[3.13] CoC Bladefall | Screen-wide 40m+ DPS | 10k+ ES | High defense | Any content | Very expensive

Akisailent 님이 작성:
Delran2 님이 작성:

Was finally able to make this beauty, the sad part, my aspd still isn't lower than my Bladefall (without my aura bot) but I've def increased my damage significantly with that and the shavs

Very nice sceptr! How many essences it took to hit +1 to phys gems ?

Craft of exile said 264 on average.....I went the other route and did aug caster/remove caster to get it....took like 18 tries...which is what the essences would of costed as well if I used all 200+
IGN: Delran

Hi there :)
Melkor25 님이 2021. 2. 5. 오전 6:28:02에 마지막으로 편집
Those are some good min-maxed sceptres :)

Although 1.95 aspd might be a bit of an overkill, especially if you have minimum frenzy charges mods on the rings/shield.

So i created this and i saw people mention using essences to get the +1 phys, there's other really easy ways to craft a weapon like this for about 10ex using harvest crafts.

Get a base with 70%+ spell damage and either attack speed or crit, (attack speed will be cheaper since Crit harvest crafts are ALOT cheaper than speed!) and make sure that every other mod have a tag that's removable by harvest crafting and wont "crash" with your spell dmg or crit/AS. (so, fire/cold/lightning/phys etc, just not caster or speed/crit)

Now that you have a scepter with only Spell dmg and AS or Crit, you craft cannot roll attack mods and use Augment Physical harvest craft (this will guarantee your +1 phys gems!)

After that you craft your hits cant be evaded aswell as the Aspect of the spider. And then you Augment Speed or Crit, depending on the one you're missing, if you didnt get a good enough roll, you just add/remove until you got a roll you're happy with.
vemman 님이 2021. 2. 5. 오전 11:49:42에 마지막으로 편집
mgarin 님이 작성:
Those are some good min-maxed sceptres :)

Although 1.95 aspd might be a bit of an overkill, especially if you have minimum frenzy charges mods on the rings/shield.

Yeah my cyclone attack sped is around 0.11-0.12 and my BF is at .10 cast time so I was trying to get enough ASPD for them to at least match but only way is with aura bot or get attack speed on my gloves, most of my gear is done so I felt like min-maxing a bit haha
IGN: Delran
vemman 님이 작성:

So i created this and i saw people mention using essences to get the +1 phys, there's other really easy ways to craft a weapon like this for about 10ex using harvest crafts.

Get a base with 70%+ spell damage and either attack speed or crit, (attack speed will be cheaper since Crit harvest crafts are ALOT cheaper than speed!) and make sure that every other mod have a tag that's removable by harvest crafting and wont "crash" with your spell dmg or crit/AS. (so, fire/cold/lightning/phys etc, just not caster or speed/crit)

Now that you have a scepter with only Spell dmg and AS or Crit, you craft cannot roll attack mods and use Augment Physical harvest craft (this will guarantee your +1 phys gems!)

After that you craft your hits cant be evaded aswell as the Aspect of the spider. And then you Augment Speed or Crit, depending on the one you're missing, if you didnt get a good enough roll, you just add/remove until you got a roll you're happy with.

Sounds interesting. Can you explain your method in detail please?
Is blade blast really needed? What is purpose of this gem?
johnny_ko 님이 2021. 2. 13. 오후 8:13:20에 마지막으로 편집
johnny_ko 님이 작성:
Is blade blast really needed? What is purpose of this gem?

I'm wondering this aswell... How much does the cwdt setup actually contribute?
where should I get cooldown reduction on gears if I use HH? and how many?
Iwantyoutotrypizza 님이 작성:
where should I get cooldown reduction on gears if I use HH? and how many?

pob says 400k dps, but it too small for 4link and sometimes

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