[3.12] Secrets of Suffering GLACIAL CASCADE miner | boss killer | works in budget / League starter |

gawddawg 님이 작성:
Darrylrfd 님이 작성:

The shock and bonechill numbers are easy base shock for skitterbots is 15% they currently have 170% shock effectiveness giving them 40.5 shock effect. chill base is 10% for skitterbot with bonechill my skitterbots are at 224% chill effect making them reach the cap of 30% bonechill damage and slow. the brittle effect requires some assumptions. that being said I only need 8% brittle to have 99.45% crit. If we are to assume you need 100% of the monsters ailment threshold in 1 hit to reach 15% brittle and the reduction follows the same as it does for shock as a percentage reduction if its additive like shock and chill are i have even higher % brittle. https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Shock my 2 million damage hit if it was lightning would do 18.2% shock which is 32.4% of max shock. 32.4% of max brittle is 5.46% that times my 137% ailment effect is 12.9% brittle which has me over 100% crit chance. so I could be wrong but that is with very conservative assumptions. on another note the dammage of 2 million is not counting blastchain mines 5% more damage per mine which would make my last hit do around 4.3 million. from the 115% more damamge on the 23rd mine.

Your crafted gear is awesome man, would have been hard to hit some of those mods I feel. Btw any input for a frost bomb support link in the wand that doesn't involve frostbite? I tried looking at cast on crit combos with attacks to proc it but didn't see any attacks that would apply any effects like unnerve.

Btw I saw some posts debating high-impact vs blastchain

"The 2% chance to deal damage is an aura, Demolitions Specialist gives 100% increased aura effect for mines. Blastchain doesn't have an aura component so gets nothing from it.
With 20 mines and Demolitions Specialist as your only aura effect source, High Impact's aura reaches 80% chance to deal double damage." - by reddit user Gerrador_Undeleted, 11 months ago.

I feel this makes sense since if we count both scenarios with all the mines down, the very first mine of the HI will (very very likely) deal double damage, so in your case 4m off the bat whereas Blastchain would reach 4.3m which is higher for sure, but only as it reaches the very last detonation. Hence given each mine already does a tonne, would it be more practical to opt for High-impact seeing as any boss would be dead before the last mine? And if a boss did survive you have the scenario of each mine doing 4m vs starting at 2m and 5% more consecutively.

Wondering if you have tested this and would like to test it out. I definitely respect both options, what's your view/math on this?

I tried High impact mines. the only way I would use it if I was not reaching crit cap without it which I Believe I am. I don't want to sacrifice born in the shadow's pyromaniac or explosives expert.
Darrylrfd 님이 작성:

I tried High impact mines. the only way I would use it if I was not reaching crit cap without it which I Believe I am. I don't want to sacrifice born in the shadow's pyromaniac or explosives expert.

Had a look into it, double damage is separate from critical strikes, no?
I took your shield off in pob and your crit chance was still 100%, put your shield back on and scaled the double damage chance from 5% to 80%, dmg calc went up with it.
Man your damage could be pretty insane if your crits doubled! But you've clearly tested it like you said and well you're still popping stuff in seconds lmao, so eh.

Btw after having experimented I feel we could go without Born in the shadows, the radius melee mobs is very small hence I feel we'd only apply the blind aura when we literally dash into mobs. In terms of ranged mobs: since they're so far and blind aura is really small we'd only be able to apply blind through the 25% on hit and since we one shot ranged mobs we don't need that 25% chance to apply it either. I can see your value for it in -dmg taken on blinded enemies so maybe bosses?

I myself really like having ~40% double dmg on a single minefield throw but I can definitely understand if you want indisputably more defences and one could argue the bonus dmg is only for pure bossing.

I just like theorycrafting so I wanted to hear your input on this is all, not trying to sway anything. Btw once again your gear is awesome, haha
gawddawg 님이 작성:
Darrylrfd 님이 작성:

I tried High impact mines. the only way I would use it if I was not reaching crit cap without it which I Believe I am. I don't want to sacrifice born in the shadow's pyromaniac or explosives expert.

Had a look into it, double damage is separate from critical strikes, no?
I took your shield off in pob and your crit chance was still 100%, put your shield back on and scaled the double damage chance from 5% to 80%, dmg calc went up with it.
Man your damage could be pretty insane if your crits doubled! But you've clearly tested it like you said and well you're still popping stuff in seconds lmao, so eh.

Btw after having experimented I feel we could go without Born in the shadows, the radius melee mobs is very small hence I feel we'd only apply the blind aura when we literally dash into mobs. In terms of ranged mobs: since they're so far and blind aura is really small we'd only be able to apply blind through the 25% on hit and since we one shot ranged mobs we don't need that 25% chance to apply it either. I can see your value for it in -dmg taken on blinded enemies so maybe bosses?

I myself really like having ~40% double dmg on a single minefield throw but I can definitely understand if you want indisputably more defences and one could argue the bonus dmg is only for pure bossing.

I just like theorycrafting so I wanted to hear your input on this is all, not trying to sway anything. Btw once again your gear is awesome, haha

I tested it again in hard 5 delirium maps the survivability loss is very large. I have been trying to hit reduced hatred cost on
meta crafting then drop pyromaniac. the regen is not that big a help. then I might be more inclined to give high impact another go.
Darrylrfd 님이 작성:

I tested it again in hard 5 delirium maps the survivability loss is very large. I have been trying to hit reduced hatred cost on
meta crafting then drop pyromaniac. the regen is not that big a help. then I might be more inclined to give high impact another go.

Very true, I was also thinking for delirium maps I would need it. You've also given me an idea to drop pyromaniac so thanks for that.

Good luck with the crafting sir
Would Cold Snap-Frost Bomb-Bone Chill in a wand with trigger socketed skills works? In that case, we can use a 4-link Skitterbots-Inferal Legion-Hatred-Enlighten (3 is enough). This should solve mana problems and take full advantage of ascendancy without huge amulet investment.
vayneteran 님이 작성:
Would Cold Snap-Frost Bomb-Bone Chill in a wand with trigger socketed skills works? In that case, we can use a 4-link Skitterbots-Inferal Legion-Hatred-Enlighten (3 is enough). This should solve mana problems and take full advantage of ascendancy without huge amulet investment.

that's a good idea actually, I think it might work
How do you guys feel about the survivability of this build with midrange gear? Like a lot better than budget gear but still miles apart from BiS?

I had a lot of trouble with white lvl 83 Tunnels EXP farming, was dying frequently on the 3rd lap due to a combination of consecutive stun-locks and Heist damage scaling. With no way to refill energy shield pool or leech life, I usually smashed the panic life flask only to get low again.

So I decided to invest heavily in block. And I do mean heavily. Got myself a recover %life on block shield, rearranged the tree to take some block wheels, changed flasks around, and at last, I ended up with 64/40 block/spell block with flasks and Tempest Shield on. Since 50% of my received damage went through ES, the %life on block made my life pool full 90% of the time, only dipping when I receive lots of consecutive hits each >=5% of life pool, or a really big hit got through but not enough to one shot me. After that, life flask will top me off again.

I also changed Steelskin to Enduring Cry and added a Endurance on Block small cluster. With the alternate quality that gives Warcry speed, the animation is not much longer than throwing down mines. So every 8 second I get massive regen for 1 sec and Endurance charges, which makes CWDT-IC last longer. I no longer die in lvl 83 Tunnels.

To have enough skill points for all of that, I reworked the tree a bit, and changed weapon to an Alternating Sceptre for the Secret of Suffering implicit, freeing a slot for a 2-passive Fettle jewel. Problem is finding a well-rolled Sceptre is extremely hard, and I don't know how to effectively craft one. So, naturally, my damage took a hit, though I do not know how hard. Currently T16 Elderslayers die in 2 bursts, one with max mines (21) and another with 5 to 10 mines. This makes me worried that I may not have enough damage for bursting down Sirus.

I really need advice on how to improve my DPS without sacrificing block. If I can get my hands on a shield with recover %life, %es on block and +1 cold spell skill gems, my defenses is going to be amazing even against T16 delirium.

I want to insta-phase Sirus. I really do hate that fight.

Here's my PoB (I don't know how to configure brittle and shock, PoB doesn't count the keystone granted by Sceptre): https://pastebin.com/ypB7ngKU

Here's my gear:

Thanks a lot for a very refreshing build!
Hey all, after finishing really unnecessary upgrades I decided not to delay it any longer and compiled some videos of Conqueror and Sirus kills with both a regular build and for memes, Concentrated effect.

A sneaky damage increase I found was through Shocking conflux which has a 37.5% uptime

expensive to try craft that specific combo every time but if one were interested, it gives you damage equiv to 3 single mod watcher's eyes when it pops

I uploaded them to youtube if anyone wanted to take a look

This build has come very far since the life build - although life would do us well to league start I had a lot of fun trying to min max with lowlife and I'm finally satisfied with each piece of my gear now, a few of the equipped was crafted, the ring being the worst due to my uninformed fossil crafting early on

Regular build for bossing: https://pastebin.com/kGipe9r6
Regular build for mapping: https://pastebin.com/9XzLV0ti
Conc effect bossing build: https://pastebin.com/Nw35Vi4L
Map juicing, grand heists: https://pastebin.com/DhiZne7N

Swap out bottled for Atziri's promise for heists. For heisting I really prefer faster start to es, which I get from the tree (Essence surge 15%), Watcher's eye (30-40%), and ring craft (varies from 10 to 24% depending on craft table or redeemer prefix). Vaal grace or dodge mechanics is pretty good for heists and if one can afford headhunter it all goes much smoother.

gawddawg 님이 2020. 11. 9. 오후 3:22:00에 마지막으로 편집
vayneteran 님이 작성:

I really need advice on how to improve my DPS without sacrificing block. If I can get my hands on a shield with recover %life, %es on block and +1 cold spell skill gems, my defenses is going to be amazing even against T16 delirium.

I want to insta-phase Sirus. I really do hate that fight.

Here's my PoB (I don't know how to configure brittle and shock, PoB doesn't count the keystone granted by Sceptre): https://pastebin.com/ypB7ngKU

Imo unless you do some fancy stuff with a quad link awakened hextouch or corrupted implicit on amulet etc, you can only apply one curse so my suggestion is to grab an elder ring paired with mark of the shaper, you will see a huge increase in damage. You can either apply frostbite yourself or place it in a frost bomb link.
I'd also use hypothermia in place of Incr AoE in GC links
You can try grab a hubris circlet with a glacial cascade enchant then use frigid fossils for -9% cold res, or use an awakening orb from another redeemer helm with it. This means annointing tranquility to your amulet.
Grab gloves that have increased damage with hits against chilled enemies, those ones can be found for quite cheap (10-40c) with decent resists and hp.
At some stage Enlighten 4 will enable you to grab more damage without sacrificing mana

In terms of survivability saboteurs are naturally in that boat, it's a bit harder in your situation as a hybrid - life builds usually take acrobatics and phase acrobatics. I would suggest trying Vaal grace and frost shield, especially Vaal grace for heists. I found a noticeable difference when the danger was from hits, so perhaps you could try steelskin in place of immortal call or link them both or incr duration
Helllo ! Your build seems very interesting for me, i wanna try it for Delve League ! Do you have any tips to adapt your build for Delve League ?

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