[3.14] Bleedsplosion Bow Gladiator | League Starter | Beginner Friendly | Assailum

How hit the target with snipe skill? it shoots not where the cursor I do not understand the projectile flies either to the right or to the left of the target always

Hi there.


is there any reason you didn't pick the iron grip notable skill?
cause it says on the wiki that "bleed application is based on the base physical damage of the attack that caused it" in which iron grip converts the str melee dmg to Projectile dmg since bleed is based on the dmg done upon hit?
Slurpingloots 님이 작성:

Hi there.


is there any reason you didn't pick the iron grip notable skill?
cause it says on the wiki that "bleed application is based on the base physical damage of the attack that caused it" in which iron grip converts the str melee dmg to Projectile dmg since bleed is based on the dmg done upon hit?

% incrased projectile damage does not apply to bleed damage.
Bigozerki1 님이 작성:
How hit the target with snipe skill? it shoots not where the cursor I do not understand the projectile flies either to the right or to the left of the target always

A trick I have been using is hover over the boss, so you can see the health bar. But in general it flies straight for me :P
sojurne 님이 작성:
I plan on running this build in SSF although would like to know what should I do with the fact that I haven't dropped a lioney's fall jewel yet is there another place i can distribute the points and still run this build ?

Placing the points into a large cluster jewel, then 2 medium cluster jewels. Also if you are not running lioneye's jewel then you can annoint cleaving for the "Bleeding you inflict deals Damage 15% faster"
Hi, im doing a diferent version of your build and i think i should be doing more dps. what u can recommend me? https://pastebin.com/BUa7AFj0
Hello I've been playing this build for past ~2 weeks and I believe this is the strongest build that I've played in past 3 years. (even better than 3.7 cyclone duelist on which I threw around 70 exalts maybe more)
It has impressive clear amazing single target dps extreme survivability and has SMOOTH GAMEPLAY which matters to me the most.
I am using diffrent medium cluster jewel and I added a small cluster jewel but otherwise it's the same tree that you have put in you updated pob. In total I've spent about 20ish exalts (not including gems) on the build and I could feel the impact on every single bought/upgraded gearpiece.
The build is amazing going to push the exp as far as I can till I have to go back to the university and I might try it again when I have some free time somewhere in the future.
The only thing I'd like to add is that in my opinion CHAOS RESISTANCE is a must in current state of the game. In combination with other defensive mechanics the only time I die is when I charge into legion mobs or some random mob smacks me with a bullshit critical hit and I get stunned.

I wouldn't call it a leaguestart build atleast I don't feel like it's that viable to leaguestart with maybe I'm just shit at the game but damn it felt awful and I almost gave up before I reached maps and even in maps without +/- 3ish exalts it felt like shit

The build REALLY spikes after upgrading to ELDER BOW.

Here's my path of building I've no clue how to properly setup configs but I think it's good gear? not sure what else I could improve without spending abysmal amounts of exalts: https://pastebin.com/Ty4CqQ7g

Here's a scuffed A8 Sirus deathless with FAT 11 EX WORTH DROPS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iUE2OelLFH0&feature=youtu.be
edmundsk1 님이 2020. 8. 5. 오후 5:27:57에 마지막으로 편집
hey, love doing this character! I was wondering if you could tell me or maybe add a section on cluster jewels for the rest of us.

Currently using this guy:

I know it only has one passive, but if there are two that go really well together on a medium or if there's a large to use before it? Not sure.

Thanks for the guide, and hopefully your response c:
Ferraria457 님이 작성:
hey, love doing this character! I was wondering if you could tell me or maybe add a section on cluster jewels for the rest of us.

Currently using this guy:

I know it only has one passive, but if there are two that go really well together on a medium or if there's a large to use before it? Not sure.

Thanks for the guide, and hopefully your response c:

You can check my Character to get an idea about Cluster Jewels. I'm using 8 Notables and I'm getting 44 Flat Life as well as 48% Resistances from my Jewels.
I decided to mess around with this build since I've never made a bleed build. So far and I'm lvl 74 and this build slaps...

I maybe have only <9ex invested so far and 1 puncture kills all conquerors. I am squishy but that's primarily due to my level and not optimizing resist/life on my gear.

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