[3.17]Blazer's Flicker God![League Starter as Cyclone-Supreme Tank-35M+ DPS Maxed-Fast]ALL CONTENT

theio666 님이 작성:
jsuslak313 님이 작성:
Deicidasum 님이 작성:
Just 1 question. With the inclusion of vaal haste, summon skitterbots, and herald of purity in the end game, what does your skill bar look like? Aren't there too many active skills and auras?

Two things: you can set an aura and then toggle it out of your toolbar...
Also, you can hold control and theres another 5 skill slots to use too.

If I die, I always turn on my auras, then get rid of them so I don't accidentally turn one off from a stupid button press.

I have: LMB = Molten Shell, RMB = Flicker, Most comfortable keyboard button = blood rage, Second/Third most comfortable button = Totems if I use them at all. 4th slot can go to vaal haste although I don't use it. If I want to put in a movement skill, I would make that my Middle mouse button.

I sorta feel like you're trolling because you have a ton of lvl 90+ characters and good gear...def no noob.

He is not trolling because having a lot of buttons is a pain. This build has a lot of conditional buttons, which needs to be used one most of the bosses. Like, molten shell, vall molten shell, vaal haste, totems(2, but actually 3 in case of not having souls for vaal ans), switch stance, blood rage, movement skill. Also, having additional key bind for flicker as advanced tech. That's a lot of buttons, and a lot of them need to have "comfortable" keybinds.

Yep I'm not trolling. It's just that I've never played a build where I need to remove a skill from the toolbar before but this build uses a lot of skills. With the 13 buttons available (3 from mouse + 5 from default + 5 from pressing ctrl), the skills we use, including auras, are:

1. Flicker
2. Dash
3. Blood Rage
4. Molten Shell
5. Vaal Molten Shell
6. Ancestral Protector
7. Vaal Ancestral Warchief
8. Vaal Haste
9. Pride
10. Flesh and Stone
11. Summon Skitterbots
12. Aspect of the Cat
13. Dread Banner
14. Precision
15. Herald of Purity
16. Ancestral Warchief? (I don't use the normal version)

So it looks like I do need to toggle auras then remove them. I'm guessing this is how I would set them then:

LMB: Molten Shell
RMB: Flicker
Middle mouse: Blood Rage
Q: Vaal Molten Shell
W: Dash
E: Vaal Haste
R: Ancestral Protector
T: Vaal Ancestral Warchief

Stance switch would therefore be ctrl + something


I'm using this build and it really has a very satisfying gameplay.

However, I feel that I still cannot use the full potential of this build and would like your help to know where I can be improving and what is wrong with my build.

I am also lost in the gems, this means confused to understand what is the setup. Could you help me with that?

Thank you !

PoB Fork: https://pastebin.com/ME3izaBP
Great build,can swap to cyclone or other skills and it works just fine !

Need few more things but it kill everything !

Thanks for the build - it has been a few years since I last played flicker strike. Awesome that I don't need swap to another skill for single target boss damage :D

My gear.

Blazer780 님이 작성:
I'm sorry but I didn't craft this. I bought it this way :D. although, I guess the original crafter just got a good base then kept rerolling till he got t1 Merciless mod and he used harvest to fracture it; then he just harvest-crafted all other mods using augs, remove/add, etc. it's a very expensive process though :/ and needs lots of luck to fracture the mod u need as it's 1/3 chance as far as I know.

POB not working??
tMShubar 님이 작성:
Thanks for the build - it has been a few years since I last played flicker strike. Awesome that I don't need swap to another skill for single target boss damage :D

My gear.

Hey bro ! Nice gear, my congratulations, xD

Could you ask me any questions about the gem setup ?

1. In the helmet, why use "Maim" ? Does it work with auras ?
2. The recommended is to use the "Anomalous Flicker Strike", but you are using the normal "Flicker Strike", why ?
3. Why use "Summon Skitterbots" ? Is there any benefit to using this gem ?

Thank u !

IkarusRDS 님이 작성:
tMShubar 님이 작성:
Thanks for the build - it has been a few years since I last played flicker strike. Awesome that I don't need swap to another skill for single target boss damage :D

My gear.

Hey bro ! Nice gear, my congratulations, xD

Could you ask me any questions about the gem setup ?

1. In the helmet, why use "Maim" ? Does it work with auras ?
2. The recommended is to use the "Anomalous Flicker Strike", but you are using the normal "Flicker Strike", why ?
3. Why use "Summon Skitterbots" ? Is there any benefit to using this gem ?

Thank u !

1 - maim upgrade maim from blood stance from Flesh and Stone, wiki: https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Flesh_and_Stone
2. Both are pretty similar. the more attack spee you have - the better normal flicker becomes. Normal flicker makes your flicker cost 0.2 charges on average, anomalus makes you have free cast more ofter, I'm lazy to write down math right now, at cosmic attack speeds normal flicker would be better, but I can't write now what is breaking speed for normal being better than anom.
3. They apply shocked, shocked increase damage taken, something like 10% damage buff.
theio666 님이 2021. 2. 21. 오전 9:22:07에 마지막으로 편집

Very interesting, I didn't know that information.

Thank you very much!
theio666 님이 작성:
iunewind 님이 작성:
jsuslak313 님이 작성:
@iunewind: it really sounds like a user error dude...you might just have to learn what you personally need to do in order to keep attacking bosses. As others have said, your gems and gear are fine and flicker does not just stop on its own for anyone else, except if you are doing something wrong with your mouse/keyboard.

At least for me, I can't just "hold down" flicker strike. I also need to somewhat track the boss with my mouse. Doesn't have to be super accurate but my mouse basically needs to be constantly moving if the boss is moving.

Im tryed different variants of "mouse traking of boss" and not found any difference. Flicker just stop working on boss some times (too often).
Only thing im probably saw (not sure but looks like) - im stop because im out of frenzy charges. Its not happen on paks, but immidetly happen on boss. Looks like on paks charges respawn cause im kill mobs, and this not working on boss?
Im saw in previous discussion my 4 frenzy must be enough. Im also have two source of mana leach. What can be wrong with my bild?
Only thing im found - im have -7 and -9 manacost on rings but not have on amulet. Its can be problems? On paks all works good in this configuration.

Hmm, what's your unreserved mana pool? Maybe you reserve too much, so it's just don't have time to leech back? Because otherwise you are definitely breaking flicker by yourself, either by clicking to move or your mouse key is broken.

Flicker is so good in following that once I followed elder guardian to new location in phase change, so I really doubt that flicker stops by itsefld on target.

I kind of share the same frustration. I have 100 unreserved mana, flicker cost 31, mana leech jewel. But sometimes my character just stands there at bosses not attacking at all.

How I approach bosses:
summon totems on boss offscreen
leap in with leap slam
flask up when landing up close
hold Q (my keybind for flicker) and dont let go
I dont press anything else until boss is dead

I have 3 theories:
1) I notice that often times when it happens, boss/I are close to a wall or an obstacle. Maybe flicker detects invalid destination where it would in theory land and just doesnt attack.
2) if charges run out during the fight, flicker needs to be recast as soon as they are back up, i.e. flicker does not automatically continue attacking once farrul's fur triggers.
3) something to do with internet connectivity, poe is weird like that sometimes so it might be a possibility.

What I also sometimes notice, if my flicker just stops, i just stand in the same spot and wait for my charges to go back up. When i see my charges are up and my mana is full, I point my mouse on the boss within my character range, press Q (flicker) and... nothing happens. I press Q again, nothing happens again. I run some laps around the boss, then press Q again, then flicker continues.
The_Zaibas 님이 작성:

I kind of share the same frustration. I have 100 unreserved mana, flicker cost 31, mana leech jewel. But sometimes my character just stands there at bosses not attacking at all.

How I approach bosses:
summon totems on boss offscreen
leap in with leap slam
flask up when landing up close
hold Q (my keybind for flicker) and dont let go
I dont press anything else until boss is dead

I have 3 theories:
1) I notice that often times when it happens, boss/I are close to a wall or an obstacle. Maybe flicker detects invalid destination where it would in theory land and just doesnt attack.
2) if charges run out during the fight, flicker needs to be recast as soon as they are back up, i.e. flicker does not automatically continue attacking once farrul's fur triggers.
3) something to do with internet connectivity, poe is weird like that sometimes so it might be a possibility.

What I also sometimes notice, if my flicker just stops, i just stand in the same spot and wait for my charges to go back up. When i see my charges are up and my mana is full, I point my mouse on the boss within my character range, press Q (flicker) and... nothing happens. I press Q again, nothing happens again. I run some laps around the boss, then press Q again, then flicker continues.

2) Yes, it's true,
3) Are playing on predictive or lockstep?

I can't really help with it, for me, it's like in the video, flicker does not stop, I can't reproduce problem -_-
I mean, there is a workaround, but it's against PoE TOS, I think you can figure out the rest by yourself. But flicker should not stop by itself anyway...

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