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Stargazer08 님이 작성:
so will is it sentinel updated?

‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎Armour Stacking: /view-thread/3410613
‎‎VFB Magic Finder: /view-thread/3522007
I played this build in harvest, is it at all possible to salvage this in any way in standard? I don't know how I would respec this/what skill I would use, or how to solve the aura situation. Or if I can even do anything with the character's gear etc.
And what would the minimum exalt cost be to play your build in sentinel?
I played this build in harvest, is it at all possible to salvage this in any way in standard? I don't know how I would respec this/what skill I would use, or how to solve the aura situation. Or if I can even do anything with the character's gear etc.
And what would the minimum exalt cost be to play your build in sentinel?

Salvage in standard sure - that would work. League -> no.
Cost - I am not so sure… the guide says what the minimum required gear for it to work is so probably that.
‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎Armour Stacking: /view-thread/3410613
‎‎VFB Magic Finder: /view-thread/3522007
Jix_91 님이 작성:
I played this build in harvest, is it at all possible to salvage this in any way in standard? I don't know how I would respec this/what skill I would use, or how to solve the aura situation. Or if I can even do anything with the character's gear etc.
And what would the minimum exalt cost be to play your build in sentinel?

Salvage in standard sure - that would work. League -> no.
Cost - I am not so sure… the guide says what the minimum required gear for it to work is so probably that.

How would I go about salvaging it in standard? I have all those old mana res jewels and etc, but idk what to do with the character.
Obviously without using 3 mirrors, surely all the 2% mana res jewels I have can be used?
Sadudotharl 님이 2022. 7. 7. 오후 1:13:43에 마지막으로 편집

Obviously without using 3 mirrors, surely all the 2% mana res jewels I have can be used?

If you’re not looking to spend some mirrors you should play a different build - there are no cheap Ferraris
‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎Armour Stacking: /view-thread/3410613
‎‎VFB Magic Finder: /view-thread/3522007
Jix_91 님이 작성:

Obviously without using 3 mirrors, surely all the 2% mana res jewels I have can be used?

If you’re not looking to spend some mirrors you should play a different build - there are no cheap Ferraris

I'm just asking if it's possible to use my current scion for this. There doesn't seem to be any other aura stack I could use with it.
Sadudotharl 님이 2022. 7. 9. 오전 6:18:15에 마지막으로 편집
Jix_91 님이 작성:

Obviously without using 3 mirrors, surely all the 2% mana res jewels I have can be used?

If you’re not looking to spend some mirrors you should play a different build - there are no cheap Ferraris

I'm just asking if it's possible to use my current scion for this. There doesn't seem to be any other aura stack I could use with it.

I mean sure, but you would probably need to replace a lot of gearslots...

required uniques:
· legacy soul catcher with 25% reduced soul cost (40% duration if you want
· maximum vaal haste up-time) and 69+% enchant
· conquerers potency for flask effect
· brutal restraint with traitor or flask on crit belt

required rares:
· microdistillery belt with 18% flask effect
· legacy vaal soul cost weapons (x2 if 1handed)

this is the subset you 100% need to change your version
‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎Armour Stacking: /view-thread/3410613
‎‎VFB Magic Finder: /view-thread/3522007
rip 15 rmr mastery.
so build will need more rmr corrupts again? gg
andrew8448 님이 2022. 8. 2. 오후 7:28:30에 마지막으로 편집
Awakened Enlighten Support lvl5
akaflux 님이 작성:
Awakened Enlighten Support lvl5

This doesn't tell anything.

Probably gonna end up "only the rich can play it in Standard" kinda territory -_-

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