[3.21] ❄️ Hopeshredder Frenzy ❄️ [1 to 60+ million SHAPER DPS]

Super fast and super fun build so far! Wondering what my next big upgrade(s) should be to push my DPS to the next level.

'WeZoomLikeFoxes' on ASC

A few notes:

1) I know I'm giving up a fair amount by using Farrul's but the permanent frenzy uptime was just too enticing; I may reconsider at some point and use something more offensive.

2) Again, I know the helm enchant isn't the best, but the clear QoL is just so nice.

Not trying to be a big beefy bosser or anything - really just trying to grind somewhat juiced T16s. It's certainly not bad, but I feel like both the clear and single target need a little more for it to feel downright amazing.

Thanks for the awesome guide and for any guidance you may have to offer!
CLloyd0 님이 작성:
Super fast and super fun build so far! Wondering what my next big upgrade(s) should be to push my DPS to the next level.

'WeZoomLikeFoxes' on ASC

A few notes:

1) I know I'm giving up a fair amount by using Farrul's but the permanent frenzy uptime was just too enticing; I may reconsider at some point and use something more offensive.

2) Again, I know the helm enchant isn't the best, but the clear QoL is just so nice.

Not trying to be a big beefy bosser or anything - really just trying to grind somewhat juiced T16s. It's certainly not bad, but I feel like both the clear and single target need a little more for it to feel downright amazing.

Thanks for the awesome guide and for any guidance you may have to offer!

Drop oskarm, manually casting snipers mark is better, rings are better with cold dmg instead of effect, quite better.

Amulet is bad, no focused craft on belt, mana flask dont need that, use 20% reduced cost of skills with new searing exarch modifier.
30Creptus 님이 작성:
Drop oskarm, manually casting snipers mark is better, rings are better with cold dmg instead of effect, quite better.

Amulet is bad, no focused craft on belt, mana flask dont need that, use 20% reduced cost of skills with new searing exarch modifier.

So far I've got a pair of cold dmg rings, a +1 frenzy offering to the serpent, and upgraded my amulet and it's made a WORLD of difference!

Thank you :D
Rewrote the guide.
Hopeshredder used to be such an appealing bow but with the 3.17 buffs to (crafted) bows and quivers it seems like such an awful choice now. Not the mention the massive cold dmg taken.
Hi! I love your guide but why did you invest on daggers and claw mastery on the top right of your tree? Those bonus really work with bows?
Rakyrr 님이 작성:
Hi! I love your guide but why did you invest on daggers and claw mastery on the top right of your tree? Those bonus really work with bows?

Lioneye’s Fall jewel in the nearby socket converts those to damage with bows.
andrew8448#7424 님이 2022. 4. 14. 오전 11:49:56에 마지막으로 편집
will i get randomly one shotted every 5 maps with this build?
Griloth 님이 작성:
will i get randomly one shotted every 5 maps with this build?

Early on, yea it happens.
With good gear, it happens but much less.

It's also possible to spec into defense, personally i don't mind dying here and there.

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