[3.11] Cold BV PF Indigon ft. RF | All content done in HC! | Fast mapper, safe boss-killer
" How did you craft it ? I am thinking the process is Woke items with +2 all res and +12 spell block. then craft life. 1 prefix and 2 suffix life mods (regen and life on block) If we hit regen then we need to target annual it Seems very hard to get it right Then +3 chaos res at the end. |
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" Awaken +2 all/spell block. If you get something non-removable start over or gamble annul. After that you have shield with +2 all res and spell block. Augment defences two times ( blocking prefixes ). Augment fire on suffix ( cold and light have non-resist mods which i guess you don't need you can change t1 fire res to any other res after craft is done ). And start remove/adding life. Chance to hit recover %life on block is 1/20. It is too much i don't recommend getting this shield. I've decided to try block on pf because i like testing new things and crafting powerful items ( like this one ). Most pf bv on poe.ninja don't bother with block and i guess it is because this way is not that optimal. Nonetheless after getting recover on block remove 2 defence mods, craft suffixes cannot be changed and start rolling t1 life ( 1/14 ). After that remove crafted mod and roll t1 chaos. You can then remove/add fires until you get t1 resistance to get basically mirror tier ( at least it could be mirror tear before harvest league ) t1 x6 item. Upd: looking at your gear, i think you should focus on other items. I believe that shield is the last piece of your gear you should bother upgrading. Profatum#6473 님이 2020. 7. 27. 오전 9:24:14에 마지막으로 편집
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" As far as I can tell, nothing changed. It's really just a very early leveling tree. " I ultimately don't know much about going crit instead as I've never tested it myself, but subbing out the wise oak does make sense on paper. Switching over to crit can definitively improve your dps, but keep in mind that it's a bit worse at scaling the explodey chest (no ele overload), and you'd need to squeeze in as much crit multi as possible on your gear, since the passive tree doesn't have much room for it. Really good crit multi jewels seem like a necessity. Having fun with the build so far, just Awakened Orb'd my shield, think I got the short end of the stick.. " Well you're missing the 2% to all maximum resistances anyway. Did your hunter shield have both the warcry and the 2% max res before you used the awakener's orb? In any case, this is not the end of the world as it's fixable. I recommend scouring the shield, then alt-spamming for +2 to all maximum resistance. After that, the minimum frenzy charges can be forced with a speed augment (might unfortunately take a speed remove/add if you get +1 frenzy charge instead of +2), and the max chaos res can be forced by filling up suffixes (or having chaos resist as a suffix, but that can mess up your rerolls), augmenting with a chaos mod, and using remove/add chaos until you get +3 to max chaos res. " That shield is really cool. I'd definitively want something like that on my scion, and if I managed to craft it I'd also try it on the PF to see how it feels. Niedzwiedz#2968 님이 2020. 7. 27. 오전 2:16:25에 마지막으로 편집
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" Thanks for your explaination. looking at mod database dex/int shields have 1 less life suffix should be easier to craft life gain on block then str shield. Should hit life on block on 2nd life suffix, weight 800 vs life regen% 1000 Re my gears, I have all the dmg mods on gloves/amulet/sceptre. Of course no crazy luck to hit +1 all spell gems but I think it is good enough to clear all contents fast. I died to frequent small hits a few times (no no with less recovery mod ). that's why Iam thinking to go life on block |
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Final Ring and Shield done :) |
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" You are right about dex/int. However for me 40life implicit cannot be replaced by anything. Like when we talk about gg items. We can sacrifice 5ex on a few more rolls just to get best implicits. Btw i crafted +1 too all spell gems by myself. It is actually not that hard, just will require TONS of currency. Also don't remember clearly the way i used since crafted it a few days ago. 1. Get sceptre you like 40% or 6% penetration. Item level 80-81 ( it is very important, if you get higher you might end up in situation where you will have to gamble after spending 10ex on this weapon if you get lower you cannot roll mandatory mods ). Thanks to the thing that our sceptre is ilvl 80-81. All influence suffixes are actually targetable by harvest so can be removed. The only one that is non-removable is aura effect, which is 82+ ilvl so we dodged it, and hatred effect, but we get hatred effect anyway so not an issue. 2. We need to get +1 to all spells. Either buy sceptre with already +1 to all spells though it is very rare especially since we require 2 ilvl specifically, roll it with alts, use fossil method ( used it by myself ). The idea that there is 3 fossil combination don't remember which one, that guartanees if you have 6 mods you get +1 to all spells. The main problem you always end up with another caster prefix. So you need to win in 1/2 gamble. I lost 8 times in the row before finally hitting +1 to all spells. 3. Use harvest crafting to remove all suffixes. Augment physical 2 times to populate prefixes ( with +1 to all spells and 2 phys mods ). 4. Craft cannot roll caster. 5. Augment influence. If it doesn't t1 hatred eff. Augment again. Chance is 1/4. Keep remove/adding until you hit it. 6. The hardest step. Remove crafted mod. And start remove/adding influence until you hit t1 double damage with spells ( 1/6 ). It might hit t2 double damage. Very bad luck if you do it. You will nee to remove 3rd influence mod ( which is not hatred eff or t2 spell double damage ). Craft prefixes cannot be changed. And remove caster. And then keep rolling. It eats a lot of currency. But it is 100% break-free. 6. Congratz on crafting BiS item. Remove 3rd influence modifier. Craft cannot roll attack mods. Remove 2 physical modifiers. Start remove/adding phys until you hit t1 cold damage added as phys. Augment again. 7. Remove cannot roll attack mods. Craft trigger spells. Profatum#6473 님이 2020. 7. 27. 오전 9:19:53에 마지막으로 편집
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" Yes, the hunter shield had both, I just noticed the all max res didn't come over during the transfer, so I guess the warcry came over instead. Yeesh. That's a bummer! " Ok - will start this now. Thank you again for the help, I certainly appreciate it. |
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Will damage from indigon suffer if i use level 1 clarity (PoB shows 3% unreserved)? Cos' I bought this jewel for extra 7% MoM:
Update: I forgot about Supreme Ego so i cant use clarity with hatred. lehlehich#6576 님이 2020. 7. 27. 오후 12:23:32에 마지막으로 편집
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can I start the build with 20ex on harvest softcore?
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I think I've gone through 30 Thornweaver Seeds for the Speed craft for my shield and I haven't seen one augment speed. Are there any tricks to making it more likely to get that craft from the Thornweaver Seed?
I assume I need a minimum ilvl:76 seed for the ilvl:86 Reedemer Shield base. |
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