[3.15]Expedition PENANCE/ SPARK Aura Stack, 50M+ DPS, BEST BUILD IN GAME | 20-30 EX BUDGET VIDEO

krievas 님이 작성:

Ok so out with the small clusters and get all -1 reserves and aura jewels to 21.

Only did go with the small clusters because my damage was so low that I cannot even do maps properly at first.

You can copy my gear and aura setup exactly, if you dont know what to buy.

1) Replace my double influence helm with redeemer-only or essence crafted helm w/ -5 reserve
2) replace +6 eleweak hands of high templar with +4 eleweak or +6 cast speed/spell crit
3) Get tailwind/elusive boots with no bonus es
5) drop hatred ring of the brotherhood for non-corrupt one, replace fortify in the weapon with haste, put hatred in the shield
6) Get single corrupt Grace shield instead of my double corrupt one
7) Look a few pages back for more budget medium clusters and copy them exactly
8) Get Watchers eye with Arcane Surge and another damage mod - this allows you to drop Arcane Surge from your links and run a QOL support. You will have better uptime on Arcane Surge than running it in links, because it works so well with Bottled Faith and consecrate on hit from zealotry

Prioritize getting anger cotb ring and all corrupted jewels first.
Expensive hatred/wrath/zealotry rings are not required to get started.

Zeroexp 님이 2020. 8. 18. 오후 5:14:27에 마지막으로 편집
Zeroexp 님이 작성:
krievas 님이 작성:

Ok so out with the small clusters and get all -1 reserves and aura jewels to 21.

Only did go with the small clusters because my damage was so low that I cannot even do maps properly at first.

You can copy my gear and aura setup exactly, if you dont know what to buy.

1) Replace my double influence helm with redeemer-only or essence crafted helm w/ -5 reserve
2) replace +6 eleweak hands of high templar with +4 eleweak or +6 cast speed/spell crit
3) Get tailwind/elusive boots with no bonus es
5) drop hatred ring of the brotherhood for non-corrupt one, replace fortify in the weapon with haste, put hatred in the shield
6) Get single corrupt Grace shield instead of my double corrupt one
7) Look a few pages back for more budget medium clusters and copy them exactly
8) Get Watchers eye with Arcane Surge and another damage mod - this allows you to drop Arcane Surge from your links and run a QOL support. You will have better uptime on Arcane Surge than running it in links, because it works so well with Bottled Faith and consecrate on hit from zealotry

Prioritize getting anger cotb ring and all corrupted jewels first.
Expensive hatred/wrath/zealotry rings are not required to get started.

Thanks alot. Will try the above.
Already did made some changes and I switched to EK.
Finally finished crafting my amulet as well.

Here is my current setup and current level: https://pastebin.com/2D0nV7YK

Though still want to improve my dps.
What aura should I go next? Anger or Haste?
70 ex should be more than enough to get the build off the ground and farm maps for more currency.

So Maxdalury, I'm pulling out my hair because I invested at least 240 ex for 6 of those medium clusters 35% first among equal and still I only have 49% physical damage reduction, how the f do I even hit 75% that I see with these builds. I watched the video from mbxtreme and he had the same 6 jewels and had 75% damage reduction.....
Guys, what level i need take to do this build?
Zeroexp 님이 작성:
krievas 님이 작성:

Ok so out with the small clusters and get all -1 reserves and aura jewels to 21.

Only did go with the small clusters because my damage was so low that I cannot even do maps properly at first.

You can copy my gear and aura setup exactly, if you dont know what to buy.

1) Replace my double influence helm with redeemer-only or essence crafted helm w/ -5 reserve
2) replace +6 eleweak hands of high templar with +4 eleweak or +6 cast speed/spell crit
3) Get tailwind/elusive boots with no bonus es
5) drop hatred ring of the brotherhood for non-corrupt one, replace fortify in the weapon with haste, put hatred in the shield
6) Get single corrupt Grace shield instead of my double corrupt one
7) Look a few pages back for more budget medium clusters and copy them exactly
8) Get Watchers eye with Arcane Surge and another damage mod - this allows you to drop Arcane Surge from your links and run a QOL support. You will have better uptime on Arcane Surge than running it in links, because it works so well with Bottled Faith and consecrate on hit from zealotry

Prioritize getting anger cotb ring and all corrupted jewels first.
Expensive hatred/wrath/zealotry rings are not required to get started.

He doesnt exalts, great help.. Items not worth the money(If you cant afford it)...
I think you are bragging and you do not want to help.
He shows you the final result, you dont need it to enjoy the game. Dont pay attention to what he writes..
green1908 님이 2020. 8. 19. 오전 2:53:25에 마지막으로 편집
green1908 님이 작성:
Zeroexp 님이 작성:
krievas 님이 작성:

Ok so out with the small clusters and get all -1 reserves and aura jewels to 21.

Only did go with the small clusters because my damage was so low that I cannot even do maps properly at first.

You can copy my gear and aura setup exactly, if you dont know what to buy.

1) Replace my double influence helm with redeemer-only or essence crafted helm w/ -5 reserve
2) replace +6 eleweak hands of high templar with +4 eleweak or +6 cast speed/spell crit
3) Get tailwind/elusive boots with no bonus es
5) drop hatred ring of the brotherhood for non-corrupt one, replace fortify in the weapon with haste, put hatred in the shield
6) Get single corrupt Grace shield instead of my double corrupt one
7) Look a few pages back for more budget medium clusters and copy them exactly
8) Get Watchers eye with Arcane Surge and another damage mod - this allows you to drop Arcane Surge from your links and run a QOL support. You will have better uptime on Arcane Surge than running it in links, because it works so well with Bottled Faith and consecrate on hit from zealotry

Prioritize getting anger cotb ring and all corrupted jewels first.
Expensive hatred/wrath/zealotry rings are not required to get started.

He doesnt exalts, great help.. Items not worth the money(If you cant afford it)...
I think you are bragging and you do not want to help.
He shows you the final result, you dont need it to enjoy the game. Dont pay attention to what he writes..

No bro he isn't bragging just setting up a baseline on what I should aim for.
I really appreciate both of your help and advice.

Already made some changes and got grace shield and arcane surge watcher's eye with physical to lightning damage mod.

Switched to EK from arc. Now I'm focusing on gaining more levels and getting all corrupt jewels. Current POB is https://pastebin.com/0Ng8dvhS.

Still sitting at less than 2m dps though. Having a hard time on single target.
krievas 님이 2020. 8. 19. 오전 3:42:33에 마지막으로 편집
leethal 님이 작성:
70 ex should be more than enough to get the build off the ground and farm maps for more currency.

So Maxdalury, I'm pulling out my hair because I invested at least 240 ex for 6 of those medium clusters 35% first among equal and still I only have 49% physical damage reduction, how the f do I even hit 75% that I see with these builds. I watched the video from mbxtreme and he had the same 6 jewels and had 75% damage reduction.....

Exactly same question... I don't get where you get the additional Phys res on top of the 50% from ascendancy
you don't get that much phys reduction as a scion with this build, it's that simple. you can add determination to get to 60%ish and that's about it. need to roll as a templar if you want more than that
krievas 님이 작성:

No bro he isn't bragging just setting up a baseline on what I should aim for.
I really appreciate both of your help and advice.

Already made some changes and got grace shield and arcane surge watcher's eye with physical to lightning damage mod.

Switched to EK from arc. Now I'm focusing on gaining more levels and getting all corrupt jewels. Current POB is https://pastebin.com/0Ng8dvhS.

Still sitting at less than 2m dps though. Having a hard time on single target.

well for a start you have occultist as ascendancy instead of necro, im not sure if that's on purpose or not. and adding templar gloves with a level 4 empower and 21 smite basically doubles damage with enough aura effectiveness.

most of your jewels only have one notable. if you can't afford the effectiveness% jewels with ES, regen and int then just go for double notables like mine. and you're missing some auras too, you have nearly 30% unreserved mana. every aura scales the damage more and more. you have 13 total right now which is quite low. i currently have 17 auras and can fit some more too with better gear. the auras make a huge difference. my spark tooltip was like 300k and about 1.5m on pob but adding in all the proper auras took it to 1.5m in game and almost 12m on pob. i did play arc but it felt clunky, i had around 30m dps with that and i was almost insta phasing sirus for example - those numbers are with vaal RF too because i opted for an extra aura so the numbers can be a lot higher
crazypearce 님이 2020. 8. 19. 오전 6:50:07에 마지막으로 편집
Baygon_Rouge 님이 작성:
leethal 님이 작성:
70 ex should be more than enough to get the build off the ground and farm maps for more currency.

So Maxdalury, I'm pulling out my hair because I invested at least 240 ex for 6 of those medium clusters 35% first among equal and still I only have 49% physical damage reduction, how the f do I even hit 75% that I see with these builds. I watched the video from mbxtreme and he had the same 6 jewels and had 75% damage reduction.....

Exactly same question... I don't get where you get the additional Phys res on top of the 50% from ascendancy

Auras. This is how your POB should look like if you have stacked enough aura effect & have all auras running. You can push all auras to +5 with 35% jewels
Rumi is OFF:

You can push this to +5 from all auras by running 3x Voices and BIS jewels

If you have a 1x -1 medium jewel in the setup above, you can even fit something like Dread Banner to get another +5 phys reduction on top of that 74%

Zeroexp 님이 2020. 8. 20. 오전 12:18:23에 마지막으로 편집

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