[3.11] Cold BV PF Indigon ft. RF | All content done in HC! | Fast mapper, safe boss-killer
Started SA as league start and eventually transitioned into this build by end of week 1. Now, I've played the build to level 97 and have completed my goal for the league in getting 36 challenges. It can do most things deathless and can easily do all challenges this league from what I see. In my opinion, playing the dodge variant, the greatest threat to the build other than ele reflect is reduced dodge map mod. Pretty sure 99% of my deaths came from juiced Legion mobs all ganging on me in a reduced dodge chance map.
All in all, excellent build. Excellent clear, great single target. I end the build with my gear linked below. My gear is definitely not the best (especially my weapon, belt, and boots), but I was able to clear everything in the league anyway. Closer to the end, I did some switching and included 1 Inspired Learning at bottom right of tree. Honestly, not worth the points to get 4 notables there, but I did it just because I felt like doing it and the sacrifice in points I made from health and mana nodes felt minimal since I was destroying everything anyway. |
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So I reached 100 a few days ago then took a small break.
Definitely one of the best build I've ever played in term of damage and defense. Most of my deaths have been my own fault (getting greedy and trying to facetank wave 20 kosis with double proj, pen, and crit) Im currently sitting at 6.4m shaper dps with regular RF on with a shield and weapon. The build is really worth spending your money into especially at the start of the build. Seeing the build gradually becoming tankier overtime feels really nice. I will probably play this build again next league maybe in ssf (depending on how harvest 2.0 is gonna get implemented). My gears probably can be improved but I didnt feel like I need more damage so I just went with it. TsunaH#3575 님이 2020. 10. 14. 오후 12:30:57에 마지막으로 편집
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Are you guys able to run t16 100% delirious maps? This is the only type of content I'm having a struggle with this piece of art of a build.
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How is everyone able to get the 3B3W ilvl 85 Astral Plate base? Is it from the guy on trade who's charging 2ex to beast split it?
Would the process be to redeemer orb on the Astral Plate base, roll for mana regen and then Awakener Orb any crusader chest with explode mod and no other crusader mod onto it? Currently have around 30ex saved up, would that be enough to get this build to a decent level if I try and craft off an Astral Plate base for Explode chest? Or should I be less picky at that budget level and settle for any old eva/ES base until I get the character established? scrambled777#2392 님이 2020. 10. 14. 오후 9:51:00에 마지막으로 편집
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" You don't need ilvl 85 to roll mana recovery, buy ilvl 83. https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Heist/3d3w74Zs5 And yes, slam with redeemer, roll for mana without any other redeemer mod. You can do it with alts or lucent fossils. Buy the cheapest crusader with explode without extra crusader mods https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Heist/zaY7nMRs4 (all mods besides explode blocked to avoid mistakes) You can also try your luck with alts if feeling like gambling a bit, I wasted 2 ex worth of alts before buying the chest. Use the awakener orb on the explode chest first and then on the astral plate. And yeah, 30 ex should be enough to start with explode + good sceptre. I started with that amount and later did the upgrade to +2 amulet and chaos res gear for divine flesh. WeissJT#7616 님이 2020. 10. 14. 오후 10:15:06에 마지막으로 편집
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" Ohh ok, I actually didn't know Awakener Orb ignores ilvl restrictions, so I thought you needed 85 just to be able to orb explode mod onto it. Damn this makes the chest craft a lot more affordable than I initially thought. Thanks heaps for your help, gonna give this one a go. Been looking for a decently tanky clear build that doesn't cost an absolute fortune to start. scrambled777#2392 님이 2020. 10. 14. 오후 10:19:59에 마지막으로 편집
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A couple people mentioned several pages back that could add in awakened hextouch with another curse. With only having 1 trigger weapon is there anyway to automate it? seems like I would need to have 2 trigger weapons if I wanted to automate it. Unless something like eleweakeness, awakened hextouch - frostbite works in a trigger weapon.
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" You would have to link them with another skill to trigger. Like Ele weakness + Frostbite + Hextouch + Orb of Storms etc. |
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Is there an ideal hp to mana ratio? Currently I have about 6k hp and 3k mana, and even with 26%quality eternal mana flask my mana is almost always below half. Could be I'm just using it too aggressively?
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" Anything above 7 life: 3 mana is just a buffer for when you spend mana aggressively, so it's up to you on how safe you want to be. 6:3 sounds reasonable. It could be that you need more mana recovery on gear (e.g. clusters, belt, chest if you're so inclined), but if your mana recovery is really good and you're just spending a ton of mana, that's fine. In most cases, the extra DPS makes you safer as everything either dies instantly or gets frozen better. For endgame bosses, just be aware of incoming damage and don't cast in rippy situations |
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