[3.11] Some_day's Cold DOT Scion - All content capable on Hardcore and budget

ex_sonic 님이 작성:
I hope you will update that build for 3.13!

https://pastebin.com/Uuh8UgtC new tree

I am gonna run this build in clan hc private league! Stay tuned!
Some_Day 님이 작성:
ex_sonic 님이 작성:
I hope you will update that build for 3.13!

https://pastebin.com/Uuh8UgtC new tree

I am gonna run this build in clan hc private league! Stay tuned!

I play you'r build in Ritual now. Looks like i need more dmg. When i do endgame, Sirus take so loogn to kill.

That my char now https://pastebin.com/rSxLW6n4 (i pick Glad and Necro)
ex_sonic 님이 작성:
Some_Day 님이 작성:
ex_sonic 님이 작성:
I hope you will update that build for 3.13!

https://pastebin.com/Uuh8UgtC new tree

I am gonna run this build in clan hc private league! Stay tuned!

I play you'r build in Ritual now. Looks like i need more dmg. When i do endgame, Sirus take so loogn to kill.

That my char now https://pastebin.com/rSxLW6n4 (i pick Glad and Necro)

This is a HC build man

Unspect from unwavering stance you dont need it, spec into jugg instead of gladiator. Take light of divinity and holy dominion
edit - nvm. agnostic version stupid, lose too much dps and no benefit from archmage for this build, rf in no way makes up for the lost dps
rozakk 님이 2021. 3. 30. 오전 1:17:32에 마지막으로 편집
hi, Do you plan to make some guide for 3.14?
Hi I've quit the game due to a higher calling. So I'll leave it to your imagination :)

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