327 님이 2020. 12. 31. 오전 5:17:25에 마지막으로 편집

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