[3.11] Cold BV PF Indigon ft. RF | All content done in HC! | Fast mapper, safe boss-killer
" I do have it, but I swap it between characters, Im using my minion build I appreciate your time to help, I'll try to record some runs later so I can show how Im doing and hopefully you guys can tell me what Im doing wrong Pity the emperor who sits alone on his throne.
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What are the crafting steps for amulet and scepter without harvest? All your gear crafting is shown through harvest options
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" I personally used Awakening Orb crafting for both amulet and sceptre. +2 amulet - combined warlord and hunter amulet. If you have free suffixes, you can lock prefixes, wipe suffixes and multi-mod hybrid chaos resistances to improve the end result. Sceptre - I followed some suggestions on here and combined redeemer (Hatred effect) and elder (phys damage to spells) which will guarantee you a fairly decent weapon even if you don't hit anything else useful. Might suck if you hit full suffixes as you have to gamble annul to craft trigger spells. Don't expect great results, you can see mine are pretty terrible but even then they are still good enough for the build to perform well. The sceptre in particular I'm still trying to re-craft but haven't gotten anything worth replacing my current one (which is already extremely mediocre). scrambled777#2392 님이 2020. 10. 30. 오전 1:12:42에 마지막으로 편집
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For the Scpetre: 1. buy a base with ilvl 80-81 and 3 good prefix and minimum 1 open suffix 2. wipe the suffix if you only have 1 open suffix 3. if you have 2 open suffix: craft cannot roll caster mods, then slam with a redeemer orb theyre only 3 mods you can hit, so the chance is 33% #% chance to inflict Cold Exposure on Hit Auras from your Skills grant 2% increased Damage to you and Allies Hatred has #% increased Aura Effect |
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Finally got my chaos res to 90% and i gotta say, I feel like i can tank anything
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Where do I go from here? Mapping is stupid fast, but bossing is slow. Not confident in the build to tackle conquerers and Sirus for sure.
I am even having trouble with some T16 bosses. xaeror35#2761 님이 2020. 11. 1. 오후 4:11:04에 마지막으로 편집
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Any levelling tips for this build? Tried to go BV to start but no damage and getting destroyed even in Act 4.
List of uniques or something that will make it less of a chore? |
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" Should never start as Blade Vortex, the leveling is terrible. The soonest you should swap to BV is at level 38 when you can get Unleash. Good uniques are the usual leveling ones: Goldrim, Tabula, 2x Axiom Perpetuum or crafted wands, Wanderlust, etc. If you are getting destroyed, make sure you are resist-capped. |
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" Honestly the best damage increase for me was going Divine Flesh and swapping in Concentrated Effect for bosses. Getting good boss damage requires sitting in one spot ramping up Indigon and Intensify and any time you're moving interrupts that process. Divine Flesh will let you face tank damn near everything which allows you to focus on damage. For conquerors/guardians: I swap Unleash with Concentrated Effect and spam BV while face-tanking everything and they generally die in about 5 seconds. For Shaper/Sirus/Uber Elder: I swap Intensify with Concentrated Effect since fights are too mobile for Intensify to be of any use. Shaper and Uber Elder phases generally last under 10 seconds, A8 Sirus last phase generally require 1-2 rotations of his ability spam. Use Overflowing Chalice to sustain flask charges. scrambled777#2392 님이 2020. 11. 1. 오후 10:20:12에 마지막으로 편집
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I have also found that empower level 4 is a lot better overall than awakened cold pen. It provides very nice QoL with the increased radius, which is huge because its a more multiplier basically. The +5 radius really does make a big difference especially in heists since that's what im doing mostly.
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