[3.13] CoC Bladefall | Screen-wide 40m+ DPS | 10k+ ES | High defense | Any content | Very expensive

afonsosp 님이 작성:
Doing some tests, and performing very well :)

Minotaur -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=USBIplw_dbs&ab_channel=SkInS

I'll record soon some guardians batles, Sirius, etc.

Looks decent on damage. You can also use Conc Effect for bosses if you aren't lazy to swap it in - it's another ~50%+ more damage (due to multiplier and bladefalls packed closer together), unless this was with Conc Effect.

But your ES is really low, there are still a lot of stuff to upgrade for it. Even though you should feel fairly tanky on this build even with 6k ES I'd still go for at least 8k+ ES :)
mgarin 님이 2020. 10. 22. 오후 12:19:50에 마지막으로 편집
I bought a ES belt com CDR , I did few tests:

Minotaur full run with AoE only: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ytw5rQ8LYlE&ab_channel=SkInS

Minotaur full run with Con Effect and AoE, but killing boss with Con Effect:

Full t16 Buffed map (to test defences- check map status end of the video):


I did few tweaks for testing again with Ambush and Assassinate, I`ll share soon.

I`m preparing some full Delirums T16 for testing as well.
afonsosp 님이 2020. 10. 22. 오후 2:42:43에 마지막으로 편집
mgarin 님이 작성:
afonsosp 님이 작성:
Doing some tests, and performing very well :)

Minotaur -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=USBIplw_dbs&ab_channel=SkInS

I'll record soon some guardians batles, Sirius, etc.

Looks decent on damage. You can also use Conc Effect for bosses if you aren't lazy to swap it in - it's another ~50%+ more damage (due to multiplier and bladefalls packed closer together), unless this was with Conc Effect.

But your ES is really low, there are still a lot of stuff to upgrade for it. Even though you should feel fairly tanky on this build even with 6k ES I'd still go for at least 8k+ ES :)

I did some upgrades, now is 7k :)

Damage is really good, and the build is really fun and strong.

New videos:

Full Simulacrum -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZVcg-yLfxrs&ab_channel=SkInS
Full Delirum T16 (No HH) -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGXBHOSyrhE&ab_channel=SkInS
Full Delirum T16 (HH) -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdOUsPpJhiE&t=5s&ab_channel=SkInS

Just finish the Uber Elder as well -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WD2fixkck0g&ab_channel=SkInS

I can say that this build is really very strong and fun to play, I came from Minion Spectre, GC Minner and Ice Nova CoC, this build is really strong as these others.

The strange is to see in PoE Ninja only 1 person playing bladefall CoC.

Ofc with harvest this build get more strong, as other builds as well.

I did around 7 or 8 Full Delirum maps T16, with HH and No HH the build perform very well, 0 deaths.

Simulacrum is really very easy with this build, I got impressed, I did with no HH, and the bosses were really deleted.

Next target is Sirius 8.
mgarin 님이 작성:
xserper 님이 작성:
How is purifying flame going compared to blade fall?

Can't fully judge it yet because I didn't get all the parts I need to squish maximum potential out of it.

But if you still want my opinion - so far it's weaker than Bladefall, but feels fine on mapping/bossing/heisting. I did a few full Simulacrums on it with 5~6 rewards on average & some delirium maps with no deaths, so it is tanky at the very least, just steamroll through everything & facetank bosses, including delirium ones.

I still prefer my custom crit VD over Bladefall/Purifying Flame for mapping though just because it has better AoE coverage & clearspeed, but Purifying Flame has some good clear potential with enough AoE investment due to the secondary shockwave it has.

Also I've tested all other fire spell skills (with CoC & proper awakened support gems) while looking for the best one:

- Purifying Flame - Best AoE, decent single-target damage
- Magma Orb - Best single-target, decent AoE
- Firestorm - Weak, but very fancy with MTX
- Blazing Salvo - Decent single-target, poor AoE
- Flame Surge - Decent single-target, looking fancy, but poor AoE
- Fireball - Decent single-target, poor AoE
- Bodyswap - Memes, but otherwise bad on this particular build

As a result of these tests - Purifying Flame is my personal pick for now with Magma Orb being really close to it. I'm considering testing Magma Orb with something like Slower Proj + Awakened Fork for clearing and bossing (yes, fork bug was fixed, but it's mostly about clearspeed for me).

Do you have a Pastebin for the magma orb version? What supports did you use?

Otherwise I think you have a great build going on here: versatile and strong.

Hey, I vê been looking for my next build and this one is calling to me. Haven’t played CoC in a while and never did bladefall.

If I were to go for headhunter, would I need +54% cooldown? Cause of attackspeed buffs.

Also, is it safe for heisting? Mainly farming blueprints atm. It seems more than safe.

Cheers and thanks for sharing.
azamantes 님이 작성:
Do you have a Pastebin for the magma orb version? What supports did you use?

Otherwise I think you have a great build going on here: versatile and strong.

Don't really have a PoB for magma or PF build, you can just import it from my current CoC PF character if you want, but you'll also need to replace phys->fire conversion with anything else useful.
Vampz 님이 작성:
Hey, I vê been looking for my next build and this one is calling to me. Haven’t played CoC in a while and never did bladefall.

If I were to go for headhunter, would I need +54% cooldown? Cause of attackspeed buffs.

Also, is it safe for heisting? Mainly farming blueprints atm. It seems more than safe.

Cheers and thanks for sharing.

You can play with HH and any amount of %CDR, but you'll need to adjust your attack speed accordingly for every case so that attack time is slightly more than spell cooldown. I can't really tell you what you need to do for every case - you'll need to figure it out on your own. You can swap flasks, reroll speed mod value on weapon, spec in aspd nodes on the tree, use or remove blood rage, etc - anything works.

Build is very strong for heists, especially with HH, so there should be no issues with that. You have 9~11k ES + fortify + some other defenses + high ES recovery, I simply roll straight into packs of monsters without bothering to dodge mechanics.
mgarin 님이 작성:
Vampz 님이 작성:
Hey, I vê been looking for my next build and this one is calling to me. Haven’t played CoC in a while and never did bladefall.

If I were to go for headhunter, would I need +54% cooldown? Cause of attackspeed buffs.

Also, is it safe for heisting? Mainly farming blueprints atm. It seems more than safe.

Cheers and thanks for sharing.

You can play with HH and any amount of %CDR, but you'll need to adjust your attack speed accordingly for every case so that attack time is slightly more than spell cooldown. I can't really tell you what you need to do for every case - you'll need to figure it out on your own. You can swap flasks, reroll speed mod value on weapon, spec in aspd nodes on the tree, use or remove blood rage, etc - anything works.

Build is very strong for heists, especially with HH, so there should be no issues with that. You have 9~11k ES + fortify + some other defenses + high ES recovery, I simply roll straight into packs of monsters without bothering to dodge mechanics.

Thank you very much for the quick response.

I see you re using a similar build but with purifying flame, is it better in your opinion?

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